CSCI 1200 Data Structures
Fall 2012
  Contact Information


  Learning Outcomes
  Grading Criteria

  Optional Textbooks
  Web Resources
  C++ Development
  Misc. Programming Info
  Memory Debugging

Getting Help
  Advice from TAs
  Advice from Students
  2007 Course Review

  Lecture notes
  Lab materials
  Test reviews

Weekly Schedule
  Office Hours
  Lab Times

Academic Integrity

  Due Date and Time
  Late Day Policy
  Electronic Submission


Dec 15 Final exam grades and final semester grades can been found on the homework server. Grades have also been entered into SIS and will be available once the registrar has processed them.
Dec 15 We will not be returning the final exams, but you may look over your graded exam Monday Dec 17th from 12-2pm or Tuesday Dec 18th from 1-4pm, in Professor Cutler's office MRC 331A. Or you may make an appointment with Professor Cutler early next semester. Happy New Year!
Dec 15 Approximate grades for HW8: 47&up=A, 44&up=B, 35&up=C, 25&up=D.
Approximate grades for HW9: 47&up=A, 44&up=B, 40&up=C, 35&up=D.
Approximate grades for HW10: 47&up=A, 44&up=B, 40&up=C, 35&up=D.
Dec 12Solutions to the final exam practice problems have been posted on the calendar.
Dec 11Congratulations to the winners of the HW8 City Chase Contest.
Dec 7 The final exam is from 3-6pm on Dec 14th.
Dec 7 Next week the TAs & instructor will hold office hours:

