Code Developed in CSCI-1100

Lecture 1

Module: three_doubles — Finds three consecutive pairs of double letters

Find all words containing three consecutive pairs of double letters in a file of all English words located at:

Modules used: urllib

Author: Sibel Adali <>

Returns: All words matching condition and the count of found words

Pseudo Code:

open the file from the web with all the words in English
for each word in the file:
    for all positions l in the word
        if letters at positions (l and l+1) and (l+2 and l+3) and
        (l+4 and l+5) are the same then
            output word and increment the count


""" Find all words containing three consecutive pairs of double letters 
in a file of all English words located at:


**Modules used:**  :py:mod:`urllib` 

**Author**: Sibel Adali <>

**Returns:** All words matching condition and the count of found words

**Pseudo Code**::

   open the file from the web with all the words in English
   for each word in the file:
       for all positions l in the word
           if letters at positions (l and l+1) and (l+2 and l+3) and
           (l+4 and l+5) are the same then
               output word and increment the count


__version__ = '1'

import urllib

def three_double(word):
    """ Returns True if the word contains three consecutive pairs of
    double letters and False otherwise. 
    for l in range(len(word)-5):
        if word[l] == word[l+1] and \
           word[l+2]==word[l+3] and \
            return True
    return False

# Comments that fit in a single line can be put in this format.
# Anything after a single pound sign is ignored.
# Main body of the program starts here

word_url = ''
word_file = urllib.urlopen(word_url)

count = 0
for word in word_file:
    word = word.strip().strip('\n')
    if three_double(word):
        print word
        count = count + 1
if count == 0:
    print 'No words found'
    print count, 'words are found'

Lecture 2

Module: area_solid — Finds the area of solids

Returns the area of a rectangular solid by finding the area of all three of its surfaces. This module is used to illustrate the use of functions and how functions call other functions.

Example use of these functions:

>>> print area_solid(1,1,1)
>>> print area_solid(2,3,4)
>>> a = area_solid(1,1,1)
>>> print "Area is", a


area_solid.area_rectangle(length, width)[source]

Returns the area of a rectangle given length and width.

area_solid.area_solid(length, width, height)[source]

Returns the area of a rectangular solid given length, width and height by finding and adding the area of its six different rectangular surfaces.


Returns the area of a rectangular solid by finding the area of all three
of its surfaces. This module is used to illustrate the use of functions and
how functions call other functions.

Example use of these functions::

   >>> print area_solid(1,1,1)
   >>> print area_solid(2,3,4)
   >>> a = area_solid(1,1,1)
   >>> print "Area is", a


def area_rectangle( length, width):
    """Returns the area of a rectangle given length and width. """

    return length * width

def area_solid( length, width, height):
    """Returns the area of a rectangular solid given length, width and height
       by finding and adding the area of its six different rectangular surfaces.


    surface_area = 2*area_rectangle(length,width)
    surface_area += 2*area_rectangle(length,width)
    surface_area += 2*area_rectangle(width,height)
    return surface_area

Module: area_volume — Finds the area and volume of a cylinder

Prints the area and volume of a cylinder. This module is used to illustrate the use of functions and how some functions return values and how others return nothing.

Note that function area_and_volume does not return a value. As such it returns the special value None.

Example use of these functions:

>>> print area_circle(5)
>>> vc = volume_cylinder(5,10)
>>> print "Volume of cylinder is", vc
>>> area_and_volume(5,10)



Returns the area of a circle given the radius.

area_volume.area_cylinder(radius, height)[source]

Returns the surface area of a cylinder given radius and height.

area_volume.volume_cylinder(radius, height)[source]

Returns the volume of a cylinder given radius and height.

area_volume.area_and_volume(radius, height)[source]

Prints the area and volume of a cylinder given radius and height. The function returns nothing, i.e. None.


Prints the area and volume of a cylinder. This module is used to illustrate 
the use of functions and how some functions return values and how others 
return nothing. 

Note that function ``area_and_volume`` does not return a value. As such
it returns the special value ``None``.

Example use of these functions::

   >>> print area_circle(5)
   >>> vc = volume_cylinder(5,10)
   >>> print "Volume of cylinder is", vc
   >>> area_and_volume(5,10)


def area_circle(radius):
    """ Returns the area of a circle given the radius. """

    pi = 3.14159
    return pi * radius ** 2

def volume_cylinder(radius,height):
    """ Returns the volume of a cylinder given radius and height. """

    pi = 3.14159
    area = area_circle(radius)
    return area * height

def area_cylinder(radius,height):
    """ Returns the surface area of a cylinder given radius and height. """

    pi = 3.14159
    circle_area = area_circle(radius)
    height_area = 2 * radius * pi * height
    return 2*circle_area + height_area

def area_and_volume(radius, height):
    Prints the area and volume of a cylinder given radius and height.
    The function returns nothing, i.e. None.

    print "For a cylinder with radius", radius, "and height", height
    print "The surface area is ", area_cylinder(radius,height)
    print "The volume is ", volume_cylinder(radius, height)

Lecture 8

Module: gt_average — Finds the area and volume of a cylinder

This program finds all values greater than average, then returns the number of such values, and the median of these values.

Pseudo code:

List of co2_levels is given
Find average value in the list
Find the list of values greater than average, 
Put them in a list
Return the length of the list (number of such values)
Find the median and print



Given a list of values, returns the median value.


This program finds all values greater than average, 
then returns the number of such values, and the median of these values.

Pseudo code::

      List of co2_levels is given
      Find average value in the list
      Find the list of values greater than average, 
      Put them in a list
      Return the length of the list (number of such values)
      Find the median and print


def median(L):
     """Given a list of values, returns the median value. """

     vals = list(L) ## make a copy to make sure the original list is not changed

     numvalues = len(vals)
     medianindex = numvalues/2
     if numvalues%2 == 1:  ##Odd number of values
         return vals[medianindex]
     else: ## Even number of values, return the average of two middle values
         return sum(vals[medianindex-1:medianindex+1])/2.0

######## Main program starts here.

co2_levels = [ 320.03, 322.16, 328.07, 333.91, 341.47,\
               348.92, 357.29, 363.77, 371.51, 382.47, 392.95 ]

avg = float(sum(co2_levels))/len(co2_levels)

gtavg = []

for value in co2_levels:
    if value > avg:
print "average is", avg
print "Values greater than average", gtavg
print "%d values greater than average" %(len(gtavg))

medianval = median(gtavg)

print "Median value", medianval

Lecture 9

Module: agebmi — Finds the risk factors based on age-bmi

This program illustrates the use of IF statements with the age, bmi calculation from the course notes. It shows three different ways you can construct the four conditions. The first one is hard to read. The last one is the most concise.


