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Boost Libraries

The Boost Organization's C++ Libraries are installed on the CS file server, in /cs/musser/public.html/ap/boost_1_24_0. They consist entirely of source code and documentation, with the exception of one subdirectory as discussed below. In most cases you can compile programs that include headers from the Boost libraries, such as most programs in the BGL textbook, simply by including the following option on the compilation command line:


If a program calls the BGL read_graphviz function, for input of graph data structures in graphviz form, another command line parameter is needed to link to an additional library. [9/17/2001: This part of the library is currently not fully set up on the CS file system but should be soon. For now, it should not matter as long as your program doesn't use read_graphviz.]

For installing the Boost libraries on a Windows box, there is again no problem as long as you avoid read_graphviz. If you want to use it, you must compile the code in the subdirectory boost_1_24_0/libs/graph/src. I was able to compile it with the Makefile in that subdirectory, but only after updating from g++ version 2.95.2 to 2.95.3 (which I did by updating my entire Cygwin Tools installation to version 1.3.3).

See also pp. xx and xxi of the BGL textbook preface.


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