Source code for sierpinski

"""This modules draws the Sierpinks triangles up to a given depth
using the Tkinter module. It illustrates the use of recursion in
drawing self-similar patterns in smaller and smaller regions of the
larger triangle.



import Tkinter as tk
import math

[docs]def sierpinski(chart_1, lowleft, top, lowright, level, maxlevel): """Recursive function to draw Sierpinski triangles in chart_1 within coordinates: lowleft, top, lowright. At each call, the call level is increased. The function ends when maxlevel is reached. """ if level == maxlevel: return ##Base case to terminate the process. else: chart_1.create_polygon([lowleft, top, lowright], fill="red") leftmid = (lowleft[0]+top[0])/2,(lowleft[1]+top[1])/2 rightmid = (lowright[0]+top[0])/2,(lowright[1]+top[1])/2 bottommid = (lowright[0]+lowleft[0])/2,(lowright[1]+lowleft[1])/2 chart_1.create_polygon([leftmid, rightmid, bottommid], fill="white") chart_1.update() ##Recursive calls to redraw triangles in three corners of the ##current triangle area level += 1 sierpinski(chart_1, lowleft, leftmid, bottommid, level,maxlevel) sierpinski(chart_1, leftmid, top, rightmid, level,maxlevel) sierpinski(chart_1, bottommid, rightmid, lowright, level,maxlevel)
def restart(chart): """Redraws the Sierpinski triangle, but increasing the depth at each time. """ chart_1.delete(tk.ALL) sierpinski(chart, (0,600), (300,600-300*math.sqrt(3)), (600,600), \ 0, maxlevel_var[0]) maxlevel_var[0] += 1 if __name__ == "__main__": root = tk.Tk() root.title("Sierpinski Recursion Example") chart_1 = tk.Canvas(root, width=600, height=600, background="white") chart_1.grid(row=0, column=0) ## Initially max level is 1, which will draw ##a simple triangle with an inverted triangle inside. maxlevel_var = [1] restart(chart_1) ## Draw the Sierpinski triangles once root.frame = tk.Frame(root) root.frame.button = tk.Button(root.frame,\ text="quit", \ command=lambda:root.destroy()) root.frame.button2 = tk.Button(root.frame, \ text="draw again!", \ command=lambda:restart(chart_1)) root.frame.button.grid() root.frame.button2.grid() root.frame.grid() root.mainloop()