CSCI 1200 Data Structures
Spring 2013
  Contact Information

  Discussion Forum (LMS)

  Learning Outcomes
  Grading Criteria
  HW Grading Criteria

  Optional Textbooks
  Web Resources
  C++ Development
  Misc. Programming Info
  Memory Debugging

Getting Help
  Advice from TAs
  Advice from Students

  Lecture notes
  Lab materials
  Test reviews

Weekly Schedule
  Office Hours
  Lab Times

Academic Integrity

  Due Date and Time
  Late Day Policy
  Electronic Submission


May 19HW server account access has been restored. Thanks for your patience.
May 18 FYI: Your account to the homework submission server may have been deactivated too quicky, thus you are not able to access your grades. Sorry about that, we are working to re-activate those accounts. Please be patient.
May 18 Final exam grades and final semester grades can been found on the homework server.
Grades have also been entered into SIS and will be available once the registrar has processed them.

Stats for the final exam: Average=104/150, Standard Deviation=21.
Approximate grades: 122/150&up=A, 108/150&up=B, 97/150&up=C, 81/150&up=D.

We will not be returning the final exams, but you may look over your graded exam
Monday May 20th from 1-3pm or Tuesday May 21st from 1-3pm, in Professor Cutler's office, MRC 331A.
Or you may make an appointment with Professor Cutler this summer or early next semester.

Have a wonderful summer!


May 14 HW10 grades are now available on the homework submission server.
HW10 avg:43/50, std dev:10 approximate grades: 48&up=A, 45&up=B, 40&up=C, 35&up=D.
May 14Solutions to the final exam practice problems have been posted on the calendar.
May 12 HW9 grades are now available on the homework submission server.
HW9 avg:42/50, std dev:7 approximate grades: 45&up=A, 40&up=B, 35&up=C, 30&up=D.
All HW9 regrade requests must be submitted by 5pm on Wednesday May 15th.
May 10 Sample solutions for HW9 & HW10 are posted.
May 8 An updated grades summary is now available on the homework submission server.
May 8 HW8 grades are now available on the homework submission server.
HW8 avg:31/50, std dev:13 approximate grades: 41&up=A, 32&up=B, 25&up=C, 20&up=D.
May 7Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 14 have been posted on the calendar.
May 2 The Data Structures Final Exam will be on Thursday May 16th from 3-6pm in DCC 308. Please check the complete final exam schedule for possible conflicts with your other courses.
May 2A large collection of practice problems from old final exams have been posted on the calendar. The solutions will be posted a couple days before the final exam.
May 2The final day of our normal office hours schedule is Monday May 6th. The TAs and instructor will hold additional hours during the reading days and the beginning of finals week. See the calendar for details.
May 1The deadline for HW10 has been extended :)
Apr 30Please fill out your Course Evaluations. Your feedback is very important to us.

If 75% of the class completes their course evaluation for Data Structures by Thursday May 2nd @ noon, the normal deadline for Homework 10 will be extended to Saturday May 4th @ 11:59pm (and those of you with at least 2 days remaining will have until Monday May 6th @ 11:59pm).

Encourage your classmates to complete their course evaluations. Response rate as of Apr 30th @ 1pm = 40%.

Apr 28We've replaced Tuna with Swordfish for this homework because Tuna is an exception to the rule that all fish are warm-blooded. Apologies for the change!
Apr 27The input & output files for HW10 has been edited. The Bat class (for this homework) only eats bugs, not plants. Sorry for the typo!
Apr 27HW10 has been posted on the calendar.
Apr 24 An updated grades summary is now available on the homework submission server.
Several students have asked... the "LOWEST A" mark is the approximate border between a B+ and A-.
This course does use grade modifiers (+/-) for the final grades.
All students near any of the grade boundaries will be examined closely to fine tune the final grades.
Apr 24 HW7 grades are now available on the homework submission server.
HW7 avg:47/50, std dev:5 approximate grades: 49&up=A, 47&up=B, 45&up=C, 35&up=D.
Yes! The average and curve are very high for this homework because half of the students earned a perfect score. Great Job!
Apr 23Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 12 have been posted on the calendar.
Apr 18The overall semester summary of your grades for the course is now available at the bottom of the homework submission server website. Click on the button "Show/Hide Grade Summary". Contact your lab TA if there are missing grades or data entry errors. Note: Most of the lab 11 grades have not yet been entered.
Apr 17The tests have been graded and will be handed back in lab Wednesday after you finish the 3rd checkpoint. Please thank your TAs for their super-human efforts during a 13 hour grading session Tuesday afternoon and evening (from 1pm - 2am!)

