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11/16/2001   Sequence Searching Example Illustrates Different Approaches to Performance Testing

 AP Wire Service
Examples from the paper A Fast Generic Sequence Matching Algorithm show two approaches to measuring performance of generic algorithms. The first is measuring actual computing times by using the standard clock function from the <ctime> header (alternatively known as <time.h>), in the programs in Appendices B.6 and B.7. The main issue here is properly setting up executions of several different algorithms on the same data in order to compare them fairly, with enough repeated calls of each of the algorithms to result in an accurately measurable time. The second approach is obtaining counts of the principal operations of each of the concepts that parameterize the algorithms (as discussed earlier for expressing performance requirements in Algorithm Concepts for Standard Libraries). A test program for this purpose for the sequence matching algorithms is given in Appendix B.8: it is designed to record counts of value assignments and comparisons, iterator operations, and certain integer operations. Here again is the directory of files related to this paper, as updated since the last class:
gensearch directory
[Note: I've revised all the code for correctness and timing to bring it up to data with the C++ standard, but I'm still in the middle of revising the code in Appendix B.8 for the counting measurements, so it is currently not working.]


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