Code Developed in CSCI-1100 Fall 2024

Lecture 1

Module: three_doubles — Finds three consecutive pairs of double letters


""" Find all words containing three consecutive pairs of double letters 
in a file of all English words located at:

**Modules used:**  :py:mod:`urllib` 

**Author**: Sibel Adali <>, Chuck Stewart <>

**Returns:** All words matching condition and the count of found words

**Pseudo Code**::

   open the file from the web with all the words in English
   for each word in the file:
       for all positions l in the word
           if the letters at positions (l and l+1) are the same
              and the letters at positions (l+2 and l+3) are the same
              and the letters at positons  (l+4 and l+5) are the same then
               output word and increment the count


import urllib.request

def has_three_double(word):
    Returns True if the word contains three consecutive pairs of
    double letters and False otherwise.         
    for l in range(len(word)-5):
        if word[l] == word[l+1] and \
                word[l+2]==word[l+3] and \
            return True
    return False

# Comments that fit in a single line can be put in this format.

# The main body of the program starts here

Assign the location of the words file and go get it.
word_url = ''
word_file = urllib.request.urlopen(word_url)

Process each word in the file one by one, testing to see if it has
three consecutive doubles.  Print it and count it if it does.
count = 0
for word in word_file:
    word = word.decode().strip()
    if has_three_double(word):
        count = count + 1

After we've gone through all the words, output a final message based
on the number of words that were counted.
if count == 0:
    print('No words found')
elif count == 1:
    print("1 word found")
    print(count, 'words were found')

Lecture 3

Module: lec03_surface_and_area — Find the surface and area of a cylinder


pi = 3.14159
radius = input("Radius: ")
radius =  float(radius)
height = input("Height: ")
height = float(height)
base_area = pi * radius ** 2
volume = base_area * height
surface_area = 2 * base_area + 2 * pi * radius * height
print("volume is", volume, ", surface area is", surface_area)

Lecture 5

Module: lec05_surface_and_area — Find the surface and area of a cylinder


This is a program to calculate the surface area and
volume of a cylinder given a radius and a height.

Radius and height are in float and are user inputs.

Sample Execution:
Enter radius (float) => 12
Enter height (float) => 10
Surface area is: 1658.76
Volume is: 4523.89

import math

def area_circle(radius):
    This function returns the area of a circle with a given radius.
    radius is the input parameter
    area = math.pi * radius ** 2
    return area

def area_cylinder(h, r):
    Give a height h and radius r, return the surface area of a cylinder.
    cap_area = 2 * area_circle(r)
    rect_area = math.pi * 2 * r * h
    return cap_area + rect_area

if __name__ == "__main__":
    r = float(input("Enter radius (float) => "))
    h = float(input("Enter height (float) => "))
    print("Surface area is: {:.2f}".format(area_cylinder(h, r)))
    print("Volume is: {:.2f}".format(h * area_circle(r)))

Lecture 6

Module: lec06_rectangle — Does a given point fall within a rectangle


Program to demonstrate the use of complex boolean expressions and if/elif/else
clauses. Determine whether a set of coordinates fall within a rectangle given
by the verticies (x0, y0), (x0, y1), (x1, y1), and (x1, y0)

Author: CS1 Staff
Date 9/21/2024

Initialize the rectangle
x0 = 10
x1 = 16
y0 = 32
y1 = 45

Get the target point
x = input("x coordinate ==> ")
x = float(x)
y = input("y coordinate ==> ")
y = float(y)

If the x coordinate matches x0 or x1 and we are within the y range, we are
on the boundary. Similarly, if the y coordinate matches y0 or y1 and we are 
within the x range, we are also on the boundary
if ((x == x0 or x == x1) and (y0 <= y <= y1) or (y == y0 or y == y1) and (x0 <= x <= x1)):
    print("Point ({:.2f},{:.2f}) is on the boundary.".format(x, y))
elif (x0 < x < x1) and (y0 < y < y1):
    If we are not on the boundary, but we are in range in both x and y, 
    then we are inside the rectangle
    print("Point ({:.2f},{:.2f}) is inside the rectangle.".format(x, y))
    If we are not on the boundary and we are not inside the rectangle, then
    we must be inside.
    print("Point ({:.2f},{:.2f}) is outside the rectangle.".format(x, y))

Lecture 7

Module: lec07_area — Set up a module for area calculations


Lecture 7 - Area Module
Prof. Charles Stewart

We've gathered the code from our area calculations to form a module
that can be used by other programs.

import math

def circle(radius):
    ''' Compute and return the area of a circle '''
    return math.pi * radius**2

def cylinder(radius,height):
    ''' Compute and return the surface area of a cylinder '''
    circle_area = circle(radius)
    height_area = 2 * radius * math.pi * height
    return 2*circle_area + height_area

def sphere(radius):
    '''  Compute and return the surface area of a sphere '''
    return 4 * math.pi * radius**2

Module: lec07_use_area — Use the area module in a separate main


Lecture 7 - Demonstrate the use of the area calculations
Prof. Charles Stewart

import lec07_area

r = 6
h = 10
a1 =
a2 = lec07_area.cylinder(r,h)
a3 = lec07_area.sphere(r)
print("Area circle {:.1f}".format(a1))
print("Surface area cylinder {:.1f}".format(a2))
print("Surface area sphere {:.1f}".format(a3))

Module: lec07_images_init — Image chipmunk example


from PIL import Image

filename = "chipmunk.jpg"
im =
print('\n' '********************')
print("Here's the information about", filename)
print(im.format, im.size, im.mode)

gray_im = im.convert('L')
scaled = gray_im.resize( (128,128) )
print("After converting to gray scale and resizing,")
print("the image information has changed to")
print(scaled.format, scaled.size, scaled.mode) + "_scaled.jpg")

Lecture 9

Module: lec09_co2_percentages — CO2 percentages from class examples


Demonstrate walking through a list calculating values between pairs of
values. In this instance we are calculating the percent change year-to-year
for CO2 concentration.

co2_levels = [ (2001, 320.03), (2003, 322.16), (2004, 328.07),\
               (2006, 323.91), (2008, 341.47), (2009, 348.92),\
               (2010, 357.29), (2011, 363.77), (2012, 361.51),\
               (2013, 382.47) ]

percent_change = []
while i< len(co2_levels):
    percent_change.append((co2_levels[i][1] - co2_levels[i-1][1]) / co2_levels[i-1][1])
    i += 1


Module: lec09_loop_variable_examples — Three examples of manipulating loop variables


Two examples of manipulating loop variables. The first prints out every 
other element of the list starting from the first element. The second uses the
loop variable to print out an evergreen tree.

i = 0
while i < len(months):
    i+= 2
Now print out the evergreen.
i = 1
#length = 9
while i < 10:
    print((4 - i//2 )*" " + i*'*')
    i+= 2

print(3*" "+3*'*')
print(3*" "+3*'*')

Finally, let's let the user pick
an odd value > 3.
field = int(input("Enter an odd number greater than 3: "))
if field % 2 == 1 and field > 3:
    j = 1
    while j <= field:
        print((field - j) // 2 * ' ', j * "*")
        j += 2
    j = 3
    print((field - j) // 2 * ' ', j * "*")
    print((field - j) // 2 * ' ', j * "*")
    print("{} is not an odd integer greater than 3.".format(field))

Module: lec09_nested_loop — Example of doubly nested loop


Quick code snippet to demonstrate walking through a list operating on 
all pairs of list elements without repeating matches and without operating
on the diagonals.


