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We will use Submitty to collect answers to simple multiple-choice questions during lecture (Tuesdays & Fridays). These lecture participation polls help increase engagement in lectures and allow the instructor to gauge student understanding & absorption of the material. You are encouraged to discuss the questions with the classmates sitting around you.

Participation Incentives

Lecture participation polls will not be directly factored into the semester grade. However, as an incentive for participation and correct answers to these exercises, students will be able to earn extra homework late days.

We will generally have 4-6 lecture participation poll questions per lecture. Participation in a poll question (no correct answer) is worth 1.0 points. A correct answer on a non-poll question is worth 1.0 points. An incorrect answer on a non-poll question is worth 0.5 points. No answer on either a poll or non-poll question is 0.0 points.

After earning your first 15.0 lecture participation points, you will receive an extra homework late day. And for every 30.0 lecture participation points after that you will receive one additional homework late day. Earned late days may not be applied to previous homeworks. You must have earned the late day before the homework deadline in order to use the late day on that assignment. Specifically, if your poll participation during a Friday lecture earns you a late day, you may not use that late day on the assignment that was due the night before.

Academic Dishonesty

Responding to questions with another individual's account constitutes academic dishonesty. If we find anyone submitting answers or using the account of another individual we will zero the lecture participation points of all involved students and report the incident to the Dean of Students.