Assignment1 - Part A
Due Sept 26 - start of class

This is just a warm up exercise, part B will have more in it. This does have a fair amount of reading, though, so please pay attention.


The first four chapters of "Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist" are being made available to the class at this time. Please copy or print out, as the chapters will only be available between now and the due date of the assignment.




Create a FOAF file. You may use any method you choose. The file must contain one new property not in the standard FOAF description, properly defined both in terms of namespace and in terms of property definition (including domain and range). At least one of the domain or range classes must be an existing FOAF class (i.e. you are extending FOAF).

Create both an N3 and an RDF/XML file, available on a Web server, for this (you can use a converter, in fact, you are encouraged to do so). For submission, you will email these two URIs as follows (please try to follow exactly):