L = [2, 21, 12, 8, 5, 31]
i = 0

dist = abs(L[0] - L[1])
indices = 0 ,1

while i < len(L):
    j = i +1
    while j < len(L):
        test_dist = abs(L[i] - L[j])
        if test_dist <= dist:
            dist = test_dist
            indices = i, j
        j += 1
    i += 1
print("Closest {} at {}.".format(dist, indices))

Lecture 11

Module: Lec11_module — Example of defining test code in a module


Demonstrate importing and using a 'homegrown' module. In this file
we are defining the Lec11_module code. Note that the code in the

if __name__ == "__main__":

block is executed when this file is run, but not when we import it 
into Lec11_main. Either way the "addto" function remains available.
def addto(val, increment):
    return val + increment

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Put the main body of the program below this line
    n = int(input("Enter a positive integer ==> "))
    total = 0
    i = 0
    while i < n:
        total = addto(total, i)
        i += 1
    print('Sum is', total)

Module: Lec11_main — Example of importing a module with test code


Demonstrate importing and using a 'homegrown' module. In this file
we are importing the Lec11_module code. Note that the code in the

if __name__ == "__main__":

block is not executed, but we can read in and use the "addto" function.
import Lec11_module


Module: Lec11_RandomWalk — Example of using the random module


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Oct  8 14:20:39 2020

@author: westu

This is an example of using a random function in a simulation. Conceptually,
a person randomly takes a step forward or backward on a platform based on 
the value of the random function. To control the behavior of the simulation,
you can uncomment and control the value of the seed.
import time
import random

def print_pos(pos, length):
    Given a platform length in length and a person's position in pos,
    place them on the platform or falling off the platform
    if pos == 0:
        str = 'v' + length * '-'+ '_'
    elif pos > length:
        str = '_' + length * '-'+ 'v'
        str = '_'+(pos-1)*"-"+"^"+(length-pos)*"-"+'_'
    print(str, flush=True)
Main for the random walk.
if __name__ == "__main__":
    length = input("Length: ")
    length = int(length)
    pos = length // 2 + 1
    while pos > 0 and pos < (length+1):
        print_pos(pos, length)
        # Plug in your favorite random function here:
        # random.random() or random.randint work too ...
        pos += random.choice([-1, 1])
    print_pos(pos, length)

Lecture 12

Module: Lec12_dist — Closest point example


Two implementations of the closest point calculation, one using
an auxillary list and one not using an auxillary list.
def distance(p1, p2):
    Calcalate the distance between two points.
    return ((p1[1] - p2[1])**2 + (p1[0]-p2[0])**2)**0.5

def closest_points_1(points):
    Calculate the closest distance between two points using a distance array
    dist = []
    for i in range(len(points)):
        for j in range(i+1, len(points)):
            dist.append([distance(points[i], points[j]),i,j])
    return min(dist)

def closest_points_2(points):
    Calculate the closest distance between two points without using a distance array
    small = distance(points[0], points[1])
    i1 = 0
    i2 = 1
    for i in range(len(points)):
        for j in range(i+1, len(points)):
            dist = distance(points[i], points[j]) 
            if dist < small:
                small = dist
                i1 = i
                i2 = j
    return small, i1, i2

points = [ (1,5), (13.5, 9), (10, 5), (8, 2), (16,3) ]

cp = closest_points_1(points)
print("Closest dist of {:.2f} occurs between {} and {}".format(cp[0], points[cp[1]], points[cp[2]]))
cp = closest_points_2(points)
print("Closest dist of {:.2f} occurs between {} and {}".format(cp[0], points[cp[1]], points[cp[2]]))

Module: Lec12_Workspace — For and while loop examples


Calculate the distance between 2 x,y coordinates. This is used
later in the closest points calculation
def dist(x, y):
    return ((x[0] - y[0])**2 + (x[1] - y[1])**2)**0.5

Two loops to demonstrate manipulation of
loop variables for "for" and "while" loops.
n = int(input("N?: "))

for i in range(2, n, 2):
i = 2
while i < n:
    i += 2

Lecture 13

Module: lec13_avg — File example, reading and calculating scores


file_name = input("Enter the name of the scores file: ")
file_name = file_name.strip()   # Elminate extra white space that the user may have typed

num_scores = 0
sum_scores = 0
for s in open(file_name):
    sum_scores += int(s)
    num_scores += 1

print("Average score is {:.1f}".format( sum_scores / num_scores ))

Module: lec13_parse_legos — Parsing Practice from Lecture 13


Building the list of legos from a file.  Each line of this file 
contains the name of a lego and the number of copies of that 
lego, separated by a comma.  For example,
2x1, 3
2x2, 2
lego_name = input('Enter the name of the legos file: ').strip()
lego_list = []
for line in open(lego_name):
    line = line.split(',')
    lego = line[0].strip()   # get rid of extra space
    count = int(line[1])
    # Either of the following two lines work...
    # lego_list.extend( [lego]*count )
    lego_list = lego_list + [lego]*count

Module: lec13_parse_yelp — Parsing Practice from Lecture 13


Lecture 13 Practice Problem: Parse the yelp.txt data file to create a
list of lists of names and averages. This demonstrates parsing an
irregularly formatted file.  We have to know that the 0th entry on
each line and the 6th are the scores.

Prof. Stewart

def yelp_averages( yelp_name ):
    averages = []
    for line in open(yelp_name):
        line = line.split('|')
        name = line[0]
        scores = line[6:]    # From entry 6 on are the scores

        if len(scores) == 0:
            # Handle the special case of an empty scores list
            averages.append( [ name, -1 ] )
            # Compute the average when there is at least one score
            sum_score = 0
            for s in scores:
                sum_score += int(s)
            avg = sum_score / len(scores)
    return averages

avgs = yelp_averages('yelp.txt')
print( avgs[0:3] )

Lecture 14


Here is a short example to show the calculation of a mode
when there is and is not an "enumerable" mapping between 
values and indices. (For the not enumerable, assume the values
are floats or sparsely distributed.

