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C++ FAQs and Newsgroups
C++ Moderated Newsgroup: comp.lang.c++.moderated
Comp.lang.c++ Newsgroup FAQs
Bjarne Stroustrup's FAQs
Mathtools.net C++ FAQs
The comp.lang.c++ FAQs
General C++ FAQs
Landfield's C++ FAQs
Google Web-directory FAQs
Yahoo's C++ FAQs
C++ FAQs Lite
by Marshall P. Cline
comp.std.c++ FAQs
More C++ FAQs
Silicon Graphics STL
(including a complete online STL reference manual)
STL Newbie Guide
The Dinkum C++ Library Reference
(including a complete online STL reference manual, but also covering other important parts of the library such as the
General C++ Web resources
The home page of
Bjarne Stroustrup
, the creator of C++.
The C++ Virtual Library
Yahoo Index on C and C++
Programming Language Resources
C++ Users Journal Homepage
Dr. Dobb's Website
Microsoft Visual C++ Homepage
C++ Annotations
Common Questions about learning C++
, by Bjarne Stroustrup
Bjarne Stroustrup on C++