A small example of how to include graphics in a LaTeX document is
given in the following file directory
figure-testThe file figure-example.w is a nuweb file that can be processed with either nuweb -> latex -> dvips to produce a Postscript file or with pdfnuweb -> pdflatex to produce a PDF file. (In either case run the tools at least twice to get the figure references and any other cross-references filled in--see the Makefile.) Note that the includegraphics command looks either for a .pdf file if you are running pdflatex or for a .eps or .ps file if you are running latex. See also Including graphics in LaTeX/PDF documentsfor further documentation of this method of including graphics so that either a Postscript or a PDF document file can be produced. Many graphics tools can produce Postscript output but not PDF. If you have a Postscript file of a graphic, one tool for converting it to a PDF file is epstopdf, which is available on the CSLab Solaris machines. (There is a version that comes with Miktex for Windows systems but it seems to be broken. If you are working on a Windows system you may need to ftp your Postcript files to CSLab and do the conversion with epstopdf there. That's how the file Architecture.pdf was produced from Architecture.ps.) |