We assume scores are hockey scores. They cannot be negative.

scores = [(3, 2), (2, 1), (9, 1), (8, 7), (2, 0), (0,4), (1,7), (29, 6), (27, 29), (30, 29), (2, 29)]

Assume the values have an efficient mapping to indices of a list

Find the range for the enumeration.
high = scores[0][0]
for score in scores:
    if score[0] > high:
        high = score[0]
    if score[1] > high:
        high = score[1]

Now generate a list of occurence values and increment when you see a value occur.
L = (high+1) * [0]
for score in scores:
    L[score[0]] += 1
    L[score[1]] += 1
Report the enumerable case.
most = max(L)
print("Max occurence: {}".format(most))
if most == 1:
    print("No Mode")
    for index in range(len(L)):
        if L[index] == most:
            print("Mode is at: {}".format(index))
Now do it again assuming the values are not eumerable

Make a single list in sorted order
L = []
for score in scores:

Walk through the list looking for where the breaks in the sorted list
occur and use that to count occurences
curr = 0   # Count value, current max
index = 0  
prev = -1  # Element value from previous grouping
count = 0
modes = [] # All the values that have the maximum
while index < len(L):
    if L[index] != prev:
        if count > curr:
            modes = [prev]
            curr = count
        elif count == curr:
        prev = L[index]
        count = 1
        count += 1
    index += 1
if count > curr:
    modes = [prev]
    curr = count
elif count == curr:


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Solution to practice problem:
In this question you will implement a method for tracing a decreasing path through a grid (list of lists) to find a local minimum. The idea is to start at a specific entry in the grid and move to the smallest element of the current point and its neighbors. The process is repeated until the current element is the smallest in its neighborhood. This would be a local minimum. (As an aside, by running this algorithm with different randomly selected values of the start element, we can obtain some approximation of the globally minimum element.) Neighbors are elements that surround a given element, including the diagonals. There is no wrapping around grid edges. Indexing starts at 0.

Part a: Write a function smallest_neighbor(grid, start) that takes grid, a two-dimensional grid of numbers represented as a list of lists, and start, the row and column of the starting element represented as a two-tuple, and returns the row and column of the element whose value is the smallest among the start element and all of its neighbors, also in the form of a two-tuple. For example,

matrix = 	[[19, 11, 7, 8],
[5, 3, -1, -27],
[14, 0, -2, 4],
[12, -18, 10, -11]]
>>> print(smallest_neighbor(matrix, (0,0)))
(1, 1)

since element (1; 1) which is 3 is the smallest of all neighbors of element (0; 0).
Part b: Now write a function local_min(grid, start) that takes grid, a two-dimensional grid of numbers represented as a list of lists, and start, the row and column of the starting element represented as a two-tuple (this is the same arguments as for Part a), and returns the row and column of the local minimum element, also in the form of a two-tuple. When searching for the local minimum element, begin with start and repeatedly move to the neighbor whose value is the smallest among all neighbors of the current element and smaller than the current element itself. If all neighbors of the current element are not smaller than the current element, then it is the local minimum element. Use function smallest_neighbor(grid, start) that you defined earlier. For example,

matrix = 	[[19, 11, 7, 8],
[5, 3, -1, -27],
[14, 0, -2, 4],
[12, -18, 10, -11]]
>>> print(local_min(matrix, (0,0)))
(1, 3)

since element (1; 3) which is -27 is smaller than any of its neighbors.

@author: mushtu

def smallest_neighbor(grid,start):
    result = start
    min_so_far = grid[start[0]][start[1]]
    neighbors = [(0,1),(1,0),(0,-1),(-1,0),(-1,1),(1,-1),(1,1),(-1,-1)]
    for neighbor in neighbors:
        new_row = start[0] + neighbor[0]
        new_col = start[1] + neighbor[1]
        if 0<=new_row<len(grid) and 0<=new_col<len(grid[0]):
            if grid[new_row][new_col] < min_so_far:
                min_so_far = grid[new_row][new_col]
                result = (new_row,new_col)
    return result

def local_min(grid,start):
    smaller = smallest_neighbor(grid,start)
    while smaller != start:
        start = smaller
        smaller = smallest_neighbor(grid,start)
    return smaller

matrix = [[19, 11, 7, 8],
          [5, 3, -1, -27],
          [14, 0, -2, 4],
          [12, -18, 10, -11]]

print(smallest_neighbor(matrix, (3,2)))


@author: uzmam

'''1. Given a grid find the location of every queen (denoted by q or Q)
   2. Given a grid find if a queen is located on the same row or column.
   Return a True if yes, False otherwise.
   3. Find if a queen is located on any of the diagonals of king's location.
   Return a True if yes, False otherwise'''

def find_queen(grid):
    location = []
    for r in range(len(grid)):
        for c in range(len(grid[0])):
            if grid[r][c].lower()=='q':
    return location
def same_row_col(grid):
    queen = find_queen(grid)
    for r in range(len(grid)):
        for c in range(len(grid[0])):
            if grid[r][c].lower()=='k':
    for i,j in queen:
        if krow==i or kcol==j:
            return True
    return False

def same_diagonal(grid):
    queen = find_queen(grid)
    for r in range(len(grid)):
        for c in range(len(grid[0])):
            if grid[r][c].lower()=='k':
    for i,j in queen:
        if abs(krow-i) == abs(kcol-j):
            return True
    return False

if __name__ == '__main__':
    grid = [['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'],
            ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'],
            ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'],
            ['.', '.', '.', '.', 'q', '.', 'k', '.'],
            ['.', 'Q', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'],
            ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'],
            ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.'],
            ['.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.']]

Lecture 15

Module: Lec15_find_names_start — Starting point for IMDB example


This is the start to the solution to the problem of find all people
named in the internet movide database.  

One important note.  In opening the file we need to specify the
encoding the text.  The default is what's known as utf-8, but this
only handles English characters well.  For the IMDB file, we need to
open with a more language-independent, international standard.  This
is 'ISO-8859-1'.

As we will use the time.time() function to measure how long our
computation takes.  This function tells the seconds since an "epoch",
which is 1/1/1970 on Unix-based systems (including Macs and Linux
machines) and 1/1/1601 on Windows machines.  By recording in the
software the time before the calculations start, the time when the
calculations end, and subtracting we get the elapsed time.
import time

imdb_file = input("Enter the name of the IMDB file ==> ").strip()
name_list = []
for line in open(imdb_file, encoding = "ISO-8859-1"):
    words = line.strip().split('|')
    name = words[0].strip()

Module: Lec15_find_names_list — Using lists to hold unique names


This is the list-based solution to the problem of finding all people
named in the internet movide database.  Each line is split and
stripped to get the name and then the name is added to a list, but
only if it is not already there.

