A collection of Python variables, functions and objects, all stored in a file
Modules allow code to be shared across many different programs.
Before we can use a module, we need to import it:
>>> import module_name
Importing makes the functions in the module available for use. We have seen this in homeworks.
You can also write code in a module that is executed only when the module is directly executed, but not when it is exported. Let us write a simple module named test_module.py
def test_square(num):
return num**2
if __name__ == '__main__':
print test_square(4)
We will see the difference between exporting and running this module in class.
When a Python script is executed, its name is __main__.
When a Python script is imported, its name is the name of the file, e.g. test_module. You can also rename it as you wish:
>>> import test_module as t
>>> t.test_square(4)
>>> help(__builtins__)
to see all of the modules Python has built-in. These do not need to be imported.
You will notice several that have two underscores at the start and end, such as
These names have special Python syntax associated with them:
For example,
>>> s0 = "Hello"
>>> s1 = "Good-bye"
>>> s0 + s1
>>> s0.__add__(s1)
>>> s2 = "Go"
>>> s1.__contains__(s2)
>>> s2 in s1
>>> s1.__len__()
>>> len(s1)
We will generally use the “special” syntax, but be aware of the equivalence to the __ syntax when you are learning to use object methods.
PIL is a series of modules built around the Image type, our first object type that is not part of the main Python language
We will use images as a continuing example of what can be done in programming beyond numbers and beyond text.
for more details.
An image is a two-dimensional matrix of pixel values
The origin is in the upper left corner, see below:
Pixel values stored in an image can be:
Some basic colors:
Color (red,green,blue) value Black (0,0,0) Red (255,0,0) Green (0,255,0) Blue (0,0,255) White (255,255,255) Light Gray (122,122,122)
import Image filename = "chipmunk.jpg" im = Image.open(filename) print '\n' '********************' print "Here's the information about", filename print im.format, im.size, im.mode gray_im = im.convert('L') scaled = gray_im.resize( (128,128) ) print "After converting to gray scale and resizing," print "the image information has changed to" print scaled.format, scaled.size, scaled.mode scaled.show() scaled.save(filename + "_scaled.jpg")
This example crops three boxes from an image, creates a new image and pastes the boxes at different locations of this new image.
import Image
im = Image.open("lego_movie.jpg")
w,h = im.size
# Crop out three columns from the image
## Note: the crop function returns a new image
part1 = im.crop((0,0,w/3,h))
part2 = im.crop((w/3,0,2*w/3,h))
part3 = im.crop((2*w/3,0,w,h))
## Create a new image
newim = Image.new("RGB",(w,h))
## Paste the image in different order
## Note: the paste function changes the image it is applied to
newim.paste(part3, (0,0))
newim.paste(part1, (w/3,0))
newim.paste(part2, (2*w/3,0))
Important image methods used:
Note that many of the PIL functions actually change the image object we are working with
Modules contain a combination of functions, variables, object definitions, and other code, all designed for use in other Python programs and modules
After they are imported, the functions in a module can be executed by a call of the form:
PIL provides a set of modules that define the Image object type and associated methods.