Silicon Graphics, Inc.


Categories: iterators, adaptors Component type: type


Insert_iterator is an iterator adaptor that functions as an Output Iterator: assignment through an insert_iterator inserts an object into a Sequence. [1]


list<int> L;
insert_iterator<list<int> > ii(L, L.begin());
*ii++ = 0;
*ii++ = 1;
*ii++ = 2;
copy(L.begin(), L.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
// The values that are printed are 0 1 2 3.


Defined in iterator.h.

Template parameters

Parameter Description Default
Sequence The type of Sequence into which values will be inserted.  

Model of

Output Iterator. An insert iterator's set of value types (as defined in the Output Iterator requirements) consists of a single type: Sequence::value_type.

Type requirements

The template parameter Sequence must be a Sequence.

Public base classes



Member Where defined Description
insert_iterator(Sequence&, Sequence::iterator) insert_iterator See below.
insert_iterator(const insert_iterator&) Trivial Iterator The copy constructor
insert_iterator& operator=(const insert_iterator&) Trivial Iterator The assignment operator
insert_iterator& operator*() Output Iterator Used to implement the output iterator expression *i = x. [2]
insert_iterator& operator=(const Sequence::value_type&) Output Iterator Used to implement the output iterator expression *i = x. [2]
insert_iterator& operator++() Output Iterator Preincrement.
insert_iterator& operator++(int) Output Iterator Postincrement.
output_iterator_tag iterator_category(const insert_iterator&) iterator tags Returns the iterator's category. This is a global function, not a member.
template<class Sequence, class Iter)
inserter(Sequence& S, Iter i);
insert_iterator See below.

New members

These members are not defined in the Output Iterator requirements, but are specific to insert_iterator.
Member Description
insert_iterator(Sequence& S, Sequence::iterator i) Constructs an insert_iterator that inserts objects in S just before the element pointed to by i. The iterator i must be a dereferenceable or past-the-end iterator in S.
template<class Sequence, class Iter)
inserter(Sequence& S, Iter i);
Equivalent to insert_iterator<Sequence>(S, i). [2] This is a global function, not a member function.


[1] Note the difference between assignment through a Sequence::iterator and assignment through an insert_iterator<Sequence>. If i is a valid Sequence::iterator, then it points to some particular element in the sequence; the expression *i = t replaces that element with t, and does not change the total number of elements in the sequence. If ii is a valid insert_iterator<Sequence>, however, then the expression *ii = t is equivalent, for some Sequence seq and some valid Sequence::iterator j, to the expression seq.insert(j, t). That is, it does not overwrite any of seq's elements and it does change seq's size.

[2] Note how assignment through an insert_iterator is implemented. In general, unary operator* must be defined so that it returns a proxy object, where the proxy object defines operator= to perform the insert operation. In this case, for the sake of simplicity, the proxy object is the insert_iterator itself. That is, *i simply returns i, and *i = t is equivalent to i = t. You should not, however, rely on this behavior. It is an implementation detail, and it is not guaranteed to remain the same in future versions.

[3] This function exists solely for the sake of convenience: since it is a non-member function, the template parameters may be inferred and the type of the insert_iterator need not be declared explicitly. One easy way to reverse a range and insert it into a Sequence S, for example, is reverse_copy(first, last, inserter(S, S.begin())).

See also

front_insert_iterator, back_insert_iterator, Output Iterator, Sequence, Iterator overview
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