One important note.  In opening the file we need to specify the
encoding the text.  The default is what's known as utf-8, but this
only handles English characters well.  For the IMDB file, we need to
open with a more language-independent, international standard.  This
is 'ISO-8859-1'.

As we will use the time.time() function to measure how long our
computation takes.  This function tells the seconds since an "epoch",
which is 1/1/1970 on Unix-based systems (including Macs and Linux
machines) and 1/1/1601 on Windows machines.  By recording in the
software the time before the calculations start, the time when the
calculations end, and subtracting we get the elapsed time.
import time

imdb_file = input("Enter the name of the IMDB file ==> ").strip()

start_time = time.time()

name_list = []
for line in open(imdb_file, encoding = "ISO-8859-1"):
    words = line.strip().split('|')
    name = words[0].strip()
    #  Add the name to the list if it is new
    if not name in name_list:
        if len(name_list) % 1000 == 0:
            end_time = time.time()
            print('After {} added, the last 1000 took {:.2f} seconds'.format(len(name_list), end_time-start_time))
            start_time = end_time

print("Number of unique names in the IMDB:", len(name_list))
for n in name_list:

Module: lec15_find_names_list_sort — Faster list version using sorting


Here is an alternative list based solution - not covered in lecture -
where each name is added to the list without any checking for
duplicates. The list is then sorted and the number of distinct
individual is counted by scanning through the list and looking for
adjacent pairs of names that are different.

You will see that this solution is almost as fast as the set-based
solution, but the set-based solution is simpler and more natural to

One important note.  In opening the file we need to specify the
encoding the text.  The default is what's known as utf-8, but this
only handles English characters well.  For the IMDB file, we need to
open with a more language-independent, international standard.  This
is 'ISO-8859-1'.

As we will use the time.time() function to measure how long our
computation takes.  This function tells the seconds since an "epoch",
which is 1/1/1970 on Unix-based systems (including Macs and Linux
machines) and 1/1/1601 on Windows machines.  By recording in the
software the time before the calculations start, the time when the
calculations end, and subtracting we get the elapsed time.
import time

imdb_file = input("Enter the name of the IMDB file ==> ").strip()

start_time = time.time()

# Add all the names to the list
name_list = []
for line in open(imdb_file, encoding = "ISO-8859-1"):
    words = line.strip().split('|')
    name = words[0].strip()

# Sort the names.  After this all repeated names will be next to each
# other in the list.

# Count the distinct names by counting the number of adjacent pairs of
# names that are different.
count = 1
for i in range(1,len(name_list)):
    if name_list[i-1] != name_list[i]:
        count += 1

end_time = time.time()
print('Total time required {:2f} seconds'.format(end_time-start_time))
print("Number of unique names in the IMDB:", count)

Module: Lec15_find_names_sets — Faster versions using sets


This is the solution to the problem of using sets to count the number
of individuals in the internet movie database.  Each line of input is
split and stripped to get the name and this name is added to the set. 

One important note.  In opening the file we need to specify the
encoding the text.  The default is what's known as utf-8, but this
only handles English characters well.  For the IMDB file, we need to
open with a more language-independent, international standard.  This
is 'ISO-8859-1'.

As we will use the time.time() function to measure how long our
computation takes.  This function tells the seconds since an "epoch",
which is 1/1/1970 on Unix-based systems (including Macs and Linux
machines) and 1/1/1601 on Windows machines.  By recording in the
software the time before the calculations start, the time when the
calculations end, and subtracting we get the elapsed time.
import time

imdb_file = input("Enter the name of the IMDB file ==> ").strip()

start_time = time.time()

names = set()
for line in open(imdb_file, encoding = "ISO-8859-1"):
    words = line.strip().split('|')
    name = words[0].strip()

end_time = time.time()

print("Solution took {:.2f} seconds".format(end_time-start_time))

print("Number of unique names in the IMDB:", len(names))

##  The rest of this code was written to test the code and then
##  commented out.
ordered_names = sorted(names)
for i in range(min(len(ordered_names),100)):
    print("{}: {}".format(i, ordered_names[i]))

for n in names:

Lecture 16

Module: lec16_imdb — Find how many movies everyone was in


imdb_file = input("Enter the name of the IMDB file ==> ").strip()
count_list = []
for line in open(imdb_file, encoding = "ISO-8859-1"):
    words = line.strip().split('|')
    name = words[0].strip()
    found = False
    for pair in count_list:
        if pair[0] == name:
            pair[1] += 1
            found = True
    if not found:
        new_pair = [name, 1]

for pair in count_list:
    print("{} appeared in {} movies".format(pair[0], pair[1]))

Module: lec16_imdb_sorted — Faster version using sorting


imdb_file = input("Enter the name of the IMDB file ==> ").strip()
count_list = []
for line in open(imdb_file, encoding = "ISO-8859-1"):
    words = line.strip().split('|')
    name = words[0].strip()
    found = False


index = 0
while index < len(count_list):
    name = count_list[index]
    count = 0
    while count_list[index] == name and index < len(count_list):
        count += 1
        index += 1
    print("{} appeared in {} movies".format(name, count), flush=True)

Module: lec16_imdb_dict — The fastest version using dictionaries


imdb_file = input("Enter the name of the IMDB file ==> ").strip()
counts = dict()
for line in open(imdb_file, encoding = "ISO-8859-1"):
    words = line.strip().split('|')
    name = words[0].strip()
    if name in counts:
        counts[name] += 1
        counts[name] = 1
names = sorted(counts)
limit = min(100, len(names))
for index in range(limit):
    name = names[index]
    print("{} appeared in {} movies".format(name, counts[name]))    

Lecture 17

Module: Lec17_movie_actors_most_busy — Use sets to find unique movies.


Short program to demonstrate using a set as a value within a dictionary. 
For this example, we generate a movies dictionary where the keys are actor names
and the values are sets of movies with which they were associated. We then interrogate 
the dictionary to find out who is the busiest actor in unique movies.
imdb_file = input("Enter the name of the IMDB file ==> ").strip()

Generate the first dictionary by parsing the lines of the input file. Take
the actors name as the key and add the movie name into the set of movies
that the actor was associated with. 
movies = dict()
for line in open(imdb_file, encoding = "ISO-8859-1"):
    words = line.strip().split('|')
    name = words[0].strip()
    movie = words[1].strip()
    if name in movies:
        movies[name] = set()
Now go through the dictionary and see how many actors appeared in only one
unique movie and which actor was busiest based on associations with unique
singlets = 0
most = 0
for name in movies:
    movie_ct = len(movies[name])
    if movie_ct == 1:
        singlets += 1
    if movie_ct > most:
        most = movie_ct
        person = name
print("{} appears most often: {} times".format(person, most))
print("{} people appear once".format(singlets))