""" This program illustrates the use of IF statements with the
age, bmi calculation from the course notes. It shows three different
ways you can construct the four conditions. The first one is hard 
to read. The last one is the most concise. """

def print_bmi(age, bmi):
    if age <= 45 and bmi < 22:
        print "low"
    elif age > 45 and bmi < 22:
        print "medium"
    elif age <= 45:
        print "medium"
        print "high"

def print_bmi2(age, bmi):
    if bmi < 22:
        if age <= 45:
            print "low" ##bmi<22 and age <= 45
            print "medium" ##bmi<22 and age > 45
    else: ## bmi >= 22
        if age <= 45:
            print "medium" ##bmi >= 22 and age <= 45
            print "high" 

def print_bmi3(age, bmi):
    if bmi <22 and age <= 45:
        print "low"
    elif bmi >= 22 and age > 45:
        print "high"
        print "medium"

test_values = [[45,21], [50, 21], [45, 22], [50, 22]]

for val in test_values:
    print val
    print "Test 1:", 
    print_bmi(val[0], val[1])
    print "Test 2:", 
    print_bmi2(val[0], val[1])
    print "Test 3:",
    print_bmi3(val[0], val[1])

Module: thankyoucard — Prints thank you cards for a list of people

This example illustrates the use of lists that contain other lists. It takes a list of gifts and the senders, and constructs “personalized” greeting cards for each gift giver.


"""This example illustrates the use of lists that contain other lists.
It takes a list of gifts and the senders, and constructs "personalized"
greeting cards for each gift giver.


def print_thankyou(gifts):
    for gift in gifts:
        print "Dear %s," %gift[0] 
        print "Thank you for the wonderful %s." %gift[1],
        print "It is very nice of you to think of me."
        print "The classes are getting harder, but I am keeping up with it."
        print "Hope to see you for the holiday."
        print "With love,"
        print "John Cleese"

gifts = [["Uncle John", "iphone"], \
         ["Aunt Marie", "snowboard"], \
         ["Grandma", "spaceship"]]


Lecture 10

Module: rectangle_overlap — Checks if two rectangles overlap

This program checks whether two rectangles with coordinates given in lists overlap or not. Instead of checking for overlap, it checks when they do not overlap first and returns false if this so. If those checks fail, then it returns true.


rectangle_overlap.rectangle_overlap(A, B)[source]

Assumes A, B are lists of the form [x1,y1,x2,y2] and checks if they are not overlapping, and returns false if so. Otherwise it returns true.

A rectangle A=[x1,y1,x2,y2] has its lower left corner at (x1,y1) and upper right corner at (x2,y2).


"""This program checks whether two rectangles with coordinates given
in lists overlap or not. Instead of checking for overlap, it checks
when they do not overlap first and returns false if this so. If those
checks fail, then it returns true. 


def rectangle_overlap(A, B):
    """ Assumes A, B are lists of the form
    [x1,y1,x2,y2] and checks if they are not
    overlapping, and returns false if so. Otherwise
    it returns true.
    A rectangle A=[x1,y1,x2,y2] has its lower left corner
    at (x1,y1) and upper right corner at (x2,y2).
    if (B[2] < A[0]) or (B[0]>A[2]): ##B.x2 < A.x1 or B.x1 > A.x2
        return False
    elif (B[3]<A[1] or B[1]>A[3]): ## B.y2 < A.y1 or B.y1 > A.y2
        return False
    return True
A = [0,0,10,10]
B = [0,5,5,12]
if rectangle_overlap(A,B):
    print "Rectangles", A,B, "overlap"
    print "Rectangles", A,B, "do not overlap."

Module: print_parallel_lists — Prints from two parallel lists

This program illustrates how to print values from two parallel lists by using indexing and for loops.


""" This program illustrates how to print values from two parallel lists 
by using indexing and for loops.


myvals = [ 2,3,4,5,7 ]
labels = ['monday','tuesday','wednesday','thursday','friday']

print myvals 

for i in range(5):
    val = myvals[i]
    label = labels[i].capitalize() 
    label = label + " "*(10-len(label)) ##make the label 10 characters long 
    print "%s:\t%d" %(label, val)

Module: three_doubles_loopexample — Checks if two rectangles overlap

Checks if a given word has three consecutive double letters. This program is used to understand how indexing and looping works.

Note also how the program exists with a return as soon as the if statement is satisfied. If the loop exits, then it means no match found. In this case, the program returns false.


"""Checks if a given word has three consecutive double letters. 
This program is used to understand how indexing and looping works.

Note also how the program exists with a return as soon as the if
statement is satisfied. If the loop exits, then it means no match
found. In this case, the program returns false.


def three_double(s):
    print "Searching in", s
    for i in range(0, len(s)-5):
        p11 = s[i]
        p12 = s[i+1]
        p21 = s[i+2]
        p22 = s[i+3]
        p31 = s[i+4]
        p32 = s[i+5]
        print "=> (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s)" %(p11, p12, p21, p22, p31, p32)
        if p11==p12 and p21==p22 and p31==p32:
            return True
    return False

print three_double("bookkeeper")

print three_double("transmogrifier")

Lecture 11

Module: rgb2gray — Converts an input image to grayscale

Module for converting an image to gray value. Call this module by:

im = convert_to_gray(filename)

which will return a new image by converting all the pixes in the input file to gray scale.



Convert the image to a 2x2 array of pixels. Then read each pixel, convert its color to gray scale and copy to the pixel array of the output image. Return the resulting image.


"""Module for converting an image to gray value. Call this module by:

   im = convert_to_gray(filename)
   which will return a new image by converting all the pixes in the input file to gray scale.


import Image

def convert_to_gray(filename):
    """Convert the image to a 2x2 array of pixels. Then read each
    pixel, convert its color to gray scale and copy to the pixel array
    of the output image. Return the resulting image.
    im =
    w,h = im.size

    pics = im.load()

    im_copy ="RGB", (w,h))
    pics_copy = im_copy.load()

    for i in range(0,w-1):
        for j in range(0,h-1):
            color = pics[i,j]
            gray_val = (color[0]+color[1]+color[2])/3
            pics_copy[i,j] = (gray_val, gray_val, gray_val)
    return im_copy

Module: edge_detection — Converts an input image to grayscale

This program executes edge detection by finding the difference in color value between a pixel and the average of the eight surrounding pixels. For example, given pixel at location [i,j], the neighbors are at locations:

[i-1,j-1], [i-1,j], [i-1,j+1], [i,j-1], [i,j+1], [i+1,j-1], [i+1,j], [i+1, j+]

Note that pixels are stored in a special datatype that requires indexing as above.

A pixel is a three tuple of red, green, blue values.


edge_detection.diff_color(colorList, curcolor)[source]

Finds the difference between the average value of the pixels in a list of colors and a given color. It then converts the value to gray scale by taking the average of the pixel values and returns a color in gray scale. Gray scale colors have the same value for the red, green and blue channels.

Note: By subtracting a color from 256, we change from black to white.


