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IDL Basic Types

The basic types supported in IDL are
IDL Type Range of Values
short ­215 ... 215 - 1 (16­bit)
unsigned short 0... 216 - 1 (16­bit)
long -231 ... 231 - 1 (32­bit)
unsigned long 0 ... 232 - 1 (32­bit)
float IEEE single-precision floating point numbers.
double IEEE double-precision floating point numbers.
char An 8-bit value.
boolean TRUE or FALSE.
octet An 8-bit value that is guaranteed not to undergo
any conversion during transmission.
any The any type allows the specification of values
that can express an arbitrary IDL type.

The any data type allows you to specify that an attribute value, an operation parameter, or an operation return value can contain an arbitrary type of value to be determined at runtime.


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