CPSC 452 - Exercise Assignments and Hints

The exercises assigned are from J.J. Craig's text, "Intro. to Robotics," ed. 2.

Chapter 2 Assignment Due Friday, Jan. 31, 1997

Exercises 2.1, 2.3, 2.6, 2.21, 2.22, 2.33


Exercise 2.1 - Think of the rotation matrix as operating on the vector, P, to create first P', then P''. Write the equations relating P to P' and P' to P''. Then substitute.

Exercise 2.3 - Draw three frames linked by arcs representing the rotation t-forms. To get to the intermediate {B} (after the first rotation), you use Rz(theta). Then do same for final {B}. The product of the R's moving from the original frame, {A}, to {B} is AB(R) (R super A sub B). Now you need to t-form B(P) to A(P). You either need AB(R) or its transpose - you decide. Incidentally, this problem should look a lot like the derivation of the rotation matrix for ZYX Euler angles.

Exercise 2.6 - There are many ways to do this problem. Here are 3 suggestions on how to get started:

Exercise 2.21 - Your rotation matrix should be a function of theta. If you end up with the identity matrix, you should reread the question.

Exercise 2.22 - Make sure you use 2 different axes of rotation.

Exercise 2.33 - You should be able to do this by inspection with maybe a cross product to find the direction cosines of one axis.