Module: Lec17_movie_actors_appearances — Demonstrate conversion between dictionaries


Short program to demonstrate converting from one dictionary to another. For this 
example, we start bt generating a movies dictionary where the keys are actor names
and the values are sets of movies with which they were associated. We turn that
into a second dictionary of occurrence frequency where the keys are a number
and the values are a list of the actors that have appeared in that number of movies
imdb_file = input("Enter the name of the IMDB file ==> ").strip()

Generate the first dictionary by parsing the lines of the input file. Take
the actors name as the key and add the movie name into the set of movies
that the actor was associated with. 
movies = dict()
for line in open(imdb_file, encoding = "ISO-8859-1"):
    words = line.strip().split('|')
    name = words[0].strip()
    movie = words[1].strip()
    if name in movies:
        movies[name] = set()

Now cycle through the movies dictionary to get the data for a new dictionary. This
time, for every actor, we calculate how many movies they were associated with by
taking the length of the set indicated by movies[name]. This length becomes a 
key in the actors dictionary where everyone who is associated with length number of
movies is stored in a list.
actors = dict()
for name in movies:
    movie_ct = len(movies[name])
    if movie_ct not in actors:
        actors[movie_ct] = []

Sort the actors dictionary from highest (most number of movies) to lowest 
(least number of movies). Print out the top 25 actors by number of movies 
they are associated with.
keys = sorted(actors, reverse=True)
i = 0
count = 0
while count < 25 and i < len(keys): 
    print(keys[i], actors[keys[i]])
    count += len(actors[keys[i]])
    i += 1

Lecture 18

Module: Lec18_point_class — A simple point class developed in lecture


from math import sqrt
This module comntains a simple example of a Point2d class developed
during lecture
class Point2d(object):
    Implement a point class 
    def __init__( self, x0=0, y0=0):
        self.x = x0
        self.y = y0
    def __add__(self,other):
        Add two points
        return Point2d(self.x + other.x, self.y+other.y)        
    def magnitude(self):
        Distance from the origin
        return sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)

    def dist(self, o):
        Distance between 2 points
        return sqrt( (self.x-o.x)**2 + (self.y-o.y)**2 )
if __name__ == "__main__":
    p = Point2d(0,4)
    q = Point2d(5,10)
    leng = Point2d.magnitude(q)
    print("Magnitude {:.2f}".format( leng ))
    print("Distance is {:.2f}".format( Point2d.dist(p,q)))

Module: Lec18_time — A simple time class using seconds since midnight


Class for storing time. Time is maintained as seconds since midnight


class Time(object):
    def __init__(self, hr, min, sec):
        if hr > 24:
            hr = hr%24        
        self.seconds = hr*60*60 + min*60 + sec
    def convert(self):
        hr = self.seconds//3600
        min = (self.seconds - hr*3600)//60
        sec = self.seconds - hr*3600 - min*60
        return hr, min, sec
    def __str__(self):
        hr, min, sec = self.convert()
        return '%02d:%02d:%02d' \
               %(hr, min, sec)
    def __add__(self, other):
        total = self.seconds + other.seconds
        hr = total/3600
        min = (total - hr*3600)/60
        sec = total - hr*3600 - min*60
        return Time(hr, min, sec)
    def __sub__(self, other):
        total = self.seconds - other.seconds
        if total < 0:
            total += 24*3600
        hr = total/3600
        min = (total - hr*3600)/60
        sec = total - hr*3600 - min*60

        return Time(hr, min, sec)        

Module: lec18_time_military_list — Code developed in class using a list to store H:M:S


Class for storing time. Time is reported on a military (24 hour) clock. We
use a list to store hours minutes and seconds as list[0], list[1] and list[2]

class Time(object):
    def __init__(self, hr=0, minute=0, sec=0):
        self.time = [hr, minute, sec]
    def convert(self):
    def __str__(self):
        return "{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}".format(self.time[0],self.time[1],self.time[2])       
    def __add__(self, other):
        new_hrs = self.time[0] + other.time[0]
        new_mins = self.time[1] + other.time[1]
        new_secs = self.time[2] + other.time[2]
        add_minutes = new_secs // 60
        new_secs = new_secs % 60
        new_mins += add_minutes
        add_hours = new_mins // 60
        new_mins = new_mins % 60
        new_hrs += add_hours
        new_hrs = new_hrs % 24
        return Time(new_hrs, new_mins, new_secs)
    def __sub__(self, other):
        seconds = self.time[2] + 60 * self.time[1] + 60*60*self.time[0]
        other_seconds = other.time[2] + 60 * other.time[1] + 60*60*other.time[0]
        new_seconds = max(0, seconds-other_seconds)
        new_hrs = new_seconds // 3600
        new_seconds = new_seconds % 3600
        new_mins = new_seconds // 60
        new_seconds = new_seconds % 60
        return Time(new_hrs, new_mins, new_seconds)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    t1 = Time()
    t2 = Time(10, 29, 37)
    t3 = Time(23, 59, 59)
    print("{} + {} = {}".format(t3, t3, t3 + t3))
    print("{} - {} = {}".format(t1, t2, t1 - t2))
    print("{} - {} = {}".format(t2, t1, t2 - t1))
    print("{} - {} = {}".format(t2, t3, t2 - t3))
    print("{} - {} = {}".format(t3, t2, t3 - t2))

Module: lec18_time_military_list_better_sub — Same as previous with better subtraction


Class for storing time. Time is reported on a military (24 hour) clock. We
use a list to store hours minutes and seconds as list[0], list[1] and list[2]

class Time(object):
    def __init__(self, hr=0, minute=0, sec=0):
        self.time = [hr, minute, sec]
    def convert(self):
    def __str__(self):
        return "{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}".format(self.time[0],self.time[1],self.time[2])       
    def __add__(self, other):
        new_hrs = self.time[0] + other.time[0]
        new_mins = self.time[1] + other.time[1]
        new_secs = self.time[2] + other.time[2]
        add_minutes = new_secs // 60
        new_secs = new_secs % 60
        new_mins += add_minutes
        add_hours = new_mins // 60
        new_mins = new_mins % 60
        new_hrs += add_hours
        new_hrs = new_hrs % 24
        return Time(new_hrs, new_mins, new_secs)
    def __sub__(self, other):
        seconds = self.time[2] + 60 * self.time[1] + 60*60*self.time[0]
        other_seconds = other.time[2] + 60 * other.time[1] + 60*60*other.time[0]
        new_seconds = seconds-other_seconds
        # if the subtraction makes us go negative, then add 24 hours to 
        # make it positive
        if new_seconds < 0:
            new_seconds += 3600 * 24
        new_hrs = new_seconds // 3600
        new_seconds = new_seconds % 3600
        new_mins = new_seconds // 60
        new_seconds = new_seconds % 60
        return Time(new_hrs, new_mins, new_seconds)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    t1 = Time()
    t2 = Time(10, 29, 37)
    t3 = Time(23, 59, 59)
    print("{} + {} = {}".format(t3, t3, t3 + t3))
    print("{} - {} = {}".format(t1, t2, t1 - t2))
    print("{} - {} = {}".format(t2, t1, t2 - t1))
    print("{} - {} = {}".format(t2, t3, t2 - t3))
    print("{} - {} = {}".format(t3, t2, t3 - t2))

