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CSCI 1200 - Fall 2009 Data Structures |
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C++ Development
Other Information
Homework Due Date and TimeAssignments are due Thursday nights at 11:59pm. Submission will be electronic and submission times will be judged from the timestamp given by the web server; that is, our clock, not yours. If it is one minute late, it is a day late, so we suggest that you don't actually wait until the last minute. You may submit your assignment multiple times; we will only grade your last submission. Please see the Calendar for the homework assignments and due dates.
Homework Late PolicyEach student will be given three days (whole or partial) of grace for late homework assignments. These grace days should be used carefully, and no more than two may be used for any one assignment. Once the late days have been exhausted, late assignments will not be accepted without a written excuse from the Dean of Students. For example, if student X submits his/her 1st assignment 26 hours late, X will have used two late days and have only one day left. If X then submits another assignment 5 hours late, X will have used his/her last late day. If X then submits a 3rd assignment 1 minute late, it will not be accepted. Students should use their late days carefully, saving them for the latter part of the semester or (better yet) not using them at all.CompilersYou may do your programming work for this course with any C++ compiler and development environment you wish, but your submitted homework code must compile and run under gcc/g++ 4.2.x. The homework submissions server will attempt to unzip your submission and compile & run your code with g++. It will inform you of any compile, link, and runtime errors or warnings.We understand that some of you may choose to use the Microsoft Visual Studio compiler and development environment. We are asking you to write portable code because it is good programming practice and it allows us to significantly streamline the grading process. This leaves more time for us to give constructive feedback on programming style, individual tutoring, and debugging help. If the grader must spend time editing your files in order to compile or run your code, you will receive no more than 50% credit. You will have practice using the submission process during the first lab. Please see a TA during office hours if you need additional help writing portable code. Also, see the page on C++ development environments for more information. Electronic SubmissionMake sure you read and follow the Academic Integrity statement which applies to all Homework Assignments. Once you've finished writing, testing, debugging, and commenting your code, prepare your assignment for submission as described below. This will pack together and compress your hw1 directory and all of the files it contains. (Replace hw1 with hw2, etc. as appropriate.)
Next click the submission link below. You will need your RPI login & password to access this page. Select the appropriate assignment, and then use the browse button to select the zip file you just created and press the "Send File" button only once.
You will either get a message confirming your submission or an error message advising you of a submission requirement you failed to adhere to. If you find a mistake in your homework, you can fix it and re-submit using the same procedure. We will only grade the most recent submission. Please ask a TA if you need help preparing your assignment for submission. Do not submit any other type of compressed file format or you will not receive full credit. Note: If there's lots of "stuff" in your homework directory the zip file may be too big for submission. (Visual Studio makes lots of big temporary files.) Either manually delete this extra stuff OR make a new folder and copy just the necessary files to that folder for submission. |