Stats for the exam: Max=96, Average=69.1 (8-9:50am average 70.7, 10-11:50am average 68.0), Standard Deviation=14.9. Approximate grades: 80&up=A, 69&up=B, 57&up=C, 50&up=D. Your semester average will be computed from the curved number score, not the approximate letter grade. These are approximate boundaries and, thus, there is still very little difference between an 79 and a 80 (so don't ask for a questionable regrade for 1 point).

See the test solutions posted on the calendar. All re-grade requests must be submitted within 7 days. Your entire test will be examined and your score may go up or down.

Apr 16Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 11 have been posted on the calendar.
Apr 16HW9 has been posted on the calendar.
Apr 15Jun's office hours on Tuesday 4/16 (normally 2-4pm) are cancelled.
Apr 15Solutions to the Test 3 practice problems have been posted on the calendar.
Apr 15Sample solutions for HW8 have been posted on the calendar.
Apr 14Sample solutions for HW6 and HW7 have been posted on the calendar.
Apr 14 HW6 grades are now available on the homework submission server.
HW6 avg:34/50, std dev:12 approximate grades: 44&up=A, 34&up=B, 24&up=C, 15&up=D.
Apr 9Practice problems from old exams have been posted on the calendar. The solutions will be posted early next week.
Apr 9Exam Schedule for Tuesday Apr 16th (in the normal lecture room, Sage 3303):

  • 8-9:50am: all students who prefer to take the test in the 8-9:50am time slot.
    and all students whose RIN number is odd (ends in the digit '1', '3', '5', '7', or '9') and do not have a conflict.

  • 10-11:50am: all students who have a course conflict in the 8-9:50am time slot.
    and students whose RIN number is even that prefer the 10am time slot.

Please attend the section assigned above so we do not have an over-crowding problem.

Students in the early exam will not be allowed to leave early.

Students in the later exam will not be allowed to arrive late. All students taking the 10am exam should arrive by 9:55am and wait quietly in the lobby.

Apr 9As announced in lecture, all students now have 4 total late days to use for the semester. You are encouraged to use a late day on Homework 8, if your implementation isn't finished. This is effectively a 1 day extension on Homework 8. Keep in mind that the schedule for TA office hour Thursday and ALAC Thursday evening hours are unchanged. So make sure you get your questions answered on Thursday as there is less help available on Friday.
Apr 5HW8 has been posted on the calendar. It is due Thursday Apr 11th at 11:59pm.
Apr 2Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 10 have been posted on the calendar.
Apr 1Jun's office hours on Tuesday 4/2 (normally 2-4pm) are cancelled.
Mar 29 HW5 grades are now available on the homework submission server.
HW5 avg:39/50, std dev:11 approximate grades: 45&up=A, 37&up=B, 25&up=C, 20&up=D.
Mar 29HW7 has been posted on the calendar. It is due Thursday Apr 4th at 11:59pm.
Mar 27A summary of your grades for the course is now available at the bottom of the homework submission server website. Click on the button "Show/Hide Grade Summary". Contact your lab TA if there are missing grades or data entry errors. Note: Most of the lab 9 grades have not yet been entered.
Mar 26Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 9 have been posted on the calendar.
Mar 25Yao's office hours on Monday 3/25 (normally 10am-noon) are cancelled. Prof Cutler is available during this time in MRC 331A.
Mar 20The tests have been graded and will be handed back in lab Wednesday after you finish the 3rd checkpoint. Please thank your TAs for their super-human efforts during a 13 hour grading session Tuesday afternoon and evening (from noon - 1am!)

Stats for the exam: Max=95, Average=66.4 (8-9:50am average 66.9, 10-11:50am average 65.8), Standard Deviation=18.1. Approximate grades: 80&up=A, 66&up=B, 50&up=C, 45&up=D. Your semester average will be computed from the curved number score, not the approximate letter grade. These are approximate boundaries and, thus, there is still very little difference between an 79 and a 80 (so don't ask for a questionable regrade for 1 point).