Lecture 19

Module: Restaurant — A start at the Restaurant class developed during lecture


Lecture 19:

Implementation of a Restaurant class to represent restaurant data from
Yelp, which we originally worked with in Lab 5.

from Lec18_point_class import Point2d

class Restaurant(object):
    def __init__(self, name, lat, lon, address, url, category, scores):
        Initialize an object, including a name string, two floats to
        store the latitude and longitude, a list of strings to
        represent each line of an address, a string representing the
        url, a string representing the category of restaurant, and a
        list of scores.
        ''' = name
        self.loc = Point2d(float(lon), float(lat))
        self.address = address
        self.url = url
        self.category = category = scores

    def __str__(self):
        Format the information about the restaurant as a multi-line string.
        Rather than outputing the whole list of reviews, the average review
        is output.
        s =  '      Name: ' + + '\n'
        s += '  Lat/Long: ' + str(self.loc) + '\n'
        s += '   Address: ' + self.address[0] + '\n'
        for i in range(1,len(self.address)):
            s += '            ' + self.address[i]  + '\n'
        s += '  Category: ' + self.category + '\n'
        # s += 'Avg Review: {:.2f}'.format( self.average_review() )  + '\n'
        return s

    def is_in_city(self, city_name):
        Return True iff the restaurant is in the given city.  This is
        realized by testing the beginning of the last-line of the
        address (a list), up until the ,
        my_city = self.address[-1].split(',')[0].strip()
        return city_name == my_city

    def average_review(self):
        Calculate and return the average rating.  Return a -1 if there
        are none.
        if len( == 0:
            return -1
            return sum( / len(

    def min_review(self):
        Return the minimum review, and -1 if there are no reviews

    def max_review(self):
        Return the maximum review, and -1 if there are no reviews

    def latitude(self):
        Return the latitude stored in the Point2d object
        return self.loc.y

    def longitude(self):
        Return the longitude stored in the Point2d object
        return self.loc.x

if __name__ == "__main__":
    This is relatively minimal testing code for the Restaurant class.
    Observe that when you import the Restaurant into the lecture 19
    example programs, this code is not run.

    n = "Uncle Ricky's Bagel Heaven"
    lat = 42.73
    lon = -73.69
    address = [ '1809 5th Ave', 'Troy, NY 12180']
    url = ""
    rest_type = 'Bagels'
    reviews = [ 5, 3, 5, 4, 3, 5, 4 ]
    rest1 = Restaurant( n, lat, lon, address, url, rest_type, reviews )

    n = "No Longer In Business"
    lat = 42.74
    lon = -73.7
    address = [ '123 Nowhere Street', 'Troy, NY 12180']
    url = ""
    rest_type = 'Concrete'
    reviews = [ ]
    rest2 = Restaurant( n, lat, lon, address, url, rest_type, reviews )

    print("First restaurant:")
    print("Latitude:", rest1.latitude() )
    print("Longitude:", rest1.longitude() )
    print("Min review:", rest1.min_review() )
    print("Max review:", rest1.max_review() )

    print("\nSecond restaurant:")
    print("Latitude:", rest2.latitude() )
    print("Longitude:", rest2.longitude() )
    print("Min review:", rest2.min_review() )
    print("Max review:", rest2.max_review() )

Module: Circle — A new Circle Class developed during lecture. 50 minutes of work


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Nov 11 13:13:02 2021

@author: westu

This is the implementation of a class for 
mathematical models of circles.

It is somewhat incomplete, but it does represent 
what we could derive in 50 minutes along with a bit of
import math

class Circle(object):
    def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, r=1):
        A new circle definition centered at point
        (x, y) and having radius r

        x - x coordinate of the center
        y - y coordinate of the center
        r - Radius of the circle

        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.r = r
    def __str__(self):
        Return a printable string representing the circle
        return "Circle at {} with radius {}".\
                    format(, self.r)
    def center(self):
        Return a tuple representing the center of the circle
        return self.x, self.y
    def __lt__(self, other):
        self_c =
        other_c =
        if self_c < other_c:
            return True
        elif other_c < self_c:
            return False
            return self.r < other.r
    def __gt__(self, other):
        return other < self
    def __le__(self, other):
        return self < other or self == other

    def __ge__(self, other):
        return self > other or self == other

    def __eq__(self, other):
        Return if two circles are equal
        return not ((self < other) or (other < self))
    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    def __add__(self, val):
        return Circle(self.x, self.y, self.r + val)
    def __mult__(self, val):
    def area(self):
        return math.pi * self.r ** 2
    def intersect(self, other):
    def increase(self, val):
        self.r += val
        return self
    def report_area(self):
        print("This circle at {} has an awesome area {} ...".format(, self.area()))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c1 = Circle(3, 5, 7)
    c2 = Circle(4, 6)
    c3 = Circle(5)
    c4 = Circle()
    sc4 = str(c4)
    print(c1 < c2)
    print(c2 < c1)
    print(c2 < c2)
    print(c2 < Circle(4, 6, 2))
    print(Circle(4, 6, 2) < c2)
    print(c1 == c2)
    print(c2 == c1)
    print(c1 == Circle(3, 5, 7))
    print("Area:", c4.area())
    c12 = c1.increase(12)

Lecture 20

Module: lec20_two_smallest_west_hall — Two versions of the two smallest code with timing


import random
import time

def index_two_v1( values ):
    # O(N)
    if values[1] < values[0]: # O(1)
        lowest = values[1]
        low = values[0]
        index_lowest = 1
        index_low = 0
        lowest = values[0]
        low = values[1]
        index_lowest = 0
        index_low = 1        
    for i in range(2, len(values)): # N times the time of the inner part
        if values[i] < lowest:
            low = lowest
            index_low = index_lowest
            lowest = values[i]
            index_lowest = i
        elif values[i] < low:
            low = values[i]
            index_low = i            
    return index_lowest, index_low

def index_two_v2( values ):
    # Generate a dictionary with values as keys and
    # a list of indices as values
    val_dict = dict()
    for index in range(len(values)): # O(N)
        if not values[index] in val_dict:
            val_dict[values[index]] = []
    # sort the keys
    sorted_keys = sorted(val_dict) #O(N log N)
    # pick out the indices of the smallest keys
    if len(val_dict[sorted_keys[0]]) > 1:
        return val_dict[sorted_keys[0]][0], val_dict[sorted_keys[0]][1]
        return val_dict[sorted_keys[0]][0], val_dict[sorted_keys[1]][0]
if __name__ == "__main__":
    n = int(input("Enter the number of values to test ==> "))
    values = list(range(0,n))
    random.shuffle( values )

    s1 = time.time()
    (i0,i1) = index_two_v1(values)
    t1 = time.time() - s1
    print("Ver 1:  indices ({},{}); time {:.3f} seconds".format(i0,i1,t1))

    s2 = time.time()
    (j0,j1) = index_two_v2(values)
    t2 = time.time() - s2
    print("Ver 2:  indices ({},{}); time {:.3f} seconds".format(j0,j1,t2))