"""This program executes edge detection by finding the difference 
in color value between a pixel and the average of the eight surrounding 
pixels. For example, given pixel at location [i,j], the neighbors are
at locations:

[i-1,j-1], [i-1,j], [i-1,j+1], [i,j-1], [i,j+1],
[i+1,j-1], [i+1,j], [i+1, j+]

Note that pixels are stored in a special datatype that requires indexing 
as above.

A pixel is a three tuple of red, green, blue values.


import Image

def diff_color(colorList, curcolor):
    """Finds the difference between the average value of the pixels 
    in a list of colors and a given color. It then converts the value
    to gray scale by taking the average of the pixel values and returns
    a color in gray scale. Gray scale colors have the same value for the
    red, green and blue channels.

    Note: By subtracting a color from 256, we change from black to white.


    avg = [0,0,0]
    (r,g,b) = curcolor
    for item in colorList:
        avg[0] += item[0]
        avg[1] += item[1]
        avg[2] += item[2]
    avg[0] /= len(colorList)
    avg[1] /= len(colorList)
    avg[2] /= len(colorList)
    grayval = (256 -abs(avg[0]-r) +\
               256 - abs(avg[1]-g) +\
               256 - abs(avg[2]-b))/3
    return (grayval, grayval, grayval)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    im ="bolt.jpg")
    (w,h) = im.size
    newim ="RGB",(w,h),"white")
    pix = im.load()
    newpix = newim.load()
    for i in range(1,w-1):
        for j in range(1,h-1):
            colorlist = [ pix[i-1,j-1], \
                          pix[i+1, j+1] ]
            newcolor = diff_color(colorlist, pix[i,j])
            newpix[i,j] = newcolor

Lecture 12

Module: first_negative — Returns the index of the first negative value

This module contains a function to illustrate the use of while loops.



Given a list of values, finds and returns the index of the first negative value in the list. If the list does not contain any negative values, it returns -1.

Note that the use of negative values when the value is “not found” is not a good idea. A better value would be to return None.

Good test cases are listed below:

>>> print 'first negative in [1,2,-1] is at index', firstnegative([1,2,-1])
first negative in [1,2,-1] is at index 2
>>> print 'first negative in [-1,2,-1] is at index', firstnegative([-1,2,-1])
first negative in [-1,2,-1] is at index 0
>>> print 'first negative in [1,2,1] is at index', firstnegative([1,2,1])
first negative in [1,2,1] is at index -1


"""This module contains a function to illustrate the use of 
while loops. 


def firstnegative(L):
    """ Given a list of values, finds and returns the index of the first 
    negative value in the list. If the list does not contain any 
    negative values, it returns -1.

    Note that the use of negative values when the value is 
    "not found" is not a good idea. A better value would be to return

    Good test cases are listed below::

     >>> print 'first negative in [1,2,-1] is at index', firstnegative([1,2,-1])
     first negative in [1,2,-1] is at index 2
     >>> print 'first negative in [-1,2,-1] is at index', firstnegative([-1,2,-1])
     first negative in [-1,2,-1] is at index 0
     >>> print 'first negative in [1,2,1] is at index', firstnegative([1,2,1])
     first negative in [1,2,1] is at index -1


    i = 0
    while (i < len(L)):
        val = L[i]
        if val < 0:
            return i
        i += 1
    return -1

Module: read_valid_input — Returns a valid integer from user

This code illustrates the reading of valid integer input using a while loop and a break until a correct input is entered.

User either enters the correct input or the system assumes 0 is entered after three attempts.



This function reads an input from the user, and if it is not a valid integer, continues to prompt and ask for more. However, after three unsuccessful attempts, it assumes 0 is entered.


"""This code illustrates the reading of valid integer input
using a while loop and a break until a correct input is entered.

User either enters the correct input or the system assumes 0
is entered after three attempts.


def read_input():
    """This function reads an input from the user, and if it is 
    not a valid integer, continues to prompt and ask for more.
    However, after three unsuccessful attempts, it assumes 0 is entered.


    attempts = 0
    num = raw_input("Enter a number ==> ")
    while (True):  ###the number is not a digit
        ## keep asking for a new value
        attempts += 1
        if attempts >= 3:
            num = '0'
            print 'I assume you entered 0'
        if num.is_digit():
        print "You did not enter a number"
        print "I wish you tried harder"
        num = raw_input("Enter a number ==> ")
    num = int(num)
    return num

Lecture 15-16

Module: house_dictionary — Illustrates use of dictionaries for house info

Example module for storing complex information in a dictionary, for example various information about houses. Keys are various attribute of houses, and the value is the value for a specific house.


"""Example module for storing complex information in a 
dictionary, for example various information about houses.
Keys are various attribute of houses, and the value is
the value for a specific house.


if __name__ == "__main__":

    house1 = {'bedrooms':3, 'bathrooms':2.5, 'price': 300000,\
            'squarefeet':2000, 'street':'110 8th Street',\
            'state': 'NY', 'city': 'Troy', 'zip': 12180, \
            'past_sale_info': [ (2010, 280000), (2000, 250000)] }

    house2 = {'bedrooms':3, 'bathrooms':2, 'price': 250000,\
              'squarefeet':1800, 'street':'112 8th Street',\
              'state': 'NY', 'city': 'Troy', 'zip': 12180, \
              'past_sale_info': [] }

    houses = [ house1, house2 ]
    for i in range(len(houses)):
        house = houses[i]
        print "House %d:" %(i+1)
        print "%s bdr %.1f bath $%d %d sqrtft" \
              %(house['bedrooms'], house['bathrooms'],\
                house['price'], house['squarefeet'])
        if len( house['past_sale_info'] ) >0:
            print "Past sale info:"
            for (year, price) in sorted(house['past_sale_info']):
                print "\t%d: $%d" %(year, price)

Module: dictionary_reverse — Illustrates reversing the key for a dictionary

Example program that takes a dictionary

people as keys, and set of hobbies as values

and creates a reverse dictionary

hobbies as keys, and set of people as values.


"""Example program that takes a dictionary 

      people as keys, and set of hobbies as values

   and creates a reverse dictionary 

      hobbies as keys, and set of people as values.

if __name__ == "__main__":

    people = {'Vector': set(['Hiking','Cooking']), \
              'Edith': set(['Hiking', 'Board Games']) }

    ### Create a reverse dictionary, from hobbies to people

    hobbies = {}

    for key in people.keys():
        for value in people[key]:
            if value not in hobbies.keys():
                hobbies[value] = set() 
                ##if we do not create the key the first time, 
                #we will get an error.
    print "Reverse dictionary"
    for key in hobbies.keys():
        print key, hobbies[key]

Module: degree1_actors — Computes degree 1 of a given actor

This program illustrates the use of two mirror dictionaries to find actors in degree 1 of a given actor: actors that are in a movie with a given actor.

  • Dictionary actors: key: actor name, value: set of (movie, year) for the actor
  • Dictionary movies: key: movie name, value: set of actors in the movie

Given an actor name (assuming entered correctly):

  1. Find all the movies for the input actor
  2. Then, find the set of all the actors in all these movies (these are the degree 1 actors of the given actor)
  3. Continues to ask for a new actor name until user enters -1

Try this program with actors:

Bacon, Kevin Neeson, Liam

Can you find actors with a large degree 1?