See the test solutions posted on the calendar. All re-grade requests must be submitted within 7 days. Your entire test will be examined and your score may go up or down.

Mar 19Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 8 have been posted on the calendar.
Mar 17Solutions to the practice problems for Test 2 and solutions for HW5 have been posted on the calendar.
Mar 16 HW4 grades are now available on the homework submission server.
HW4 avg:43/50, std dev:11 approximate grades: 45&up=A, 40&up=B, 35&up=C, 30&up=D.
Mar 16Sample solutions for HW5 have been posted on the calendar.
Mar 16HW6 has been posted on the calendar. It is due Thursday Mar 28th @ 11:59pm.
Mar 5Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 7 have been posted on the calendar.
Mar 3Solutions for Homework 4 have been posted on the calendar.
Mar 3Practice problems for exam 2 have been posted on the calendar. The solutions will be added at the end of Spring Break.
Mar 3Exam Schedule for Tuesday Mar 19th (in the normal lecture room, Sage 3303):

  • 8-9:50am: all students who indicated a preference for the 8-9:50am time slot.
    and students whose last name begins with the letters M-Z that do not have a conflict.

  • 10-11:50am: all students who have a course conflict in the 8-9:50am time slot.
    and students whose last name begins with the letters A-L who indicated a preference for the 10-11:50 time slot.

Please attend the section assigned above so we do not have an over-crowding problem.

Students in the early exam will not be allowed to leave early.

Students in the later exam will not be allowed to arrive late. All students taking the 10am exam should arrive by 9:55am and wait quietly in the lobby.

Mar 3Solutions for Homework 3 have been posted on the calendar.
Mar 2, 4:15pm The files for HW5 have been updated slightly:
  • The text of the pdf now includes a paragraph on the fancy output characters for the playing cards suits,
  • The main.cpp file now includes more complete and picky validation tests for the sorting order,
  • The variable names & comments in some of the tests in main.cpp have been updated for clarity,
  • The testing of the randomization (for extra credit!) is now more complete, and
  • Some minor typos have been corrected (both in the .pdf and in the code).
None of these changes affect the functionality you are asked to complete for this homework. But please download the new versions of all of the HW5 files to ensure that your code will pass the automated grading tests. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Mar 1 HW5 has been posted on the calendar. This is a new homework, and fresh off the presses... so please check back here to see if there are any corrections or clarifications.
Mar 1 22 students were found in violation of the Academic Integrity Policy for Homeworks 1, 2, and/or 3. The instructor has met with these students, course grade penalties have been applied, and these students will be reported to the Dean of Students.
Feb 27 HW3 grades are now available on the homework submission server.
HW3 avg:36/50, std dev:15 approximate grades: 45&up=A, 37&up=B, 25&up=C, 20&up=D.
Feb 26Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 6 have been posted on the calendar. Checkpoint 3 will be distributed in Lab on Wednesday.
Feb 25A new release of Dr. Memory with experimental support of Windows 8 is now available.
Follow the instructions on the Memory Debugging page, and download Dr. Memory version 1.5.1-6.
For questions, bug reports, and discussion, use the Dr. Memory Users group:
Feb 24There was a typo in the sorting order for the recipe suggestions in medium_output.txt. Please download the new version from the calendar.
Feb 22HW4 has been posted on the calendar. It is due Thursday Feb 28th @ 11:59pm.
Feb 19 Prof Cutler will drop by ALAC drop-in-tutoring on Wednesday (2/20) evening (CII 3116, approx 8:15-9pm).
Feb 19 Homework 2 grades are now available from the homework submission server.
HW2 avg:39/50, std dev:12.5, approximate grades: 45&up=A, 37&up=B, 27&up=C, 20&up=D.
Feb 19 ALAC is running the following help session:
TLA Workshop
Data Structures - C++ - Improving your C++ Skills by Example
Thursday 2/21/2013, from 6 pm to 8 pm in DCC 324

Struggling in Data Structures this semester?

C++ is not your favorite language?

This 2-hour workshop focuses on C++ fundamentals and best practices,
plus arrays, pointers, references, and object-oriented programming
(classes, objects, constructors, member functions, etc.).

BRING your laptop so you can follow along -- make sure your laptop is
fully charged and can last 2 hours!

