Malicious Network Traffic Detection
Publications and Further Reading
Learning detectors of malicious web requests for intrusion detection in network traffic
Lukas Machlica, Karel Bartos, and Michal Sofka
arXiv:1702.02530 [stat.ML] 2017.
Learning Invariant Representation for Malicious Network Traffic Detection
Vojtech Franc, Michal Sofka, and Karel Bartos
In Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Hague, Holland, 29 Aug - 2 Sep. 2016.
Optimized Invariant Representation of Network Traffic for Detecting
Unseen Malware Variants
Vojtech Franc, Michal Sofka, and Karel Bartos
USENIX Security Symposium, Austin, TX, 10-12 Aug. 2016.
15.6% acceptatnce rate.
Learning detector of malicious network traffic from weak labels
Vojtech Franc, Michal Sofka, and Karel Bartos
In Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning
and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD), Porto, Portugal, 7-11 Sep. 2015.
Robust representation of network traffic for detecting malware variations
Karel Bartos and Michal Sofka
In Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning
and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD), Porto, Portugal, 7-11 Sep. 2015.