Can you compute higher degrees for the input actor?


"""This program illustrates the use of two mirror dictionaries to find
actors in degree 1 of a given actor: actors that are in a movie with a
given actor.

*  Dictionary actors: key: actor name, value: set of (movie, year) for the actor

*  Dictionary movies: key: movie name, value: set of actors in the movie

Given an actor name (assuming entered correctly):

#. Find all the movies for the input actor
#. Then, find the set of all the actors in all these movies (these are the degree 1 actors of the given actor)
#. Continues to ask for a new actor name until user enters -1

Try this program with actors:

Bacon, Kevin
Neeson, Liam

Can you find actors with a large degree 1?

Can you compute higher degrees for the input actor?


if __name__ == "__main__":
    ##read the dictionary of actors from file
    ##actor key, set of (movie,year) as values
    actors = {}
    all_actors = set()
    for line in open("imdb_data.txt"):
        m = line.strip().split("|")
        for i in range(len(m)):
            m[i] = m[i].strip()
        actor = m[0]
        movie = m[1]
        year = int(m[2])

        if actor not in all_actors:
            all_actors.add ( actor)
            actors[actor] = set()
        actors[actor].add( (movie,year) )
    ## compute the dictionary of movies 
    ## movie key, set of actors as values
    movies = {}
    all_movies = set()
    for actor in actors.keys():
        for (movie, year) in actors[actor]:
            if movie not in all_movies:
                movies[movie] = set()
                all_movies.add ( movie )
            movies[movie].add( actor )
    while (True):
        name = raw_input("Enter an actor name (lastname, firstname) and (-1 to end) ==> ")
        if name == '-1':
        elif name in actors.keys():
            degree1_actors = set()
            for (movie,year) in actors[name]:
                degree1_actors = degree1_actors | movies[movie] 
            print "Degree 1 actors:"
            degree1_actors = sorted(list(degree1_actors))
            for i in range(len(degree1_actors)):
                print "%d. %s" %(i+1, degree1_actors[i])
            print "This actor is not found"

Lecture 17-18

Class: Point2d — Illustrates use of classes for 2d points

Class example for storing 2d objects, with x and y as member values.


Point2d.__init__(x, y)[source]

Create a new point object given x,y values.


Adds two points and return the resulting point. Can call as:

p1 + p2

Subtracts one point from another and returns the resulting point. Can call as:

p1 - p2

Example of a function that does not change the object, but returns something, a string representation of the object:

print p1
print str(p1)

Example of a function that changes the object, but does not return anything.


Example of a function that changes the object, but does not return anything.


Example of a function that changes the object, but does not return anything.


Example of a function that changes the object, but does not return anything.


Returns the Euclidian distance between two points.


Returns the Manhattan distance between two points.


Returns the Haversine distance in miles between two points representing latitude for x and longitude for y. See also


""" Class example for storing 2d objects, with x and y
    as member values.

import math

class Point2d(object):
    def __init__ (self, x, y):
        """Create a new point object given x,y values. """

        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.d = math.sqrt(self.x**2+self.y**2)

    def move_left(self, disp):
        """Example of a function that changes the object,
        but does not return anything.
        self.x -= disp

    def move_right(self, disp):
        """Example of a function that changes the object,
        but does not return anything.
        self.x += disp

    def move_up(self, disp):
        """Example of a function that changes the object,
        but does not return anything.
        self.y += disp

    def move_down(self, disp):
        """Example of a function that changes the object,
        but does not return anything.
        self.y -= disp

    def __str__(self):
        """Example of a function that does not change the object,
        but returns something, a string representation of the object::

            print p1
            print str(p1)
        return str(self.x) + "," + str(self.y)

    def __add__(self, other):
        """Adds two points and return the resulting point. 
        Can call as::
            p1 + p2
        newp = Point2d(self.x, self.y)
        newp.x += other.x
        newp.y += other.y
        return newp
    def __sub__(self, other):
        """Subtracts one point from another and returns the resulting
        point. Can call as::
            p1 - p2
        newp = Point2d(self.x, self.y)
        newp.x -= other.x
        newp.y -= other.y
        return newp
    def dist(self, other):
        """Returns the Euclidian distance between two points. """
        d = math.sqrt( (self.x-other.x)**2 + \
                       (self.y-other.y)**2 )
        return d
    def manhattan(self, other):
        """Returns the Manhattan distance between two points. """
        d = abs(self.x-other.x) + abs(self.y-other.y)
        return d

    def haversine(self, other):
        """Returns the Haversine distance in miles between 
        two points representing latitude for x and longitude for y.
        See also



        lat1 = self.x * (math.pi / 180.0)
        long1 = self.y * (math.pi / 180.0)
        lat2 = other.x * (math.pi / 180.0)
        long2  = other.y * (math.pi / 180.0)

        dlat = (lat1-lat2)
        dlong = (long1-long2)
        a = math.sin(dlat/2)**2 + \
            math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.sin(dlong/2)**2
        c = 2*math.atan2( math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1-a) )
        R = 6371 / 1.609
        return R*c

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ##Test code for the Point2d class
    p1 = Point2d(10,20)
    p2 = Point2d(30,40)
    print "p1:", p1
    print "p2:", p2
    print "p1 after moving left by 5:", p1
    print "p1+p2:", p1+p2
    print "p1-p2:", p1-p2
    print "Euclidian distance", p1.dist(p2)
    print "Manhattan distance", p1.manhattan(p2)

Class: Time — Illustrates use of classes for storing Time

Class for storing time related information. Even though it is initialized with hour, minute and second information, it keeps time in seconds as a member value.


Time.__init__(h, m, s)[source]

Subtract two times from each other and return a new time object.



Class for storing time related information. Even though it 
is initialized with hour, minute and second information, 
it keeps time in seconds as a member value.

class Time(object):
    def __init__(self, h, m, s):
        self.seconds = s + m*60 + h*60*60

    def convert(self):
        """Return the hour, minute and second corresponding to the time value of the object. 
        h = self.seconds/(3600)
        m = (self.seconds - h*3600)/60
        s = self.seconds - h*3600 - m*60
        return (h,m,s)
    def __sub__(self, other):
        """Subtract two times from each other and return
        a new time object.
        (h,m,s) = self.convert()
        newt = Time(h,m,s)
        newt.seconds -= other.seconds
        if newt.seconds < 0 :
            newt.seconds = 0
        return newt
    def timestr(self,val):
        if val < 10:
            return "0" + str(val)
            return str(val)
    def __str__(self):
        (h,m,s) = self.convert()
        return '%s:%s:%s' %(self.timestr(h),\
if __name__ == "__main__":
    ##Code to test the class
    p1 = Time(10, 3, 4)
    p2 = Time(12, 10, 3)
    print "p1:", p1
    print "p2:", p2
    print "p1-p2:", p1 - p2
    print "p2-p1:", p2 - p1

Class: Hodor — Hodor

A class for the Game of Thrones fans. It really does not do anything useful or provide a useful educational experience.


