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CSCI-2300 Data Structures and Algorithms

From the Rensselaer Catalog: Data structures and algorithms, and the mathematical techniques necessary to design and analyze them. Basic data structures: lists, associative structures, trees. Mathematical techniques for designing algorithms and analyzing worst-case and expected-case algorithm efficiency. Advanced data structures: balanced trees, tries, heaps, priority queues, graphs. Searching, sorting. Algorithm design techniques: dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, divide-and-conquer, backtracking. Example graph, string, geometric, and numeric algorithms. Prerequisites: CSCI-1200 and MATH-1010. Fall and spring terms annually. 4 credit hours.

The main background needed is programming experience and familiarity with data structures and algorithms, including basic efficiency analysis techniques. Programming will be done primarily in C++. The more advanced C++ language and library features will be thoroughly discussed and illustrated with example programs.


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