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Enabling Online CGI Execution

To run a CGI script on the server, you will need to take the following steps:

starting at your home directory, create a directory called public_html;
cd to public_html and create a directory called cgi-bin;

cd to cgi-bin and type
  fs sa . system:anyuser rlikw
The rl (read and lookup) privileges are needed to run any CGI script. The ikw (write and lock) privileges will be needed because you will be creating, locking, and writing to a file from a CGI script for Project 2. You should only copy your script to cgi-bin when you want to do online testing. When testing is done, you should remove it from cgi-bin and set the directory's privileges back to rl or less.

make sure the Perl script is contained in a file that ends with the extension .cgi;

make the CGI script executable (for example, chmod a+x script.cgi). Note the a+x. It must be executable by everyone, not just you.

Once this is complete, the script may be run as described in the following section.