"""A class for the Game of Thrones fans. It really does not
do anything useful or provide a useful educational experience.


class Hodor(object):
    def __init__ (self):
        self.word = 'Hodor'

    def hodor (self):
        self.word = self.word + ' Hodor'

    def __str__ (self):
        return self.word

if __name__ == "__main__":
    h = Hodor()
    print str(h)
    print str(h)

Class: Business — Business

Class example for storing complex object for storing both information and supporting methods that are specific to this object. It illustrates the use of another class (Point2d) and its methods.

A business is populated with information from Yelp for businessses near RPI. An example use is given below.


Business.__init__(name, address, latitude, longitude, reviews)[source]

Create a new business object.

  • name string
  • self.latitude, self.longitude: floats for business location
  • a list of lists of type [stars:string, text:string] (number of stars the review gave and text of the review.

Print basic business info.


Return the Haversine distance to RPI Union.


Prints a string containing the top 2 and bottom 2 reviews for this business, based on the number of stars.


""" Class example for storing complex object for storing both information
    and supporting methods that are specific to this object. It illustrates
    the use of another class (Point2d) and its methods.

    A business is populated with information from Yelp for businessses near
    RPI. An example use is given below.


import Point2d
import simplejson
import textwrap

class Business(object):
    def __init__ ( self, name, address, latitude, longitude, reviews):
        """Create a new business object.

        * name string
        *  self.latitude, self.longitude: floats for business location
        * a list of lists of type [stars:string, text:string]
           (number of stars the review gave and text of the review.

 = name
        self.address = address
        self.location = Point2d.Point2d(latitude, longitude) = reviews
    def __str__(self):
        """ Print basic business info. """

        return "%s (%s) " %(,\
                            self.address.replace("\n", ", "))
    def distance_to_rpi(self):
        """ Return the Haversine distance to RPI Union. """

        rpi = Point2d.Point2d(42.73, -73.68)
        return self.location.haversine(rpi)
    def print_best_reviews(self):
        """ Prints a string containing the top 2 and bottom 2 reviews 
        for this business, based on the number of stars.


        outline =  "*"*60 + "\n"
        for [stars,text] in ([:2] +[-2:]):
            for line in textwrap.wrap(text[:200]+"..." + "(%s stars)" %stars, 60):
                outline += line + "\n"
            outline += "*"*60 + "\n"
        return outline
if __name__ == "__main__":

    reviews = {}
    ##key: business id, value: list of reviews: [stars, text]
    for line in open("reviews.json"):
        m = simplejson.loads(line)
        review = [ m['stars'], m['text'] ]
        bid = m['business_id']
        if bid not in reviews.keys():
            reviews[bid] = []
        reviews[bid].append( review )
    i = 0
    blist = {}
    for line in open("businesses.json"):
        m = simplejson.loads(line)
        bid = m['business_id']
        b = Business( m['name'], \
                      m['full_address'], \
        blist[bid] = b
        i += 1
        if i > 10:
    bid_list = blist.keys()
    while (True):
        for i in range(len(bid_list)):
            bid = bid_list[i]
            print "%d. %s" %(i+1, blist[bid])
        choice = raw_input("Enter an index (-1 to exit) ==> ")
        if choice == '-1':
        if choice.isdigit() and 1<= int(choice) <= len(bid_list):
            choice = int(choice)
            bid = bid_list[choice-1]
            business = blist[bid]

Lecture 19

Module: smallest_two — Finds the index of smallest two values in a list

This module contains four functions for finding the index of the two smallest values in a list of numbers. The functions do not handle the following extra cases:

  • Lists with something other than numbers. The functions may work, but uses the default ordering for these objects in Python.
  • Lists with no values or a single value. The functions will fail in this case.

The main code tests the performance of the functions using the time module from Python. To be able to see the difference between the different solutions, very large lists are required.


Algorithm for finding the index of the two smallest values in the input list:

  1. i0: smallest value, i1: second smallest value
  2. initialize i0,i1 to 0, 1 in correct order
  3. go through the indices of the rest of the list one by one
  4. first check against the second smallest, and then the smallest, switch values as appropriate

Algorithm for finding the index of the two smallest values in the input list:

  1. i0: smallest value, i1: second smallest value
  2. initialize i0,i1 to 0, 1 in correct order
  3. go through the indices of the rest of the list one by one
  4. first check against the smallest, and then the second smallest, switch values as appropriate

Algorithm for finding the index of the two smallest values in the input list:

  1. make a copy of the list and sort
  2. find the two smallest values
  3. find their indices using :func:list.index:.
  4. if the two smallest values are the same, the index of the second smallest must come after the index of the smallest.

Algorithm for finding the index of the two smallest values in the input list:

  1. find the min value, and then find the index of the min value
  2. make a copy of the list, remove the smallest value (this will remove the smallest value that is found first in the list hence will match the index.)
  3. find the next smallest value and its index.


"""This module contains four functions for finding the index of the
two smallest values in a list of numbers. The functions do not handle
the following extra cases:

*  Lists with something other than numbers. The functions may work, 
   but uses the default ordering for these objects in Python.

*  Lists with no values or a single value. The functions will fail
   in this case.

The main code tests the performance of the functions using the time
module from Python. To be able to see the difference between the 
different solutions, very large lists are required.


import time
import random

def smallest_two1(l):
    """Algorithm for finding the index of the two smallest values 
    in the input list:

    #.  i0: smallest value, i1: second smallest value
    #.  initialize i0,i1 to 0, 1 in correct order
    #.  go through the indices of the rest of the list one by one
    #.  first check against the **second smallest**, and then the **smallest**,
        switch values as appropriate


    if l[0] <= l[1]:
        i0,i1 = 0,1
        i0,i1 = 1,0
    for i in range(2,len(l)):
        if l[i] <= l[i1]:
            if l[i] <= l[i0]:
                i1 = i0
                i0 = i
                i1 = i
    return (i0,i1)

def smallest_two2(l):
    """Algorithm for finding the index of the two smallest values 
    in the input list:

    #.  i0: smallest value, i1: second smallest value
    #.  initialize i0,i1 to 0, 1 in correct order
    #.  go through the indices of the rest of the list one by one
    #.  first check against the **smallest**, and then the **second smallest**,
        switch values as appropriate


    if l[0] <= l[1]:
        i0,i1 = 0,1
        i0,i1 = 1,0
    for i in range(2,len(l)):
        if l[i] <= l[i0]:
            i1 = i0
            i0 = i
        elif l[i] <= l[i1]:
            i1 = i
    return (i0,i1)

def smallest_two3(l):
    """Algorithm for finding the index of the two smallest values 
    in the input list:

