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Functions File Reference

Main CIS implementation. More...

#include "iterativescan.h"
#include <iostream>


std::pair< std::vector< seed >
*, double > 
expand_seed (seed S)
 Adds neighbors of seed to increase density.

Detailed Description

Main CIS implementation.

Function Documentation

std::pair< std::vector< seed > *, double > expand_seed ( seed  S)

Adds neighbors of seed to increase density.

The pair returned is a vector of all disjoint subgraphs within a modified seed S (one step of addition and removal) and a number representing how closely connected the modified seed is.

NOTE: seed S doesn't actually change as it is passed by value.

SSet of vertices to expand
Results - could be multiple because of fragmentation

Explicitly copy S so we can change S without changing anything in the caller.

SSet of vertices to expand
Results - could be many seeds from disconnection
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