Approx. breakdown of workshop:

15 minutes -- fundamentals
-- C++ coding standards, indentation, naming
-- compile frequently
-- cmd-line args in Visual Studio
-- debugger?
-- two follow-along examples

15 minutes -- arrays
-- one or two follow-along examples

20 minutes -- pointers/references
-- two follow-along examples

~60 min -- object-oriented (classes, objects, inheritance, ...)
-- two follow-along examples?

Feb 19Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 5 have been posted on the calendar. Checkpoint 3 will be distributed in Lab on Wednesday.
Feb 15Monday is a holiday, so there will be no office hours. On Tuesday, Yao will have office hours from 10am-noon and Professor Cutler from 2:00-3:50pm (There is a department colloquium at 4pm, so office hours will end by 3:50).
Feb 15HW3 has been posted on the calendar. It is due Thursday Feb 21 @ 11:59pm. Friday's lecture will cover new material that is needed for this homework.
Feb 13Jamie's office hours (normally noon-2pm) are cancelled today due to the career fair.
Feb 13The tests have been graded and will be handed back in lab Wednesday after you finish the 3rd checkpoint. Please thank your TAs for their super-human efforts during a 12+ hour grading session Tuesday afternoon and evening (from noon - midnight!)

Stats for the exam: Max=100, Average=79.6 (8-9:50am average 80.4, 10-11:50am average 78.8), Standard Deviation=13.1. Approximate grades: 90&up=A, 80&up=B, 66&up=C, 55&up=D. Your semester average will be computed from the curved number score, not the approximate letter grade. These are approximate boundaries and, thus, there is still very little difference between an 89 and a 90 (so don't ask for a questionable regrade for 1 point).

See the test solutions posted on the calendar. All re-grade requests must be submitted within 7 days. Your entire test will be examined and your score may go up or down.

Feb 12Checkpoints 1, 2, & 3 for Lab 4 have been posted on the calendar.
Feb 10Solutions to the Test 1 practice problems have been posted on the calendar. Don't look at the solutions until you have worked through the problems on your own.
Feb 10Sample solutions for Homework 2 have been posted on the calendar.
Feb 9Sample solutions for Homework 1 have been posted on the calendar.
Feb 7Exam Schedule for Tuesday Feb 12th (in the normal lecture room, Sage 3303):

  • 8-9:50am: all students who indicated a preference for the 8-9:50am time slot.
    and students whose last name begins with the letters A-L that do not have a conflict.

  • 10-11:50am: all students who have a course conflict in the 8-9:50am time slot.
    and students whose last name begins with the letters M-Z who indicated a preference for the 10-11:50 time slot.

Please attend the section assigned above so we do not have an over-crowding problem.

Students in the early exam will not be allowed to leave early.

Students in the later exam will not be allowed to arrive late. All students taking the 10am exam should arrive by 9:55am and wait quietly in the lobby.

Feb 6 Homework 1 grades are now available from the homework submission server.
HW1 avg:44/50, std dev:8, approximate grades: 45&up=A, 40&up=B, 35&up=C, 30&up=D.
Feb 5Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 3 have been posted on the calendar. Checkpoint 3 will be distributed in Lab on Wednesday.
Feb 4Practice problems from old exams have been posted on the calendar. The solutions will be posted early next week.
Feb 1The TA schedule for Thursday office hours has changed. Please check the new weekly schedule.
Feb 1HW2 has been posted on the calendar. It is due Thursday Feb 7 @ 11:59pm.
Jan 29Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 2 have been posted on the calendar. Checkpoint 3 will be distributed in Lab on Wednesday.
Jan 24HW1 has been posted on the calendar. It is due Thursday Jan 31st @ 11:59pm.
Jan 22Checkpoints 1 & 2 for Lab 1 have been posted on the calendar. Checkpoint 3 will be distributed in Lab on Wednesday.
Jan 22All students registered for Data Structures as of last week should have just received an email at their address this morning with login & password information for the Computer Science department linux machines. This account will allow you to access the homework submission server that you need for lab tomorrow & to submit your homeworks.

If you registered for the class in the last few days and/or did not receive an email with your new account information, send email to the instructor and we will get you setup with an account ASAP.

Similarly, if you cannot access the LMS page for this course, send email to the instructor to be added to the LMS course page.

  Welcome to CSCI 1200: Data Structures
The first day of class will be Tuesday January 22nd, see you there!