    #.  make a copy of the list and sort
    #.  find the two smallest values
    #.  find their indices using :func:list.index:. 
    #.  if the two smallest values are the same, the index
        of the second smallest must come after the index of the smallest.


    lcopy = l[:]
    v0 = lcopy[0]
    v1 = lcopy[1]
    i0 = l.index ( v0 )
    if v0 != v1:
        i1 = l.index ( v1 )
        i1 = l.index ( v1, i0+1)
    return (i0, i1)

def smallest_two4(l):
    """Algorithm for finding the index of the two smallest values 
    in the input list:

    #.  find the min value, and then find the index of the min value
    #.  make a copy of the list, remove the smallest value (this will 
        remove the smallest value that is found first in the list hence
        will match the index.)
    #.  find the next smallest value and its index.


    v0 = min(l)
    i0 = l.index ( v0 )
    lcopy = l[:]
    v1 = min(lcopy)
    if v0 != v1:
        i1 = l.index ( v1 )
        i1 = l.index ( v1, i0+1 ) 
    return (i0, i1)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    ##Test cases, two LONG lists in random order.
    l = range(2000000)
    l2 = range(2000000)

    print "Running version 1 of the smallest two function"
    t0 = time.time()
    (i0,i1) = smallest_two1(l)
    (i0,i1) = smallest_two1(l2)    
    t1 = time.time()
    print "It took %.3f seconds"  %((t1 - t0)/2.0)
    print "Running version 2 of the smallest two function"
    t0 = time.time()
    (i0,i1) = smallest_two2(l)
    (i0,i1) = smallest_two2(l2)    
    t1 = time.time()
    print "It took %.3f seconds"  %((t1 - t0)/2.0)
    print "Running version 3 of the smallest two function"
    t0 = time.time()
    (i0,i1) = smallest_two3(l)
    (i0,i1) = smallest_two3(l2)    
    t1 = time.time()
    print "It took %.3f seconds"  %((t1 - t0)/2.0)
    print "Running version 4 of the smallest two function"
    t0 = time.time()
    (i0,i1) = smallest_two4(l)
    (i0,i1) = smallest_two4(l2)    
    t1 = time.time()
    print "It took %.3f seconds"  %((t1 - t0)/2.0)    

Module: smallest_two_test — Nose test module for the :mod:smallest_two: module

Module for testing the smallest two module using the :mod:nose test module. Currently, it only includes test cases for two of the functions.


"""Module for testing the smallest two module using the :mod:nose test
module. Currently, it only includes test cases for two of the functions. 


import nose
from smallest_two import *

def test1():
    (i0, i1) = smallest_two1([1,2,3,4])
    assert i0==0 and i1==1

def test2():
    (i0, i1) = smallest_two1([1,1,3,4])
    assert i0==0 and i1==1    
def test3():
    (i0, i1) = smallest_two1([4,2,1,3])
    assert i0==2 and i1==1
def test4():
    (i0,i1) = smallest_two1([2,4,3,1])
    assert i0==3 and i1==0

def test5():
    (i0, i1) = smallest_two4([1,2,3,4])
    assert i0==0 and i1==1

def test6():
    (i0, i1) = smallest_two4([1,1,3,4])
    assert i0==0 and i1==1    
def test7():
    (i0, i1) = smallest_two4([4,2,1,3])
    assert i0==2 and i1==1
def test8():
    (i0,i1) = smallest_two4([2,4,3,1])
    assert i0==3 and i1==0

if __name__ == "__main__":

Lecture 20

Module: sort — Sorting

Illustrates the different sort functions and computes their cost.

  1. Insertion sort (O(n^2))

  2. Selection sort (O(n^2))

  3. Merge sort (O(nlogn)) [recursive and iterative versions]

  4. Internal sort, used when calling x.sort() (O(nlong n)

    Note:Internal sort is compiled C++ code and does not create a copy of the list to be sorted. Hence, despite having the same complexity as merge sort, it is much faster.


Insertion sort algorithm:

For each location i in list l:
   Shift all elements in l[:i] greater than l[i] to right
   opening a location for l[i] in the list
   Insert l[i] to the opened location (pointed by j+1)

Selection sort algorithm:

For each location i in the list l:
   Find the minimum element in l[i:]
   Swap ith location with the min element
sort.merge(l1, l2)[source]

Subfunction used for merge sort.

Merge two sorted lists into a single sorted list by 
continuously popping the smallest element.

When while loop ends, at least one list is empty. The other
list is appended to the end of the merged list.

Recursive merge sort

If the list has more than one element:
   Recursively sort the two halves of the list (l1= l[:mid], l2=l[mid:])
   Merge the sorted versions of l1 and l2 and return
Else (list has already one or zero elements)
   Return the list, it is already sorted by definition

Merge sort iteratively

Create a list of lists by placing each element in list l into a list 
( lmerge = [ [1], [4], [3], [2] ] )

While there are more than 1 sublists in lmerge:
   For each pair of lists l1, l2 in lmerge 
      Merge l1,l2 and append it to a new list, lmerge2
   Replace lmerge with lmerge2
Return the single remaining element (sorted list) in the lmerge


"""Illustrates the different sort functions and computes their

  #. Insertion sort (O(n^2))
  #. Selection sort (O(n^2))
  #. Merge sort (O(nlogn)) [recursive and iterative versions]
  #. Internal sort, used when calling  x.sort() (O(nlong n)
     Note:Internal sort is compiled C++ code and does not create a 
     copy of the list to be sorted. Hence, despite having the same
     complexity as merge sort, it is much faster.


import random
import time

def sel_sort(l):
    """Selection sort algorithm:
        For each location i in the list l:
           Find the minimum element in l[i:]
           Swap ith location with the min element
    for i in range(len(l)-1):
        cur_min = l[i]
        min_idx = i
        for j in range(i+1,len(l)):
            if l[j] <= cur_min:
                cur_min = l[j]
                min_idx = j
        l[i], l[min_idx] = l[min_idx], l[i]

def ins_sort(l):
    """Insertion sort algorithm:
       For each location i in list l:
          Shift all elements in l[:i] greater than l[i] to right
          opening a location for l[i] in the list
          Insert l[i] to the opened location (pointed by j+1)
    for i in range(1, len(l)):
        x = l[i]
        j = i-1
        while (j >= 0) and (l[j]>x):
            j -= 1
        l[j+1] = x

    return l        

def merge(l1, l2):
    """Subfunction used for merge sort. 