  • Ben on Monday Dec 10th from 1-2pm in the CS lounge on 1st floor of Amos Eaton
  • Nathan on Tuesday Dec 11th from 2-3pm in the CS lounge on 1st floor of Amos Eaton
  • Rich on Tuesday Dec 11th from 5-6pm in the CS lounge on 1st floor of Amos Eaton
  • Professor Cutler on Wednesday Dec 12th from 11am-noon in MRC 331A
Dec 6Practice problems from old final exams have been posted on the calendar. The solutions will be posted in the middle of next week.
Dec 5 The solution for the class inheritance diagram for homework 10 has been posted on the calendar.
Dec 4Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 14 have been posted on the calendar.
Dec 1Ben's office hours on Thursday Dec 6th will be from 5-7pm.
Nov 30HW10 has been posted on the calendar.
Nov 16HW9 has been posted on the calendar.
Nov 14Solutions to Test #3 have been posted on the calendar.
Nov 14Graded Tests will be handed back in lab after you finish Checkpoint 3. Stats for the exam: Max=95, Average=74, Standard Deviation=15. Approximate grades: 84&up=A, 73&up=B, 58&up=C, 50&up=D. Your semester average will be computed from the number score, not the letter grade. All re-grade requests must be submitted within 7 days. Your entire test will be examined and your score may go up or down. Please thank the TAs for their extra effort Tuesday afternoon and evening to get the tests graded this quickly.
Nov 13Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 12 have been posted on the calendar.
Nov 12Solutions to the Test 3 practice problems have been posted on the calendar.
Nov 11Solutions to HW6, HW7, and HW8 are posted on the calendar.
Nov 6Practice problems from old exams have been posted on the calendar. The solutions will be posted early next week.
Nov 6 The Data Structures Final Exam will be on Friday December 14th from 3-6pm. Please check the complete final exam schedule for possible conflicts with your other courses.
Nov 6Congratulations to all who entered the HW6 Robo Rally Contest.
Nov 5 A small correction to the graph::tick() function in the provided game.cpp file has been posted on the calendar. Please download the new version.
Nov 5 HW4 avg:40/50, std dev:12 approximate grades: 45&up=A, 40&up=B, 35&up=C, 25&up=D.
HW5 avg:38/50, std dev:13 approximate grades: 43&up=A, 38&up=B, 30&up=C, 20&up=D.
HW6 avg:35/50, std dev:12 approximate grades: 42&up=A, 35&up=B, 25&up=C, 20&up=D (before extra credit).
Nov 2HW8 has been posted on the calendar. It is due Thursday Nov 8th at 11:59pm.
Oct 30Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 10 have been posted on the calendar.
Oct 26HW7 has been posted on the calendar. It is due Thursday Nov 1st at 11:59pm.
Oct 23Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 9 have been posted on the calendar.
Oct 18HW6 has been posted on the calendar. It is due Thursday Oct 25th @ 11:59pm.
Oct 17Graded Tests will be handed back in lab on Wednesday after you finish Checkpoint 3. Stats for the exam: Max=99, Average=72, Standard Deviation=17. Approximate grades: 85&up=A, 72&up=B, 55&up=C, 50&up=D. Your semester average will be computed from the number score, not the letter grade. All re-grade requests must be submitted within 7 days. Your entire test will be examined and your score may go up or down. Please thank your TAs for their extra effort to grade the exams Tuesday evening.
Oct 16Solutions to Test 2 have been posted on the calendar.
Oct 16Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 8 have been posted on the calendar.
Oct 15Solutions to the practice problems for Test 2 and solutions for HW5 have been posted on the calendar.
Oct 14Solutions to lab 7, and the exercises from lecture 12 have been posted on the calendar.
Oct 12As announced today in lecture, all students are now allowed 4 late days to use for the whole semester. Students are encouraged to use one of the late days for homework 5, to work through the bugs in the final test cases. A "practice" space has been setup for homework 5 on the server, if you'd like to try to fix your errors but don't want to commit to using an extra late day.
Oct 12RPI's RESPITE spam filter for email server has been holding and/or rejecting some email between students and the TAs and instructor (some of us use gmail accounts). To ensure that your requests for homework help/homework regrades/etc. and our replies aren't lost... we recommend you adjust your RPI spam filter settings. How to whitelist a sender in RESPITE:
  • Log in at
  • If you see "using system-wide defaults" next to your email address at the top center, you will need to tell respite to use custom settings:
    • Select the "Preferences" tab, then the "Customize" sub-tab. Click the button to "Switch to custom spam scanning".
  • Now add in a whitelist rule for a specific sender email address:
    • Select the "Rules" tab, then the "Senders" sub-tab. Enter the email address of the sender in the field available. Then click "add rule".
    • On the next page use the pull-down menu to select "always allow", then "submit changes"
  • Alternatively you can whitelist a whole domain (e.g.,
    • Select the "Rules" tab, then the "Domains" sub-tab. Enter the domain (e.g., in the field available. Then click "add rule".
    • On the next page use the pull-down menu to select "always allow", then "submit changes"
  • You can also increase the threshold for trapping messages, this will allow more messages through:
    • Select the "preferences" tab, then the "stream settings" sub-tab. Change the third line entry to 7, then click "submit changes" at the bottom. This still lets the system scan for malicious messages, but should get almost any legitimate message delivered to your inbox without any further action.
