Assignment1 - Part B
Due - Partially on Oct 3, Partially on Oct 10

This is much more than the "part a" was -- this is more the level of work of a traditional programming assignment in CS, although it is NOT a traditional programming assignment.


A fair amount of reading - this is particularly important as "background" reding - those of you who can figure out all the OWL you need from the reference documents and etc., that's fine, but the reading will be a big help to those who want a more gentle introduction.




You will create an OWL ontology that describes some things about yourself. You will be doing this TWO different ways. First, you will define your own ontology, from scratch, using OWL. Second, you will build an ontology making maximal resuse of existing ontologies which you can find on the Web. Some of these can be simple declarative statements, but they mustd also include some complex statements requiring the use of OWL restrictions.


Due NOON (local time) October 3: You are to write down 20 statements about yourself that you are willing to share with the rest of the world (i.e. post on the Web). These may NOT include anything you could say in the normal FOAF vocabulary. You will put these on a standard (HTML) Web page in human-readable form.

Due NOON (local time) October 10: Take 10 of the twenty statements and write an ontology, in a single document, that includes all the classes and properties necessary for creating instances that describe you. You must also provide the instance data (in that same file) for the statements about you (i.e. the RDF using the classes and properties you've defined). For this part you should NOT use any ontologies that were created by others or link to any other documents (outside the standard RDF, RDFS and OWL namespace docs). You MAY use any tool you'd like that will help. (Make sure your OWL validates and that your ontology is consistent.)

Take the other 10 statements, and create a second ontology file that maximizes the reuse of terms from existing ontologies that you can find on the Web (use SWOOGLE, GOOGLE or any other search mechanism you like). Do NOT import these ontologies from yours (just link to them as needed). Make sure your ontology is locally consistent, but you do not need to worry about the consistency or other qualities of the linked ontologies. (For an example, see Fred the Cat Ontology which was created using SWOOP.)

This assignment is purposely a bit under-specified. You will need to explore the Semantic Web, look at the OWL documents (and book chapters), and learn to use a tool (or learn a lot of syntax if you think an editor is your tool of choice).

Submission Details

For the part of the assignment due on October 3:

For the part of the assignment due on October 10, the details will be forthcoming.