        Merge two sorted lists into a single sorted list by 
        continuously popping the smallest element.
        When while loop ends, at least one list is empty. The other
        list is appended to the end of the merged list.
    l = []
    while (len(l1) > 0 and len(l2)>0):
        if l1[0] < l2[0]:
            l.append( l1.pop(0) )
            l.append( l2.pop(0) )
    if len(l1) > 0:
    elif len(l2) > 0:
    return l

def merge_sort_rec(l):
    """Recursive merge sort


        If the list has more than one element:
           Recursively sort the two halves of the list (l1= l[:mid], l2=l[mid:])
           Merge the sorted versions of l1 and l2 and return
        Else (list has already one or zero elements)
           Return the list, it is already sorted by definition
    if len(l) <= 1:
        return l
        mid = len(l)/2
        l1 = l[:mid]
        l2 = l[mid:]
        l1new = merge_sort_rec(l1)
        l2new = merge_sort_rec(l2)
        return merge( l1new, l2new )
def merge_sort_it(l):
    """Merge sort iteratively

        Create a list of lists by placing each element in list l into a list 
        ( lmerge = [ [1], [4], [3], [2] ] )
        While there are more than 1 sublists in lmerge:
           For each pair of lists l1, l2 in lmerge 
              Merge l1,l2 and append it to a new list, lmerge2
           Replace lmerge with lmerge2
        Return the single remaining element (sorted list) in the lmerge
    lmerge = []
    for item in l:
        lmerge.append( [item] )
    lmerge2 = []
    while len(lmerge) > 1:
        for i in range(0,len(lmerge)-1,2):
            ltmp = merge( lmerge[i], lmerge[i+1] )
            lmerge2.append( ltmp )
        if len(lmerge)%2 == 1:
            lmerge2.append( lmerge[-1] )
        lmerge = lmerge2
        lmerge2 = []
    return lmerge[0]

def time_func(f, l):
    """This is used for timing the input function on a given list
    and print the timing.
    start = time.time()
    end = time.time()
    print "Function %s, total: %.4f" %(f.__name__, end-start)
if __name__=="__main__":

    x = range(5000)
    random.shuffle(x)  ##shuffle the list to create an unsorted list
    x1 = x[:]  ##we are creating copies for ins_sort and sel_sort as these do not return a new list
    x2 = x[:]
    time_func(ins_sort, x1)  ##n squared
    time_func(sel_sort, x2)  ##n squared
    time_func(merge_sort_rec, x)  ##n * log n
    time_func(merge_sort_it, x) ## n * log n 
    time_func(list.sort, x) ##internal sort, n * log n

Lecture 21

Module: sierpinski — Recursive fractal drawing

This modules draws the Sierpinks triangles up to a given depth using the Tkinter module. It illustrates the use of recursion in drawing self-similar patterns in smaller and smaller regions of the larger triangle.


sierpinski.sierpinski(chart_1, lowleft, top, lowright, level, maxlevel)[source]

Recursive function to draw Sierpinski triangles in chart_1 within coordinates: lowleft, top, lowright.

At each call, the call level is increased. The function ends when maxlevel is reached.


"""This modules draws the Sierpinks triangles up to a given depth
using the Tkinter module. It illustrates the use of recursion in
drawing self-similar patterns in smaller and smaller regions of the
larger triangle.



import Tkinter as tk
import math

def sierpinski(chart_1, lowleft, top, lowright, level, maxlevel):
    """Recursive function to draw Sierpinski triangles in chart_1
    within coordinates: lowleft, top, lowright. 

    At each call, the call level is increased. The function ends
    when maxlevel is reached.


    if level == maxlevel:
        return  ##Base case to terminate the process.
        chart_1.create_polygon([lowleft, top, lowright], fill="red") 
        leftmid = (lowleft[0]+top[0])/2,(lowleft[1]+top[1])/2
        rightmid = (lowright[0]+top[0])/2,(lowright[1]+top[1])/2
        bottommid = (lowright[0]+lowleft[0])/2,(lowright[1]+lowleft[1])/2
        chart_1.create_polygon([leftmid, rightmid, bottommid], fill="white") 

        ##Recursive calls to redraw triangles in three corners of the 
        ##current triangle area
        level += 1
        sierpinski(chart_1, lowleft, leftmid, bottommid, level,maxlevel)
        sierpinski(chart_1, leftmid, top, rightmid, level,maxlevel)
        sierpinski(chart_1, bottommid, rightmid, lowright, level,maxlevel)

def restart(chart):
    """Redraws the Sierpinski triangle, but increasing the depth 
    at each time.


    sierpinski(chart, (0,600), (300,600-300*math.sqrt(3)), (600,600), \
               0, maxlevel_var[0])
    maxlevel_var[0] += 1

if __name__ == "__main__":
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.title("Sierpinski Recursion Example")
    chart_1 = tk.Canvas(root, width=600, height=600, background="white")
    chart_1.grid(row=0, column=0)
    ## Initially max level is 1, which will draw 
    ##a simple triangle with an inverted triangle inside.
    maxlevel_var = [1]

    restart(chart_1)  ## Draw the Sierpinski triangles once
    root.frame = tk.Frame(root)
    root.frame.button = tk.Button(root.frame,\
                                  text="quit", \
    root.frame.button2 = tk.Button(root.frame, \
                                   text="draw again!", \

Module: lego_recursion — Lego substitutions with mix and match

A recursive solution to the lego problem from Homework #4. This solution performs mix and match, but does not check for two different ways to satisfy the 4x2 lego substitution.

lego_recursion.replacement(lego, legolist)[source]

Find replacement legos recursively. For the replacement, all the substitutions should be satisfiable. The function returns:

list of substituted legos, list of remaining legos

if a substitition is found. Otherwise, it returns None.


"""A recursive solution to the lego problem from Homework #4. This 
solution performs mix and match, but does not check for two different
ways to satisfy the 4x2 lego substitution.


def read_legos(fname):
    """Util function to read legos from a file. Assumes each line 
    contains a lego type, comma, number of that lego type.


    legos = []
    for line in open(fname):
        m = line.strip().split(",")
        lego = m[0].strip()
        cnt = int(m[1])
        legos.extend( [lego]*cnt )
    return legos

def subs(lego):
    """Returns a substitution for a lego as a list of legos, by finding 
    the largest possible pieces that taken together make up the input lego.

    if lego == '1x1':
        return []  ## No substitution exists.
    elif lego == '2x1':
        return ['1x1']*2
    elif lego == '2x2':
        return ['2x1']*2
    elif lego == '4x2':
        return ['4x1']*2
    elif lego == '4x1':
        return ['2x1']*2

def replacement(lego, legolist):
    """Find replacement legos recursively. For the replacement,
    all the substitutions should be satisfiable. The function 

        list of substituted legos, list of remaining legos

    if a substitition is found. Otherwise, it returns None.


    if lego in legolist:
        remaining = legolist[:]
        return  [ lego ], remaining  ##Searched lego is found, return success
        subslegos = subs(lego)
        if len(subslegos) == 0:
            return None  ## No more substitutions, return failure
        ##Substitutions exist, search for each one separately
        ##Modify the lego list alog the way.

        lego1 = subslegos[0]
        lego2 = subslegos[1]
        result1 = replacement(lego1, legolist)
        ## If no substitution for the first piece, report failure
        if result1 == None: 
            return None
        result2 = replacement(lego2, result1[1])
        ## If no substitution for the first piece, report failure
        if result2 == None:
            return None
        ##If we came here, both pieces have substitutions, report their
        return result1[0] + result2[0], result2[1]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    mylegos = read_legos("mylegos.txt")
    reqlegos = read_legos("legosrequired.txt")

    foundlegos = []
    missinglegos = []
    for lego in reqlegos:
        result = replacement(lego, mylegos)
        if result == None: # No substitutions were found.
        else: ##A substitution was found.
            match = result[0]
            remaining_legos = result[1]
            foundlegos.append( [lego, match] )
            mylegos = remaining_legos
    print "My remaining legos", mylegos
    print "Required legos", reqlegos
    print "Still missing legos", missinglegos
    print "Found legos:" 
    for item in foundlegos:
        print item

Lecture 22-23

Module: modes — Finding modes of a list

Finding modes of a list: finding the value that occurs the most.