Oct 11Ben's office hours this afternoon will be from 5-7pm.
Oct 9Solutions for Homework 4 have been posted on the calendar.
Oct 9Practice problems for exam 2 have been posted on the calendar. The solutions will be added early next week.
Oct 8The submission server is configured for Homework 5 and Lab 7.
Oct 6Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 7 have been posted on the calendar.
Oct 6There will be no office hours on Monday Oct 8th. On Tuesday Oct 9th, we will be following the normal Monday office hours schedule.
Oct 5HW5 has been posted on the calendar. It is due Thursday Oct 11 @ 11:59pm.
Oct 4Solutions for Homework 3 have been posted on the calendar.
Oct 4 HW3 avg:34/50, std dev:14 approximate grades: 46&up=A, 37&up=B, 27&up=C, 20&up=D.
Oct 2Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 6 have been posted on the calendar. Checkpoint 3 will be distributed in Lab on Wednesday.
Oct 2 HW1 avg:46/50, std dev:9 approximate grades: 47&up=A, 43&up=B, 40&up=C, 37&up=D.
HW2 avg:39/50, std dev:12 approximate grades: 46&up=A, 40&up=B, 25&up=C, 20&up=D.
Oct 2 4 students were found in violation of the Academic Integrity Policy for Homework 3 and have been penalized.
Sep 28HW4 has been posted on the calendar. It is due Thursday Oct 4th @ 11:59pm.
Sep 25Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 5 have been posted on the calendar. Checkpoint 3 will be distributed in Lab on Wednesday.
Sep 23The homework submission server is now configured to accept Homework 3. Test cases 3 & 4 use an executable built from the instructor's solution main.cpp (with extra tests in the MoreTests function). The cout & cerr & valgrind output from these tests is intentionally hidden. Please let the instructor know if you see anything confusing or problematic on the server.
Sep 22Professor Cutler's office hours on Monday Sept 24th (normally 3-4:30pm) are rescheduled to be from 4-5:30pm. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sep 22The final version of main.cpp for HW3 (includes BatchTest function code), and small, medium, and large test files for the BatchTest have been posted on the calendar.
Sep 21HW3 has been posted on the calendar. It is due Thursday Sep 27 @ 11:59pm. Today's lecture will cover new material that is needed for this homework. Be sure to re-download main.cpp tomorrow to get the full version of the provided code with automatic batch testing.
Sep 19Solutions to Test #1 have been posted on the calendar.
Sep 19The tests have been graded and will be handed back in lab Wednesday after you finish the 3rd checkpoint. Please thank your TAs for their super-human efforts during a 12+ hour grading session Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning. Stats for the exam: Max=99, Average=75, Standard Deviation=17. Approximate grades: 87&up=A, 75&up=B, 60&up=C, 50&up=D. Your semester average will be computed from the curved number score, not the letter grade. All re-grade requests must be submitted within 7 days. Your entire test will be examined and your score may go up or down.
Sep 18Checkpoints 1, 2, & 3 for Lab 4 have been posted on the calendar.
Sep 17Solutions to the Test 1 practice problems have been posted on the calendar.
Sep 17Sample solutions for Homeworks 1 & 2 have been posted on the calendar.
Sep 12Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 3 have been posted on the calendar. Checkpoint 3 will be distributed in Lab on Wednesday.
Sep 11Practice problems from old exams have been posted on the calendar. The solutions will be posted early next week.
Sep 10The homework submission server is now configured to accept Homework 2.
Please let the instructor know if you see anything confusing or problematic on the server.
Sep 10The room & time for Rich's Monday office hours has been updated. Please check the new weekly schedule.
Sep 7The location for the Thursday office hours has been changed to Amos Eaton 217, a larger room. Please check the new weekly schedule.
Sep 7HW2 has been posted on the calendar. It is due Thursday Sep 13 @ 11:59pm.
Sep 6The time for Rich's office hours on Monday has changed. Please check the new weekly schedule.
Sep 4Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 2 have been posted on the calendar. Checkpoint 3 will be distributed in Lab on Wednesday.
Sep 3The homework submission server is now configured to accept Homework 1.
Please let the instructor know if you see anything confusing or problematic on the server. Note: Auto-grading is new and experimental this year.
Aug 30HW1 has been posted on the calendar. It is due Thursday Sep 6th @ 11:59pm.
Aug 28Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 1 have been posted on the calendar. Checkpoint 3 will be distributed in Lab on Wednesday.
Aug 28All students registered for Data Structures as of ~Aug 23rd should have received an email at their address this morning with login & password information for the Computer Science department linux machines. This account will allow you to access the homework submission server that you need for lab tomorrow & to submit your homeworks.

If you registered for the class in the last few days and/or did not receive an email with your new account information, send email to the instructor and we will get you setup with an account ASAP.

Similarly, if you cannot access the LMS page for this course, send email to the instructor to be added to the LMS course page.

Aug 28Lab Sections 3 & 6 at noon have been merged into a single section that meets in room Lally 104. (Those of you previously scheduled in room Sage 2704 at noon will instead go to room Lally 104 for lab on Wednesdays).
  Welcome to CSCI 1200: Data Structures
The first day of class will be Tuesday August 28th, see you there!