Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Multiple Hashed Associative Container

Category: containers Component type: concept


A Multiple Hashed Associative Container is a Hashed Associative Container that is also a Multiple Associative Container. That is, it is a Hashed Associative Container with the property that any number of elements in the container may have the same key

Refinement of

Hashed Associative Container, Multiple Associative Container

Associated types

None, except for those described in the Hashed Associative Container and Multiple Associative Container requirements.


X A type that is a model of Hashed Associative Container
a Object of type X
t Object of type X::value_type
k Object of type X::key_type
p, q Object of type X::iterator
n Object of type X::size_type
h Object of type X::hasher
c Object of type X::key_equal


Valid expressions

In addition to the expressions defined in Hashed Associative Container and and Multiple Associative Container, the following expressions must be valid.
Name Expression Type requirements Return type
Range constructor
X(i, j)
X a(i, j);
i and j are Input Iterators whose value type is convertible to T [1]. X
Range constructor with bucket count
X(i, j, n)
X a(i, j, n);
i and j are Input Iterators whose value type is convertible to T [1]. X
Range constructor with hash function
X(i, j, n, h)
X a(i, j, n, h);
i and j are Input Iterators whose value type is convertible to T [1]. X
Range constructor with key equal
X(i, j, n, h, k)
X a(i, j, n, h, k);
i and j are Input Iterators whose value type is convertible to T [1]. X

Expression semantics

Name Expression Precondition Semantics Postcondition
Range constructor
X(i, j)
X a(i, j);
[i,j) is a valid range. Creates an associative container that contains all elements in the range [i,j), using hasher() as the hash function and key_equal() as the key equality function. size() is equal to the distance from i to j. The bucket count is an unspecified default value. The hash function is hasher(), and the key equality function is key_equal().
Range constructor with bucket count
X(i, j, n)
X a(i, j, n);
[i,j) is a valid range. Creates an associative container that contains all elements in the range [i,j), using at least n buckets, and using hasher() as the hash function and key_equal() as the key equality function. size() is equal to the distance from i to j. The bucket count is greater than or equal to n. The hash function is hasher(), and the key equality function is key_equal().
Range constructor with hash function
X(i, j, n, h)
X a(i, j, n, h);
[i,j) is a valid range. Creates an associative container that contains all elements in the range [i,j), using at least n buckets, and using h as the hash function and key_equal() as the key equality function. size() is equal to the distance from i to j. The bucket count is greater than or equal to n. The hash function is h, and the key equality function is key_equal().
Range constructor with key equal
X(i, j, n, h, k)
X a(i, j, n, h, k);
[i,j) is a valid range. Creates an associative container that contains all elements in the range [i,j), using at least n buckets, and using h as the hash function and k as the key equality function. size() is equal to the distance from i to j. The bucket count is greater than or equal to n. The hash function is h, and the key equality function is k.

Complexity guarantees

The range constructor, range constructor with bucket count, range constructor with hash function, and range constructor with key equal, are all linear in j - i.




[1] At present (June 1997), very few compilers support "member templates". If your compiler supports member templates then i and j may be of any type that conforms to the Input Iterator requirements. If your compiler does not yet support member templates, however, then i and j must be of type const T* or of type X::const_iterator.

See also

Associative Container, Hashed Associative Container, Unique Hashed Associative Container Sorted Associative Container
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