Programming requires four basic skills:
We will attempt to write an unbreakable program in today’s lecture.
Aside to recall the syntax: and,or,not are lower case!
If we have two boolean expressions, which we will refer to as ex1 and ex2, and if we combine their “truth” values using and we have the following “truth table” to describe the result
ex1 | ex2 | ex1 and ex2 |
False | False | False |
False | True | False |
True | False | False |
True | True | True |
If we combine the two expressions using or, we have
ex1 | ex2 | ex1 or ex2 |
False | False | False |
False | True | True |
True | False | True |
True | True | True |
Finally, using not we have
ex1 | not ex1 |
False | True |
True | False |
Using ex1 and ex2 once again to represent boolean expressions, we have
not (ex1 and ex2) == (not ex1) or (not ex2)
not (ex1 or ex2) == (not ex1) and (not ex2)
Also, distribution laws
ex1 and (ex2 or ex3) == (ex1 and ex2) or (ex1 and ex3)
ex1 or (ex2 and ex3) == (ex1 or ex2) and (ex1 or ex3)
We can prove these using truth tables.
Python only evaluates expressions as far as needed to make a decision.
Therefore, in boolean expression of the form
ex1 and ex2
ex2 will not be evaluated if ex1 evaluates to False. Think about why.
Also, in boolean expression of the form
ex1 or ex2
ex2 will not be evaluated if ex1 evalues to True.
This “short-circuiting” is common across many programming languages.
Let’s try to check for valid input.
x = raw_input("Enter a positive number ==> ")
Write a boolean expression to determine if two circles, with centers at locations x0, y0 and x1, y1 and radii r0 and r1 intersect.
Suppose you have a tuple that stores the semester and year a course was taken, as in
when = ('Spring',2013)
Write a function that takes two such lists as arguments and returns True if the first list represents an earlier semester and False otherwise. The possible semesters are 'Spring' and 'Fall'.
We can place if statements inside of other if statements.
To illustrate
if ex1:
if ex2:
elif ex3:
elif ex4:
We can also work back and forth between this structure and a single level if, elif, elif, else structure.
We will work through this example in class.
In the following code, for what values of x and y does the code print 1, for what values does the code print 2, and for what values does the code print nothing at all?
if x>5 and y<10:
if x<5 or y>2:
if y>3 or z<3:
print 1
print 2
The moral of the story is that you should be careful to ensure that your logic and if structures cover the entire range of possibilities!
Check that a string contains is a float.
Suppose we represent the date as three integers in a tuple giving the month, the day and the year, as in
d = (2, 26, 2103)
Write a Python function called is_earlier that takes two date lists and returns True if the first date, d1 is earlier than the second, d2. It should return False otherwise. Try to write this in three different ways:
Sometimes we store the result of boolean expressions in a variable for later use:
f = float(raw_input("Enter a Fahrenheit temperature: "))
is_below_freezing = f < 32.0
if is_below_freezing:
print "Brrr. It is cold"
We use this to
Doctors often suggest a patient’s risk of heart disease in terms of a combination of the BMI (body mask index) and age using the following table:
Age ![]() |
Age ![]() |
BMI ![]() |
Low | Medium |
BMI ![]() |
Medium | High |
Assuming the values for a patient are stored in variables age and bmi, we can write the following code
slim = bmi < 22.0
young = age <= 45
if young:
if slim:
risk = 'low'
risk = 'medium'
if slim:
risk = 'medium'
risk = 'high'