  1. Find a set of all distinct values Count each one
  2. Create a dictionary with values as key, counts as value Find the max count Find the value with max count
  3. Pop a value Find its count Delete all copies of this value Repeat until I go through all values and report value with max count
  4. Sort the list Go through the list once Count values and keep track of the max count/max value

Design parameters:

  • n = number of items in a list

  • m = number of unique items in a list

  • Are the values integer, float, string?

    (floats are not great keys for dictionaries)

  • return one mode, or all modes?

Good test values:

Test for correctness:

  • [1.001, 1.0010, 1 ] Float vs int
  • With one mode
  • With multiple modes
  • Mode is at the end
  • Mode is scattered in the list

Test for performance:

  • Random lists of numbers
  • vary: n, m
  • Fix n, change the number of distinct values
  • Fix m, change the number of values in list


Finding modes of a list: finding the value that
occurs the most.


#. Find a set of all distinct values
   Count each one
#. Create a dictionary with values as key,
   counts as value
   Find the max count
   Find the value with max count
#. Pop a value
   Find its count
   Delete all copies of this value
   Repeat until I go through all values and
   report value with max count
#. Sort the list
   Go through the list once
   Count values and keep track of the max count/max value
Design parameters:
*   n = number of items in a list
*   m = number of unique items in a list
*   Are the values integer, float, string?
      (floats are not great keys for dictionaries)
*   return one mode, or all modes?
Good test values:

Test for correctness:
*    [1.001, 1.0010, 1 ]  Float vs int
*    With one mode
*    With multiple modes
*    Mode is at the end
*    Mode is scattered in the list

Test for performance:
*    Random lists of numbers
*    vary: n, m 
*    Fix n, change the number of distinct values
*    Fix m, change the number of values in list

import time
import random

def test_perf(f,l):
    """Testing the running time of a function."""

    start = time.time()
    end = time.time()
    print "Function %s took %.4f seconds" %(f.__name__, end-start)
def test_correctness(f):
    """Testing the correctness of a function."""

    l1 = [1,2,2,1]
    l2 = [1,1,2,2,2,3,4]
    l3 = [1,1,2,2,2]    
    print "Function", f.__name__
    print "Expected mode: 1,2 returned: ", f(l1)
    print "Expected mode: 2 returned: ", f(l2)
    print "Expected mode: 2 returned: ", f(l3)

def mode_sort(l):
    """Sort the list and go through it once, keeping track
    of the most frequent value. As number of distinct values
    increase, more if statements are executed.

    Sort: O(nlogn)
    Go through the list: O(n)
    The most expensive step: O(nlogn), but internal sort is compiled
    and the linear step may also be a significant factor.


    lc = l[:]   ##linear in size of list
    lc.sort()   ##nlogn
    cur = lc[0]
    cnt = 1
    maxcnt = 0
    modeval = [cur]
    for item in lc[1:]: ##linear in size of list
        if item == cur:
            cnt += 1
            if cnt > maxcnt:
                maxcnt = cnt
                modeval = [cur]
            elif cnt == maxcnt:
            cur = item
            cnt = 1
    if cnt > maxcnt:
        maxcnt = cnt
        modeval = [cur]
    elif cnt == maxcnt:
    return modeval

def mode_sort2(l):
    """Slightly optimized version of the sort based algorithm. Minor
    adjustments by not creating a copy of a list in the main for
    loop. The xrange also iterates over the numbers without creating a
    list of n values. 

    The complexity is the same as mode_sort, hence the savings is


    lc = l[:]
    lc.sort()   ##nlogn
    cur = lc[0]
    cnt = 1
    maxcnt = 0
    modeval = [cur]
    for i in xrange(1,len(lc)): ##linear in size of list, but no copy is created
        item = lc[i]
        if item == cur:
            cnt += 1
            if cnt > maxcnt:
                maxcnt = cnt
                modeval = [cur]
            elif cnt == maxcnt:
            cur = item
            cnt = 1
    if cnt > maxcnt:
        maxcnt = cnt
        modeval = [cur]
    elif cnt == maxcnt:
    return modeval

def mode_dict(l):
    """Unoptimized dictionary solution. It creates the dictionary
    keys on the fly. Checking if a key is in the LIST of keys is 
    O(m), where m is the number of distinct values in l.

    The main for loop is repeated n times, and contains an O(m) 
    check for the keys. So, the complexity is O(mn). If m is large,
    this is similar to O(n^2) which is expensive.


    md = {}
    for item in l:   ## n items in list
        if item in md.keys():  ##m distinct values, linear in m
            md[item] += 1
            md[item] = 1
    maxval = max( md.values() )  ##linear in m
    modes = []
    for key in md.keys():   #linear in m
        if md[key] == maxval:
    return modes

def mode_dict2(l):
    """Optimized version of mode_dict. Create all the keys
    first, and then increment the values one by one. The
    overall complexity is O(n).


    md = {}
    for item in set(l):  ##O(n)
        #go through every item in list, hash to create a set
        ##as set(l) is compiled, it is also faster for this reason.
        md[item] = 0
    for item in l:   ##go through n items in list
            md[item] += 1  ##constant time
    maxval = max( md.values() )  ##linear in m
    modes = []
    for key in md.keys():   #linear in m
        if md[key] == maxval:
    return modes

def mode_set(l):
    """Another solution with complexity O(mn)
       set of l: linear in length of l, so O(n)
       for each distinct value (m), run count function
         Note: count is linear in length of l, 
         EXCEPT count is compiled, so slightly faster

    Total O(mn)

    maxcnt = 0
    modevals = []
    for item in set(l):
        cnt = l.count(item)
        if cnt > maxcnt:
            maxcnt = cnt
            modevals = [ item ]
        elif cnt == maxcnt:
            modevals.append( item )
    return modevals

if __name__ == "__main__":
    n = 1000
    m = 900
    l = []
    for i in range(n):
        l.append( random.randint(1,m) )

    ##Fastest methods are based on sort, and optimized dictionary
    test_perf(mode_sort, l)
    test_perf(mode_dict, l) 
    test_perf(mode_dict2, l) 
    test_perf(mode_set, l)

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