Source code for lego_recursion

"""A recursive solution to the lego problem from Homework #4. This 
solution performs mix and match, but does not check for two different
ways to satisfy the 4x2 lego substitution.


def read_legos(fname):
    """Util function to read legos from a file. Assumes each line 
    contains a lego type, comma, number of that lego type.


    legos = []
    for line in open(fname):
        m = line.strip().split(",")
        lego = m[0].strip()
        cnt = int(m[1])
        legos.extend( [lego]*cnt )
    return legos

def subs(lego):
    """Returns a substitution for a lego as a list of legos, by finding 
    the largest possible pieces that taken together make up the input lego.

    if lego == '1x1':
        return []  ## No substitution exists.
    elif lego == '2x1':
        return ['1x1']*2
    elif lego == '2x2':
        return ['2x1']*2
    elif lego == '4x2':
        return ['4x1']*2
    elif lego == '4x1':
        return ['2x1']*2

[docs]def replacement(lego, legolist): """Find replacement legos recursively. For the replacement, all the substitutions should be satisfiable. The function returns: list of substituted legos, list of remaining legos if a substitition is found. Otherwise, it returns None. """ if lego in legolist: remaining = legolist[:] remaining.remove(lego) return [ lego ], remaining ##Searched lego is found, return success else: subslegos = subs(lego) if len(subslegos) == 0: return None ## No more substitutions, return failure ##Substitutions exist, search for each one separately ##Modify the lego list alog the way. lego1 = subslegos[0] lego2 = subslegos[1] result1 = replacement(lego1, legolist) ## If no substitution for the first piece, report failure if result1 == None: return None result2 = replacement(lego2, result1[1]) ## If no substitution for the first piece, report failure if result2 == None: return None ##If we came here, both pieces have substitutions, report their ##combination return result1[0] + result2[0], result2[1]
if __name__ == "__main__": mylegos = read_legos("mylegos.txt") reqlegos = read_legos("legosrequired.txt") foundlegos = [] missinglegos = [] for lego in reqlegos: result = replacement(lego, mylegos) if result == None: # No substitutions were found. missinglegos.append(lego) else: ##A substitution was found. match = result[0] remaining_legos = result[1] foundlegos.append( [lego, match] ) mylegos = remaining_legos print "My remaining legos", mylegos print "Required legos", reqlegos print "Still missing legos", missinglegos print print "Found legos:" for item in foundlegos: print item