My Project
Public Member Functions
Nation Class Reference

Collection of communities. More...

#include <nation.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Nation ()
 Nation (double v)
 Nation (double thresh, string c, int s, string d)
bool CalculateBinary (vector< set< string > > Allies)
void PrintStats ()
void PrintStats (ofstream *rout)
void load (string filename)
void loadLFR (string filename)
void loadID (string filename, string delimiters)
double getPrecision ()
double getFScore ()
double getRecall ()
double CalculateCompare (vector< set< string > > Allies)
void setCompare (string c, string d)
vector< set< string > > getCommunities ()
void LoadGraph (string filename, string delim, bool translate)
map< string, vector< int > > CalculateMemberships (vector< set< string > > *comms, string fileout="memberships.dat")

Detailed Description

Collection of communities.

Made up of a set of communities. Class holds member functions to print, load from file, and compare with other sets of communities.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Nation::Nation ( ) [inline]

Empty Constructor

Nation::Nation ( double  v) [inline]

Threshold Constructor

Nation::Nation ( double  thresh,
string  c,
int  s,
string  d 
) [inline]


threshThreshold value to use when considering binary classification matchings (if two communities share a higher fraction of nodes, they are a match)
cCompare class type to use
sNetwork size
dDistance class to use

Member Function Documentation

bool Nation::CalculateBinary ( vector< set< string > >  Allies) [inline]

Binary classification comparison with another set of communities. Allies are considered the 'truth'. If two communities have more than threshold similarity, they are a match, and hence a true positive. Allies with no matches are false negatives, communities from this nation with no match are false positives.

AlliesSet of communities to compare to (considered the target or truth communities)
whether or not the calculation was carried out
double Nation::CalculateCompare ( vector< set< string > >  Allies) [inline]

Run the comparison class between the two community sets

map< string, vector <int> > Nation::CalculateMemberships ( vector< set< string > > *  comms,
string  fileout = "memberships.dat" 
) [inline]

Calculate the community memberships of each node

fileoutFile to print memberships to default: memberships.dat
vector< set < string > > Nation::getCommunities ( ) [inline]

Retrieve communities

double Nation::getFScore ( ) [inline]

Retrieve fscore value

double Nation::getPrecision ( ) [inline]

Retrieve precision value

double Nation::getRecall ( ) [inline]

Retrieve recall value

void Nation::load ( string  filename) [inline]

Load a set of communities from a file. File should have 1 community per line, preceded with density and size values.

filenameFile where communities are listed
void Nation::LoadGraph ( string  filename,
string  delim,
bool  translate 
) [inline]

LoadGraph Function

Read in the network the communities came from

filenameNetwork File
delimetersDelimiters used in Network file
void Nation::loadID ( string  filename,
string  delimiters 
) [inline]

Load an ID coversion file

filenameID filename
delimitersCharacter between ID and value in ID conversion file.
void Nation::loadLFR ( string  filename) [inline]

Load communities from a file in LFR style. Each line has a node ID followed by the IDs of all the communities that node belongs to.

filenameFile to load from
void Nation::PrintStats ( ) [inline]

Simply print out computed similarity measures (standard out)

void Nation::PrintStats ( ofstream *  rout) [inline]

Print out computed similarity measures to a file

routStream to print out to
void Nation::setCompare ( string  c,
string  d 
) [inline]

Explicitly set up Compare Classes

cCompare class to initialize
dDistance class to use

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