FAZIL HÜSNÜ DAGLARCA Seçme Siirler * Selected Poems |
Translated by Talat Sait Halman |
Bu Eller miydi Bu eller miydi masallar arasýndan Rüyalara uzattýðým bu eller miydi. Arzu dolu, yaþamak dolu, Bu eller miydi resimleri tutarken uyuyan. Bilyalarýn aydýnlýk dünyacýklarý Bu eller miydi hayatý o dünyalarýn. Altýn bir oyun gibi eserdi Altýn tüylerinden mevsimin rüzgarý. Topraktan evler yapan bu eller miydi Ki þimdi deðmekte toprak olan evlere. El iþi vazifelerin önünde Týrnaklarýný yiyerek düþünmek ne iyiydi. Kaybolmuþ o çizgilerden Falcýnýn saadet dedikleri. O köylü çakýsýnýn kestiði yer Söðüt dallarýndan düdük yaparken... Bu eller miydi kesen mavi serçeyi Birkaç damla kan ki zafer ve kahramanlýk. Yorganýn altýna saklanarak Bu eller miydi sevmeyen geceyi. Ayrýlmýþ sevgili oyuncaklardan Kýrmýþ küçücük þiþelerini. Ve her þeyden ve her þeyden sonra Bu eller miydi Allaha açýlan ! |
Were These the Hands? Were these the hands that used to leap Out of fables into dreams, were these the hands? Full of yearning, full of life, Were these the hands that clutched the pictures and fell asleep? The tiny shining worlds of marbles were theirs. Were these the hands that sparked them into life Where the season's breeze wafted Like a golden game out of their golden hairs? Were these the hands that built the houses of clay Which now caress the houses turned to dust? Face to face with arts-and-crafts assignments, It was so nice to muse and bite your fingernails away. Gone from those lines for good Are aspects that the fortune-teller read as happiness, Where the jackknife had slashed While carving whistles out of willow wood. Were these the hands that slayed the blue sparrow, Sporting some drops of blood for victory and glory? Hiding underneath the quilt Were these the hands that hated the night so? They abandoned all the cherished, flighty Toys and smashed their tiny bottles, too. Yet, in the face of everything, Were these the hands that opened up to God Almighty! |