Corporate and Professional Publishing Group
The Second Edition of the book is now available!
For more information, please see STL Resources at
The information on this page refers to the first edition:
Source Code Resources for
STL Tutorial and Reference Guide:
C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library
By David R. Musser and Atul Saini
Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series
ISBN 0-201-63398-1 * Hardcover * 432 pages * ©1996
Go to: Book Description (including the complete Table of Contents), Errata , Preface, Cover (41K), Special Copyright Notice, Ordering Information, or C&P Welcome Page.
Source Code Resources
In this book all major and most minor points are illustrated with
actual code examples, more than 80 small programs in all. The source
code for all of these programs is available here, either for individual program
viewing or all together in a
compressed archive file for downloading. (This file and others
mentioned below are available in three compression/archive formats;
see the README file for details.)
Dictionary file
Several of the programs in Part II of the book use a file containing a
dictionary of English words. You can use the programs with your own
dictionary file if you have one, or download the 20,159-word dictionary file
with which the programs were tested.
String class source file
Another useful source code file is bstring.h, the header file for the string
class used in many of the example programs (donated by Modena Software Inc.).
This class satisfies most of the requirements for the string class
specified by the ANSI/ISO Draft Standard for C++, but is not
completely up to date with more recent changes in the Standard.
STL source code
Finally, the
October 31, 1995
final release of the Hewlett-Packard
STL implementation is also available here. It has been modified
slightly to compile well with several major compilers, as described in
the next section.
STL-Compatible Compilers
The book's examples, bstring.h, and STL source code (the modified
version available at the RPI site) have all been
tested successfully with the following compilers:
- Apogee, version 3.0 (Unix)
- Borland C++, Version 4.5 (DOS/Windows)
- IBM xlC (AIX)
- IBM CSet++ (OS/2),
- Microsoft Visual C++, version 4.0 (DOS/Windows)
The examples and bstring.h have also been tested with the Free
Software Foundation's compiler,
which is available on many platforms and comes with its own adaptation
of HP STL. All of the example programs compile and execute properly
with this version except Examples 5-9, 6-9, 13-1, 14-1, and 16-1.
Other compilers that have been reported to be able to compile STL
include DEC C++ 5.0, EDG C++ front-end 2.29 (several compilers based
on it), IBM VisualAge C++ 3.0, Kuck and Associates' Photon C++,
Metrowerk's Codewarrior 7, Rational Apex C/C++ 2.0.6 , SGI C++ 4.0,
Sun C++ 4.1, Symantec C++ 7.2, Watcom C++ 10.5. For further
information on STL-compatibility of these and other compilers, see The
STL-Compatible Compilers List and The
STL Resource List, both maintained by Warren Young.
Go to: Book Description (including the complete Table of Contents), Errata , Preface, Cover (41K), Special Copyright Notice, Ordering Information, or C&P Welcome Page.