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Go backward to Hierarchical Iterators and Algorithms
Matt Austern

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Go forward to Generative Programming: Beyond Generic Programming
Ulrich Eisenecker

Generic Programming in C++: Matrix Case Study
Krzysztof Czarnecki

This talk presents a concrete example of a complete generative development method for libraries of reusable algorithmic components and its application to the domain of matrix computations. The overall method is a specialization of the domain engineering method ODM by Simos et al. In the analysis phase, an extended version of so-called feature diagrams is used to model the features of the domain as well as the features of the key concepts and constraints between features are recorded in constraint tables. In the design phase, domain specific languages (DSL) and the implementation component architecture are derived from the domain analysis model. The concrete matrix computation example involves defining a matrix configuration DSL and a matrix expression DSL. The implementation architecture is based on the layered GenVoca model, where the valid combinations of the implementation components are described by an implementation components configuration language (ICCL). Finally, template metaprogramming is used to implement a generator component translating matrix descriptions in the configuration DSL into concrete configurations in the ICCL. The expression DSL is implemented using expression templates to achieve loop fusing and eliminating temporaries. The generative matrix component currently covers 1840 different types of matrices using about 6000 lines of code. The performance of the generated matrices corresponds to the performance of hand-optimized matrix variants.


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