CSci 6966: Statistical and Learning Techniques for
Computer Vision
Welcome to this new course for the fall semester, 2006, developed by
Dr. Jens Rittscher from GE Global Research Center and Professor
Charles Stewart at Rensselaer.
The syllabus is now available, but must be
considered only tentative. (We are making this up as we go!) This
simple web page provides the lecture notes, which we will try to post
one lecture in advance, the homework, including pointers to data sets
as well as announcements about corrections and clarifications, and
pointers to web resources. Students are invited to make suggestions
about additional resources that the class as a whole might find
- Lecture 1 Random Variables. 28
August 2006.
- Lecture 2 Maximum Likelihood and
Bayesian Estimation. 31 August 2006.
- Lecture 3 Non-Parametric Density
Estimation. 7 September 2006. This includes a discussion of the
use of mutual information in image registration.
- Lecture 4 Gaussian Mixture Models
and EM. (Complete as of Sept 11 at 10:45 am, but then revised again
by 11:45 am:))
- Lecture 5 (updated Thurs, 9/21)
Introduction to Markov Random Fields
- Lecture 6 (updated Monday, 9/25)
Sampling methods
- Lecture 7 Approximate Inference
- Lecture 8 Belief Propagation
algorithms and application to the stereo correspondence problem.
This is just an outline of our reading and in-class discussion.
- Homework 1, due Thursday September 7. The
test images will be available soon.
- (Friday, Sept 1): On problem 2, you may use the results from
problem 5. On problem 4, start by considering the value of sigma
(the variance in the data) to be known and then consider sigma
- (Monday, Sept 4): Here are three images from the Berkeley
database to try:
image 80
image 88
image 98
- (Tuesday, Sept 12): Graded papers are outside
Prof. Stewart's office door.
- Homework 2 (revised 9/07 at 10:25 pm), due
Thursday September 14.
- On problem 2 you may assume you are working with scalars, not
- (9/19, 8:30am) I have finished grading. The papers will
be placed outside my office door soon. A number of
students struggled with problems 2 and 3, so we will go over
these at the start of class on Thursday.
- Homework 3 due
Thursday September 21.
- (9/19, 7:40am) In problem 3, the correct definition should be
P^c_{i,j} := prob(x_{t+c} = j | x_t = i)
- Homework 4 (modified Tuesday 9:30am) due
Monday October 2nd
- The data sets for problem 1 are
em_set2.txt, and
em_set3.txt. The first one is the
easiest. In order to help you debug, here are the statistics
for the first set:
- the means are (-5,3) and (1,3),
- the mixture fractions are pi_1 = .32 and pi_2 = 0.68,
- and the eigenvalues of the covariance matrices
(that generated the data) are (2.25,0.25) and
- Homework 5
- Homework 6
Web Resources
The first three are general mathematical resources.
- Mathworld is a
hyperlinked dictionary of mathematical terms and topics.
- Perhaps surprisingly,
contains many short articles on topics of mathematical interest as
well as on the various application areas we are considering.
- The Matrix
Cookbook by Peterson and Pederson is a good
reference for problems in matrix manipulation, especially
those involving derivatives.