Module: lec20_two_smallest — An alternate version from a previous semester


import random
import time

def index_two_v1( values ):
    if len(values) == 0:
        return 0
    if len(values) == 1:
        return 0, 0
    if values[0] > values[1]:
        least = 1
        next_least = 0
        least = 0
        next_least = 1
    for index in range(2, len(values)):
        if values[index] < values[least]:
            next_least = least
            least = index
        elif values[index] < values[next_least]:
            next_least = index
    return least, next_least

def index_two_v2( values ):
    Store the values in a list of value,index pairs and sort, then
    return the indices associated with the first two values
    pairs = []
    for i in range(len(values)):
        pairs.append( (values[i],i) )
    return pairs[0][1], pairs[1][1]   # indices of the values are in location 1 of each pair

if __name__ == "__main__":
    n = int(input("Enter the number of values to test ==> "))
    values = list(range(0,n))
    random.shuffle( values )

    s1 = time.time()
    (i0,i1) = index_two_v1(values)
    t1 = time.time() - s1
    print("Ver 1:  indices ({},{}); time {:.3f} seconds".format(i0,i1,t1))

    s2 = time.time()
    (j0,j1) = index_two_v2(values)
    t2 = time.time() - s2
    print("Ver 2:  indices ({},{}); time {:.3f} seconds".format(j0,j1,t2))

Lecture 21

Module: lec21_sorts — Multiple sorting routines


CS 1, Lecture 21

Implementation of a variety of sorting algorithms, including
.  Selection Sort,
.  Insertion Sort
.  Merge Sort
Details will be filled in during lecture.  

The main code gives tests for these functions.

def sel_sort( v ):
    Sort based on the O(N^2) selection sort algorithm.  The ideas is
    discussed in the text book.  Students are not responsible for
    knowing this algorithm.
    for i in range(0, len(v)-1):
        k = i
        for j in range(i+1,len(v)):
            if v[j] < v[k]:
                k = j
        v[i],v[k] = v[k],v[i]

def ins_sort( v ):
    The Insertion Sort algorithm
    for i in range(1,len(v)):
        j = i-1
        x = v[i]
        while j >= 0 and x < v[j]:
            v[j+1] = v[j]
            j -= 1
        v[j+1] = x
    return v    

def merge(L1,L2):
    Merge the contents of two lists, each of which is already sorted
    into a single sorted list.
    i1 = 0
    i2 = 0
    L = []
    while i1 < len(L1) and i2 < len(L2):
        if L1[i1] < L2[i2]:
            i1 += 1
            i2 += 1
    return L

def merge_sort(v):
    Implementation of the merge sort algorithm.
    if len(v) <= 1:
    lists = []
    for item in v:
    i = 0
    while i < len(lists)-1:
        new_list = merge(lists[i], lists[i+1])
        i += 2
    v[::] = lists[-1]

if __name__ == "__main__":

    v =  [ 10, 5, 3, 2, -4 ]
    v = []
    v = [ 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 5]

    v1 = [ 26, 35, 145]
    v0 = [ 0, 0, 9, 9, 9.4, 9.6, 15, 21 ]

    v = [ 9.1, 17.5, 9.8, 6.3, 12.4, 1.7 ]

Module: lec21_test_sort — Multiple sorting routines


Testing code for Computer Science 1, Lecture 21 on sorting. This
assumes that the sort functions are all in file, each taking
one list as its only argument, and that their names are sel_sort
ins_sort merge_sort

All tests are based on random permutations of integers.

. In most of our tests, these permutations are completely random,
  meaning that a value is equally likely to end up anywhere in the

. In the final test we will explore the implications of working
  with lists that are "almost sorted" by only moving values a small
  distance from the correct location.  You can see that insertion sort
  is very fast in this case by removing the # char in front of

import lec21_sorts as sorts
import time
import random

def run_and_time(name, sort_fcn, v, known_v):
    Run the function passed as sort_fcn, timing its performance and
    double-checking if it correct.  The correctness check is probably
    not necessary.
    print("Testing " + name)
    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()
    print("Time: {:.4f} seconds".format(t1-t0))
    # print("Is correct?", v==known_v

def generate_local_perm(v,max_shift):
    This function modifies a list so values are only a small amount
    out of order.  Each one  Generate a local permutation by randomly moving each
    value up to max_shift locations in the list.
    for i in range(len(v)):
        min_i = max(0,i-max_shift)
        max_i = min(len(v)-1, i+max_shift)
        new_i = random.randint( min_i, max_i )
        v[i], v[new_i] = v[new_i], v[i]


if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = int(input("Enter the number of values ==> "))
    print("Running on {:d} values".format(n))

    v = list(range(n))
    v1 = v[:]
    # generate_local_perm(v1, 10)
    v2 = v1[:]
    v3 = v1[:]
    v4 = v1[:]

    run_and_time("merge sort", sorts.merge_sort, v3, v )   # passing functions as an arg to a fcn
    run_and_time("python sort", list.sort, v4, v )
    run_and_time("selection sort", sorts.sel_sort, v1, v )
    run_and_time("insertion sort", sorts.ins_sort, v2, v )

Lecture 23

Module: lec23_flatten_list — Recursive routine to unflatten a list


def flatten(L):
    result = []
    for x in L:
        if type(x) == list:
            result.extend( flatten(x) )
    return result

def flatten2(L):
    if type(L) != list:
        return [L]
        result = []
        for x in L:
            result.extend( flatten2(x) )
        return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
    v = [[1,5], 6, [[2]], [3, [7, 8, [9,10], [11,12] ]]]

Module: lec23_merge_sort_rec — Recursive and iterative merge sort



We rewrite merge_sort using recursion and compare to the 
iterative version. The recursive version is natural to write 
and does not require a list/loop to maintain sublists. As a 
result, it is slightly more efficient.


import time
import random

def time_function(L, func):
    """ Illustrates how you can send a function as an argument
    to another function as well. Runs the function called func,
    and returns the time.


