Source code for Time

Class for storing time related information. Even though it 
is initialized with hour, minute and second information, 
it keeps time in seconds as a member value.

class Time(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, h, m, s): self.seconds = s + m*60 + h*60*60
def convert(self): """Return the hour, minute and second corresponding to the time value of the object. """ h = self.seconds/(3600) m = (self.seconds - h*3600)/60 s = self.seconds - h*3600 - m*60 return (h,m,s)
[docs] def __sub__(self, other): """Subtract two times from each other and return a new time object. """ (h,m,s) = self.convert() newt = Time(h,m,s) newt.seconds -= other.seconds if newt.seconds < 0 : newt.seconds = 0 return newt
[docs] def timestr(self,val): if val < 10: return "0" + str(val) else: return str(val)
[docs] def __str__(self): (h,m,s) = self.convert() return '%s:%s:%s' %(self.timestr(h),\ self.timestr(m),\ self.timestr(s))
if __name__ == "__main__": ##Code to test the class p1 = Time(10, 3, 4) p2 = Time(12, 10, 3) print "p1:", p1 print "p2:", p2 print "p1-p2:", p1 - p2 print "p2-p1:", p2 - p1