CSCI 4972/6963 - Spring 2007
Advanced Computer Graphics
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  Assigned Readings

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  Electronic Submission

Final Projects

Academic Integrity


Your grade in this course will be determined as follows:
  • 40% Homework Assignments
  • 30% Final Project
  • 15% Participation
  • 15% Quizzes

There will be 4 homework assignments. You will have 2 weeks to complete each homework assignment, so be sure to manage your time effectively.

For the final project you will select your own topic. It can be an extension of one of the homework assignments, a portion of your graduate research, a significant module of a final project for another course, or a brand-new project. You may work individually or in a team of 2. The project should include a significant programming component. You will share your results through an in-class presentation to your peers and a publication-quality writeup (e.g., motivation, related work, algorithm/technique, results, conclusions, and bibliography).

Participation is a very important component of the course. You are expected to regularly attend lecture, ask questions, and join in the discussion. Each student will lead the discussion of a research paper during the semester.

We will have 2 in-class quizzes covering the lecture material.

Assigned Readings

All students are expected to have downloaded and read the assigned paper for that day's lecture. It's "ok" if you don't understand all of the details. Have at least one question prepared to ask during the discussion.

The student who will lead the discussion should spend a little extra time to try to figure out the details. During lecture this student will give an oral summary (~ 5 minutes) of the paper's contributions, and then we will all discuss the paper.