    L1 = list(L)
    start = time.time()
    end = time.time()
    print("Method: {:s} took {:f} seconds".format((func.__name__).ljust(20), end-start))

def merge(L1, L2):
    """ Assume L1 and L2 are sorted.
    Create a new list L that is the merged
    version of L1&L2.
    This is the efficient version of merge
    that does not modify the input lists, as pop 
    is costly, even though it is a constant time operation.

    L = []
    i = 0
    j = 0
    while i < len(L1) and j < len(L2):
        if L1[i] < L2[j]:
            val = L1[i]
            L.append( val )
            i += 1
            val = L2[j]
            L.append( val )
            j += 1
    ## at this point, either L1 or L2 has run out of values
    ## add all the remaining values to the end of L.
    return L

def merge_sort_iterative(L):
    """ Complexity: O(n* log n)
        See earlier version of this code for explanation.


    L1 = []
    for val in L:
        L1.append( [val] )
    while len(L1) > 1:
        L2 = []
        for i in range(0, len(L1)-1, 2):
            Lmerged = merge( L1[i], L1[i+1] )
            L2.append( Lmerged )
        if len(L1)%2 == 1:
            L2.append( L1[-1] )
        L1 = L2
    return L1[0]

def merge_sort_recursive(L):
    """ Complexity: O(n logn)
        The function calls itself recursively logn times,
        and each time about n elements are merged.

    if len(L) == 1:
        return L
    length = len(L)
    mid = length // 2
    left = merge_sort_recursive(L[:mid])
    right = merge_sort_recursive(L[mid:])
    return merge(left,  right)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ##Testing code
    k = 100000
    L = list(range(k))
    time_function( L, merge_sort_iterative )
    time_function( L, merge_sort_recursive )
    time_function( L, list.sort )

Module: lec23_sierpinksi — Recursive fractal


Example program shows the use of recursion to create fractals, 
in this case, the Sierpinski Triangle. See function:


for the recursion. The rest is TkInter program allowing the
user to change properties of the Sierpinski triangle drawn.


from tkinter import *
import math

class MyApp(object):
    def __init__(self, parent):
        ##Function local to init to simplify repetitive button creation process
        def put_button(parent, name, functionname, placement):
            newbutton = Button(parent, text=name, command=functionname)
                                padx=button_padx, pady=button_pady )
            return newbutton
        ## constants used  in the initialization
        button_width = 10
        button_padx = "3m"
        button_pady = "3m"

        ## variables used in the program
        self.maxlevel = 6
        self.size = 600  #3**self.maxlevel
        self.maxy = int(self.size*math.sqrt(3)/2)
        self.stopped = False
        self.depth = 2
        self.wait_time = 1
        self.parent = parent
        ## interface elements
        ## all frames
        self.main_frame = Frame(parent)
        self.top_frame = Frame(self.main_frame)
        self.bottom_frame = Frame(self.main_frame)

        ## canvases: top for info, buttom for drawing Triangles
        self.infocanvas = Canvas(self.top_frame, \
                                 width=self.size, height=30)
        self.text_area = self.infocanvas.create_text(30,10,anchor='nw')
        self.canvas = Canvas(self.top_frame, \
                             width=self.size, height=self.maxy)

        ## buttons: for controlling the program
        self.drawbutton = put_button(self.bottom_frame, 'Draw', self.draw, LEFT)
        self.clearbutton = put_button(self.bottom_frame, 'Clear', self.clear, LEFT)
        self.fasterbutton = put_button(self.bottom_frame, \
                                         "Faster", self.faster, LEFT)
        self.slowerbutton = put_button(self.bottom_frame, \
                                         "Slower", self.slower, LEFT)
        self.increasebutton = put_button(self.bottom_frame, \
                                         "Depth+1", self.increase, LEFT)
        self.decreasebutton = put_button(self.bottom_frame, \
                                         "Depth-1", self.decrease, LEFT)
        self.quitbutton = put_button(self.bottom_frame, \
                                     "Quit", self.quit, RIGHT)
        ## display settings for the program on the info canvas

    def put_info(self):
        """ Function for displaying the settings for the program, 
            depth and wait time for the animation effect.

        info = "Wait time: %d ms" %(self.wait_time)
        if self.depth == self.maxlevel+3:
            info += " "*10+ "Depth: %d (max level reached)" %self.depth 
        elif self.depth == 0:
            info += " "*10+ "Depth: 0 (min level reached)"
            info += " "*10+ "Depth: %d" %self.depth
        self.infocanvas.itemconfigure(self.text_area, text=info)

    def clear(self):
        """ Clear the drawing (used in self.clearbutton). """
    def faster(self):
        """ Make the animation faster (used in self.fasterbutton). """
        self.wait_time //= 2
        if self.wait_time <= 0:
            self.wait_time = 1

    def slower(self):
        """ Make the animation slower (used in self.slowerbutton). """
        self.wait_time *= 2
    def increase(self):
        """ Increases the depth for recursion (used in self.fasterbutton). """
        if self.depth < self.maxlevel+3: 
            self.depth += 1
    def decrease(self):
        """ Decreases the depth for recursion (used in self.slowerbutton). """
        if self.depth > 0:
            self.depth -= 1
    def draw(self):
        """ Clear the canvas and draws the Sierpinksi triangles (used in self.drawbutton). """
        padding = 20 ##just leave some space off the corners
        if not self.stopped:
            self.draw_triangles(0+padding,self.maxy-padding,self.size-2*padding, 1)
    def draw_triangles(self, x, y, length, depth):
        """ Draws two triangles: one with x,y as the bottom left corner,
            in red and a second inverted one inside between the midpoints
            of the outside triangle, in white.

        ## Triangle 1: Outside Triangle
        mid = length/2
        self.canvas.create_polygon(x, y, \
                                   x+length, y, \
                                   x+mid, y-math.sqrt(3)*mid,\
                                   fill = "red")
        if depth <= self.depth:
            ## Triangle 2: Inside Triangle
            leftmid = ( x+(mid)/2, y-(math.sqrt(3)*mid)/2 )
            rightmid = (  x+(length+mid)/2, y-(math.sqrt(3)*mid)/2 )
            bottommid = ( x+mid, y )
            self.canvas.create_polygon( leftmid[0], leftmid[1], \
                                        rightmid[0], rightmid[1], \
                                        bottommid[0], bottommid[1], \
                                        fill = "white" )
            self.draw_triangles(x, y, length/2, depth+1)
            self.draw_triangles(leftmid[0], leftmid[1], length/2, depth+1)
            self.draw_triangles(x+length/2, y, length/2, depth+1)
            ## Add animation effect
    def quit(self):
        self.stopped = True

if __name__ == "__main__":
    root = Tk()
    root.title("Recursion Example with Sierpinski Triangles")
    myApp = MyApp(root)