Web life in the early days of the Internet

I created and maintained the Turkish poetry page containing a large collection of poems both in Turkish and in English from 1995 to 2000. The page received various reviews and awards over the years of its activity. In addition to Web reviews, an article in "Business Week" (June 23, 1997) contained a blurb on my research and the Turkish Poetry site. The article subsequently got coverage appeared in most major Turkish newspapers. Other notable blurbs (to my knowledge) were published in the literary magazine "Hurriyet Gosteri" (August 1996), the Turkish newspaper "Sabah" (August 3, 1998/ August 30, 1999), and the Turkish newspaper "Milliyet" (May 6, 2000). A long article appeared in the literary magazine Milliyet Sanat (March 15, 2000) which was written by Avniye Tansug. I would like to thank her for her kind words. I was also proud to discover that the page also won me an entry in Ekşi Sözlük. More importantly, over the years I have received personal notes and blessings from dozens of poets and their families whose work is the only raison-d'être of this site.

On a personal note, the site reminds me of the days the web was new to me and to everyone. We wanted it to be a place that fostered connections and friendship. Thanks to this site, I found a nice group of friends from all over the world. I hope it still offers a small rest stop for surfers every now and then. I am sorry that I was not able to find more time to update it in the last 20 years.


Adali sightings on the internet?

My only sister Tulay Adali is a member of the faculty at the University of Maryland at Baltimore County, Department of Computer Sciences and Electrical Engineering.