CSCI 4530/6530 - Spring 2012
Advanced Computer Graphics
  Contact Information
  Office Hours



  Assigned Readings

  Lecture notes
  Lab materials
  Test reviews

  Collaboration Policy
    CMake notes
    gcc/g++ notes
    GL/glut notes
    memory debugging
  Homework Late Policy
  Electronic Submission

Final Project
   Spring '12 Projects
   Spring '11 Projects
   Spring '10 Projects
   Spring '09 Projects
   Spring '08 Projects
   Spring '07 Projects

Academic Integrity


Apr 27 Approximate grades for HW3: 16&up = A, 13&up = B.
Approximate grades for HW4: 17&up = A, 14&up = B.
Apr 2 HW4 has been posted on the calendar.
Mar 28 Schedule change: Barb's office hours on Thursday the 29th are from 10am-1:30pm.
Mar 9 HW3 has been posted on the calendar.
Mar 8The quizzes have been graded and will be handed back in class on Friday. The average was 37, standard deviation 12. Approximate grades for Quiz 1: 43&up=A, 35&up=B, 30&up=C.
Feb 21 The deadline for HW2 has been extended to Monday Feb 27th at 11:59pm. Everyone must make a second (also graded) "progress post" on LMS by Thursday Feb 23rd at 11:59pm.
Feb 17 Approximate grades for HW1: 17&up=A, 14&up=B, 12&up=C.
Approximate grades for HW0: 4.5&up=A, 4&up=B, 3.5&up=C.
Feb 13A small change to cloth_render.cpp has been posted in version 2 ( of the files for homework 2. The original code crashed on Windows because of a vector out of bounds error when the force visualization is empty.
Feb 11 HW2 has been posted on the calendar.
Jan 31 The files for hw1 have been updated, (minor edits to hash.h and CMakeLists.txt only), so that the homework server (running FreeBSD) can successfully test compile your submission. Note that the submission instructions have also been updated. Please do not include any directory structure with your submission.
Jan 30 Tuesday February 7th is "Data Day" in EMPAC's Theater (the second-largest venue in EMPAC). Starting at 2pm, the space will be open to the Rensselaer research community to view their images, visualizations, animations, renderings, etc. in very large, high-res projection.
Jan 29 A bug (only affecting Windows) in hw1 related to scaling has been fixed. Version "v2" now on the webpage has a fix in boundingbox.h. Please download the new version.
Jan 27 HW1 has been posted on the calendar.
Jan 25 The CMakeCache.txt file was mistakenly included in the original .zip file for HW0. This file is auto-generated, and may mess up your build.
Jan 25 If you weren't auto-added by the registrar to the LMS site for this course, please email the instructor to be added.
Jan 24 HW0 has been posted on the calendar.
       Welcome to CSCI 4530/6530: Advanced Computer Graphics
The first day of class will be Tuesday January 23rd, see you there!