My Project
Functions File Reference

Wrapper program for overlapping community detection methods. More...

#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <boost/timer.hpp>
#include "graph.h"
#include "cluster.h"
#include "density.h"
#include "CIS.h"
#include "nation.h"


int main (int argc, char *argv[])
 Main entry point.

Detailed Description

Wrapper program for overlapping community detection methods.

Calculates the results of running a given overlapping community detection algorithm on a given network.

Input network should be undirected (no duplicate edges), and in an edge list format. Each line of the file should represent an edge with the following pattern: Vertex1 Vertex2 Weight

If multiple networks are to be run in the same function call, they should be suffixed with (positive) numbers in increasing order, the range of which is specified by the parameters

James Thompson
Aug 7 2012

Function Documentation

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Main entry point.

-alg! Overlapping Community Detection Algorithm
  • CIS IterativeDensity "Connected Iterative Scan"
  • 3CL CliqueCluster "3-Clique Percolation"
  • CNG CONGA "Cluster Overlap Newman Girvan Algorithm"
  • COP COPRA "Community Overlap Propagation Algorithm"
  • COM LCOMM "Link Communities"
  • RRW RRW "Repeated Random Walks"
  • SLP SLPA "Speaker-Listener Label Propagation Algorithm"
  • SDE SSDE "Sampled Spectral Distance Embedding (Not Working)"
  • OSL OSLOM "Order Statistics Local Optimization Method"
-args! Arguments for specified community detection algorithm
  • CIS [lambda] [density type: c = complex, n = negative]
  • 3CL
  • CNG [Locality of search (1+)] [number of clusters]
  • COP [Threshold Parameter]
  • COM
  • RRW [restart Prob] [max size] [min size] [overlap threshold] [early cutoff]
  • SLP [Threshold] [Number of Runs] [iterations]
  • SDE ---------------------------------
  • OSL
-i! Network input file
-oCommunity results output file
-rLoLowest suffix for range of network files
-rHiHighest suffix for range of network files
-trTranslate output back to original vertex names instead of outputting IDs
-dDelimiter(s) used between vertex names and weights in the network file default [space] [comma] and [tab]
-aFactor to multiply positive edges with
-bFactor to multiply negative edges with
-wtWeight Threshold - edges whose weights are below this number are discarded
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