
Pallavi Newsletter

a) Announcements

b) News

c) Memberships

d) New Membership policies

a) Announcements:

The following concerts will be held in the spring of 2003.

1) Zakir Hussain/L. Shankar Concert at the Egg in Albany

On Sunday March 23 at 3 PM, the tabla master and virtuoso, Zakir Hussain 
and famed violin master L. Shankar will present a performance of captivating 
Indian music in the Kitty Carlisle Hart Theatre of the Egg in Albany.  
Tickets may be ordered by phone at 518-473-1845 or by mail at The Egg, 
P.O. Box 2065, Albany, NY 12220.  The ticket price is $24 per person with 
a handling charge of $3 for each order by phone or mail.  Tickets may be 
purchased at the Egg box office also.

2) Flute Maestero Sashank's concert on April 4th at Hindu Temple, 6:45 - 9:45 pm 
Hindu Temple Society and Kananda Koota are the main sponsors. Pallavi is 
helping with the publicity. Tickets:$200 (Patron), $100 (sponsor), $50
(co-sponsor), $10 (general), $5(students). This is not one of the Pallavi 
concerts. The power point poster can be found at

3) Thyagaraja Aradhana Concert on May 11th at Hindu Temple, Morning
Pancha Ratna Kritis rendering and afternoon Vocal Concert by M. S. Sheela

4) Malladi Brothers Vocal Concert on May 23rd evening. Details will be 
announced in the next newsletter.

Pancharatna Kritis Practice Session:

Prof. Shivkumar Kalyanaraman (kalyas@rpi.edu) is co-ordinating the singing
this year. The practices will start this weekend. Please email him if you are
interested. Last year and the year before, under the leadership of Shivkumar,
we had a great session in the morning. Please try to participate. Old and
new people are welcome.

1) P.N. Krishnamoorthy will be coming back to our area on March 10th. 
He has been imparting his musical knowledge for the past four years. If 
you are interested in learning, please contact Prof. Lakshmi Mohan

2)Our last meeting was in November 2002. This was a concert by local artists.

We had a number of local artists (young and experienced ones) presenting 
their musical talents. That event was well received by the Pallavi members.
The general body approved the budget. We elected 2003 office bearers. They 
include: M. Raghavachari, Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, Nalini Madiwale, Ravi Pilar,
Jayasimha Kinnambille, Suresh Rajaraman, Narayan Nair, Satish Raghunath, Swatantra Mitta and 
M. Krishnamoorthy

3) We received partial funding from Albany Schenectady League of Arts. We got
$730.00. This amount is lower than what we received last two years. Hope 
Pallavi Members continue to support Pallavi. We are planning to have at least
four or five concerts this year.

4) Thanks to the effort of Sri. Naryan Nair, Pallavi is in the final stage of
getting matching support from GE. We will hear from the final word from GE soon.
(Support for Pallavi was approved at the local(capital district) level of GE ).


c) Membership: 

Pallavi wants to thank Dr. Nalini Madiwale for being the first Patron 
Promoter for the year 2003. Thanks again Dr. Nalini Madiwale.

Pallavi welcomes the new Pallvi member: Dr. Suresh Mathur of Rochester.

Please renew your Pallavi membership. You can send the check (tax-deductible)
to Pallavi of the Capital District, P. O. Box 1732, Latham, NY 12110.
d) New Membership Policies:

At the last board meeting, new membership policies are introduced. Pallavi
board members are doing their best to bring in talent musicians to our 
area. It costs more (especially after September 11, 2001) to bring
artists from India.

At the annual General Membership Meeting of Pallavi on Nov. 23, 2002
Dr. Raghavachari introduced a motion to change the annual membership and 
donation categories of Pallavi.  After Dr. Raghavachari's explanation of 
the reasons for the changes and discussion by the members present at the 
meeting, the motion was unanimously approved by the general membership.  T
he new categories of membership and donations are noted below:

Annual Membership Classes

Family Patron (Admission to all concerts free for two people)		$120

Individual Patron (Admission to all concerts free for the individual)	$ 50

Family Membership (Pass for two two people for one concert)		$ 30

Individual Membership (Pass for one concert for the Individual)		$ 20

Student Member (Admission to all concerts free)				$ 10

Life Member (Admission to all concerts free for two people for four years)$400

Note:  Life membership fee can be paid in two consecutive annual installments of $200 each or in one installment of $400.

Annual Donation Categories

Patron/Promoter								$500

Sponsor/Promoter							$250

Donors will be recognized at every event of Pallavi during the year as
 Patrons or Sponsors.