The Structure of Programming Languages---I

Programming Languages---Course 66.443


  • Sebesta's Chapter 3.

    Syntactic Structure

    Context Free Grammars


    Syntactic Ambiguity

    Resolving the Syntactic Ambiguity

    Syntax Diagrams

    Handling an Exception in ML sml
    Standard ML of New Jersey, Version 75, November 11, 1991
    Arrays have changed; see Release Notes
    val it = () : unit
    - exception EmptyList;
    exception EmptyList
    -  fun reduce(F,nil) = raise EmptyList
    =  | reduce(F,[a]) = a
    =  | reduce(F,x::xs) = F(x,reduce(F,xs));
    val reduce = fn : ('a * 'a -> 'a) * 'a list -> 'a
    - reduce(op +, [1,3,5]);
    val it = 9 : int
    - reduce(op +, nil);
    std_in:6.8-6.11 Error: overloaded variable "+" cannot be resolved
    - fun foo(x,y) = (x:int)+y;
    val foo = fn : int * int -> int
    - reduce(foo,[1,3,5]);
    val it = 9 : int
    - reduce(foo,nil);
    uncaught exception EmptyList
    - fun reduce1(F,m) = reduce(F,m) handle EmptyList => 0;
    val reduce1 = fn : (int * int -> int) * int list -> int
    - reduce1(foo,[1,3,5]);
    val it = 9 : int
    - reduce1(foo,nil);
    val it = 0 : int