Automatic Multi-Organ Segmentation Using Learning-based Segmentation
and Level Set Optimization
We present a novel generic segmentation system for the fully
automatic multi-organ segmentation from CT medical images. Thereby
we combine the advantages of learning-based approaches on point cloud-based
shape representation, such a speed, robustness, point correspondences,
with those of PDE-optimization-based level set approaches, such
as high accuracy and the straightforward prevention of segment overlaps.
In a benchmark on 10-100 annotated datasets for the liver, the lungs,
and the kidneys we show that the proposed system yields segmentation
accuracies of 1.17-2.89mm average surface errors. Thereby the level set
segmentation (which is initialized by the learning-based segmentations)
contributes with an 20%-40% increase in accuracy.
Publications and Further Reading
Automatic Multi-Organ Segmentation Using Learning-based Segmentation and Level Set Optimization
Timo Kohlberger, Michal Sofka, Jingdan Zhang, Neil Birkbeck, Jens Wetzl,
Jens Kaftan, Jérôme Declerck, and S.Kevin Zhou
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Image Computing
and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Toronto, Canada, 18-22 Sep. 2011.