Due Date: April 22, before midnight (11:59:59PM)

This assignment comprises both written questions and implementation-based lab.


Answer the following questions from the DPV book: i) Q6.1, ii) Q6.4, iii) Q6.11, iv) Q6.19.

Lab9: Edit Distance

Implement the edit distance algorithm described in Sec 6.3. Your code should compute the i) edit distance, and ii) a corresponding optimal alignment (via a "prev" array that keeps track of the minimum choice at each cell). You can use the numpy library if you need, but the code to implement edit distance must be your own.

You can test you code on the simple example from the book chapter. Given strings EXPONENTIAL and POLYNOMIAL, your output should be:

edit distance = 6

Note that is possible to have another alignment, but the distance remains 6.

As another test case, try the following two DNA strings:


The edit distance in this case is 41. When printing a long string, make sure that no more than 80 characters are printed at one time. For the two strings above your output should look like:

edit distance: 41


Finally, submit your output on the following two files. The first one cox1-protein.fasta contains the COX1 (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) gene's protein sequence for Humans and Yeast, and the second one cox1-dna.fasta contains the COX1 gene's DNA sequence for Humans and Worms. These "fasta" files have two sequences in each file. Each sequence begins with a header string on one line beginning with the character ">". The lines that follow should all be concatenated into one string, until the next ">" is seen or end of file is encountered. For example, if a sample file is

>this is seq1
>this is seq2

Then the first sequence is ACGTAC, and the second is TAGGGGTACTT


In addition to the edit distance, compute and print the total number of distinct alignments that are optimal. For this, you need to define a new recursive function that will compute the number of distinct alignments for each cell, which can be updated after computing the edit distance for each cell.


Use submitty to submit a PDF with the output and one .py script. The output on the cox1-protein and cox1-dna sequences should be submitted.

Policy on Academic Honesty

You are free to discuss how to tackle the assignment, but all coding must be your own. Please do not copy or modify code from anyone else, including code on the web. Any students caught violating the academic honesty principle will get an automatic F grade on the course and will be referred to the dean of students for disciplinary action.