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Contents and organization of project final reports

Software documentation is often published in separate volumes called User's Guide, Reference Manual, and Design Document. Results of testing software are not usually published outside of an organization's development group, and (unfortunately for later maintainers) may not be documented at all. For the projects for this course, prepare a single document with the following sections:

  • User's guide
  • Reference manual
  • Design issues
  • Source code
  • Test plan and results
The user's guide contains the user level documentation and may contain tutorial material (such as extended discussion of examples), but for purposes of this course, tutorial material is optional.

The complete source code of a software product is not usually published, but in this case your project reports should include it. It is required that the code be presented in the literate programming style, using the Nuweb tool. The code that you compile and test must be the code that is extracted from the Nuweb source file for your project. You should submit your report containing the code and the other sections in both hardcopy form (resulting from running Nuweb source file -> nuweb -> latex -> dvips -> laser printer, or, better, Nuweb source file -> Pdfnuweb -> pdflatex -> laser printer) and as an email message containing only the single Nuweb source file.

The SGI web pages contain mainly overview and reference material, and some discussion of design issues; they contain only minimal tutorial material and lack any discussion of testing. They point to the code but do not use literate programming in presenting the coding details.

User's guide

The User's guide should begin with an overview section. The overview section is a crucial part of the documentation and you should make sure it really does give an overview. Issues in writing a good overview include:

  • Who is the intended audience.
  • What is the right level of discussion for that audience, in the overview (you can change to a more detailed level in the later sections).
  • What terms need to be defined to convey the main points to the intended audience.

Intended audience

For the project reports for this course, the intended audience is not the course instructor.

  • Aim for a broader audience such as the professional programming community, or, more likely, limited to C++ programmers (I leave some discretion here, but you should make clear how much knowledge of programming, C++, STL or BGL you assume).
  • Thus the document should not have a title like "Advanced Programming Project Report"; instead it should be descriptive of the library component(s) developed in the project.
  • The documentation should not refer to earlier work on the project such as preliminary or progress reports; most readers won't care about the history of the project. You might include some information such as results of preliminary experiments with compiler portability or performance, but only if it helps justify design decisions of your final software (so it probably goes in the design document if it is included at all).

Level of discussion

This is one of the most difficult problems of technical writing; it is tempting to dive into low level details in the overview long before the reader is ready for them. This can also be a problem in tutorial material (if any); you must introduce details a few at a time or else the reader will be confused.

One crucial issue is how much, if any, to say about design decisions in the overview. As a general rule, discuss design decisions in the overview only to the extent you believe that doing so will help convince your audience it is worth trying your software. Overviews of STL, for example, generally include discussion of many design decisions as part of the explanation of the advantages of generic programming.

Defining terms

This will depend on your intended audience; the more background you assume, the more you restrict your audience, but spending a lot of space defining terms may turn off readers who are already knowledgeable.

Tutorial material

After the overview, the User's Guide often contains tutorial material of various forms, particularly examples of use of the software and discussions of pitfalls to avoid. Writing good tutorials is important but is mostly beyond the scope of this project. Spend time on this part only if you have everything else completed and polished.

Reference manual

In How to use the STL documentation note the descriptions of the format of concept pages, of type pages, and of function pages. You should take these as guidelines for writing the reference manual part of the documentation for your project.

Design issues

In this section describe the key design decisions. This includes interface and abstract semantics design decisions, and why particular algorithms and data structures were chosen, versus alternatives. Remember that this documentation is not for the end-user, and thus may be more technical than the User's Guide.

As much as possible, separate the design issues into an abstraction level and an implementation level:

  • The abstraction level design issues concern the interface, semantics, and performance requirements.
  • The implementation level design issues concern the choice of internal algorithms and data structures that meet the abstraction level requirements. Do not discuss details that would be obvious from reading the code, but if you have used nonobvious optimizations in your code then either here or the next section (source code) is the place to describe them.

Occasionally you may need to refer to some of the implementation issues in justifying your abstraction level design choices.

Some further points:

  • It may be useful to make comparisons to other libraries or software packages. Though not essential, such comparisons can help readers who might have knowledge of other software put your library in perspective. Avoid comparisons to software that is not widely known, since only a few people would be able to appreciate the comparison. Also avoid denigrating competing software or design decisions with phrases like "an awful hack"; keep your comparisons on a technical basis.
  • Give a detailed rationale for your design decisions if you think it will either (1) help convince readers to use your software, or (2) help future maintainers, re-implementors, or extenders of your software to avoid making other design choices that you know are inferior (because you tried them, or rejected them on the basis of careful analysis).
  • By the same token, avoid rationalizing decisions for which you have little supporting evidence; it's better simply to say that other decisions were possible but were not explored.

Source code

As mentioned above, you are required to present the complete source code using the literate programming style. In some cases you may find it easier to present design decisions and source code if you combine them in a single section. This is permitted.

Keep in mind the flexibility the literate programming style permits: you can present the most important parts of your code first, followed by the details, assembling the parts into an order acceptable to the compiler in an "overview" or "outline" part (which can come either before or after the other parts). You may even relegate nitty-gritty details to an appendix so they don't make the main discussion too long.

Test plan and results

As mentioned in the initial project assignment, testing should be extensive, including checking correctness of small cases, including boundary cases such as empty sequences, and measuring performance of large randomly generated inputs of a variety of sizes (possibly up to 100,000 or a million elements, depending on the algorithms or data structures involved).

  • Correctness for large inputs should also be checked, using an acceptance routine. For example, to check a sort routine, use an acceptance routine that checks to see if the result is in order, or better, checks to see if it is exactly the same output as that from another sort routine known to be correct. For this to work, the benchmark routine must have the same stability properties as the routine under test.
  • In timing fast algorithms on moderate size inputs (a few thousand elements) you may need to repeat some number of trials of the algorithm, record the total time, and divide that by the number of trials, to get an accurate average time. Note that this is different from (and usually will be more accurate than) timing each trial, totaling the times, and dividing by the number of trials.
  • Be sure to say which platforms you have run your tests on, giving the hardware platform (including processor speed) and compiler (including version and option selections, especially the optimization level). If you have run tests with more than one platform/compiler combination, make clear which of your test results correspond to which combination.

Other essential steps in preparing your report

  1. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Any problems in these areas can distract readers from your main message, or, worse, drive them away entirely.
    1. Read, or reread, Strunk and White, The Elements of Style. It's short, pleasant to read, and always helpful.
    2. Always run your documents through a spelling checker before submitting them to anyone else to read.
    3. Remember also to check manually for problems that a spelling checker can't detect (see below).
    4. Often it's difficult to see grammatical errors in your own writing, even if you know the rules, so have someone else proofread it too.
  2. Document formatting errors can also be distracting. See the LaTeX section for help in avoiding common errors.
  3. Write clearly and simply, and maintain a level of formality of style. In a team project, different parts of the report will typically be drafted by different members of the team, with inevitable differences in style. One team member should take the role of editor, resolving such differences to achieve a single writing style in the final document.
Ode To My Spell Chequer
Author Unknown
I have a spelling chequer,
It came with my PC.
It plainly marks for my revue,
Miss takes I can not sea.
I've run this poem threw it,
I'm sure your please too no.
Its letter perfect in it's weigh,
My chequer tolled me sew.


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