Robotics II: Assignments
contact homework
motion planning homework
mp hw1 - due 3/27: Exercises: Chapter 2: 19, 20. Chapter 3: 14. For the problem from chapter 3, the robot should have three links connected by revolute joints forming a serial chain. Use superquadrics to model the geometry of the links. Scatter a bunch of obstacle points in the workspace. The user should input the three joint angles. The code will draw the robot in the specified configuration and determine the set of points that are in collision with the robot.
solutions for written exercises
OOPSMP hw1 - due 4/10:
mp hw2 - due 4/24: Exercises: Chapter 4: 11, 21.
Chapter 5: 2, 9. Chapter 6: 1, 11.
solutions for written exercises.
project help and dates
One-page description of project and goals - due 3/24
Project demo/presentation - due 4/28
Presentation Outline
- Explain your problem at a high level and explain why it is important (i.e., why should the audience care about the problem).
- Clearly state the problem in technical terms.
- Describe approach used to solve the problem, for example:
- mathematical model
- solution approach
- algorithm pseudo-code
- controller block diagrams
- Show results obtained including experiments, animations, and plots if applicable.
- Describe what worked and what didn't. Give plausible explanations for what did not work and what might be done to make these things work better.
Written project report - due ?? midnight EDT
Written Report Structure
- The written report should be 7-10 pages, roughly following the presentation outline. The length is less important than the information you convey. Your report should accomplish the following:
- Answer the question: What is the problem studied?
- Answer the question: Why is it important - beyond needing a project to pass the course.
- Answer the question: How did you approach the problem (e.g., derive a math model, experimental approach, pseudo-code of your algorithm, block diagram of your controller, and method of analysis). This explanation should be detailed enough to allow someone else to duplicate your approach and validate (or invalidate) your results.
- Present your results, discuss possible sources of error, and your conclusions.
- If there are animations or videos, the report should give the urls to them.
- Cite the relevant information sources used (e.g., technical papers).
- Planning and control code developed by you should be included in an appendix.