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User's guide

The User's guide should begin with an overview section. The overview section is a crucial part of the documentation and you should make sure it really does give an overview. Issues in writing a good overview include:

Intended audience

For the project reports for this course, the intended audience is not the course instructor.

Level of discussion

This is one of the most difficult problems of technical writing; it is tempting to dive into low level details in the overview long before the reader is ready for them. This can also be a problem in tutorial material (if any); you must introduce details a few at a time or else the reader will be confused.

One crucial issue is how much, if any, to say about design decisions in the overview. As a general rule, discuss design decisions in the overview only to the extent you believe that doing so will help convince your audience it is worth trying your software. Overviews of STL, for example, generally include discussion of many design decisions as part of the explanation of the advantages of generic programming.

Defining terms

This will depend on your intended audience; the more background you assume, the more you restrict your audience, but spending a lot of space defining terms may turn off readers who are already knowledgeable.

Tutorial material

After the overview, the User's Guide often contains tutorial material of various forms, particularly examples of use of the software and discussions of pitfalls to avoid. Writing good tutorials is important but is mostly beyond the scope of this project. Spend time on this part only if you have everything else completed and polished.


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