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Programming in Perl Lecture 2 Examples

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# By Louis Ziantz

# Description: This program is a demonstration of reading
#              from STDIN into an array.
# Procedure:   Several lines are read from input and
#             the array is output several ways.
# Input:       Lines of text from STDIN.
# Output:      Array read from STDIN in several ways.

print("Type several lines followed by a <control>D ...\n");
@a = <STDIN>;
# @a is ("<STDIN> in list context.\n", 
#        "Each element of @a gets a line of input.\n",
#        "Like so.\n")
print("Result of print(\@a); ... \n");
print("Result of print(\"\@a\"); ... \n");
# an easier way to print the same message
# print('Result of print("@a"); ...', "\n");

# Output:
% array.stdin.plx
Type several lines followed by a <control>D ...
<STDIN> in list context.
Each element of @a gets a line of input.
Like so.
Result of print(@a); ... 
<STDIN> in list context.
Each element of @a gets a line of input.
Like so.
Result of print("@a"); ... 
<STDIN> in list context.
 Each element of @a gets a line of input.
 Like so.
# notice that spaces are added when we
# interploate the array

               Comparison Operators 

Note : Return value assumes $l <op> $r is evaluated

Comparison    Numeric   String    Return value
----------    -------   ------    ------------
Equal         ==        eq        True if $l is equal to $r
Not Equal     !=        ne        True if $l is not equal to $r
Less than     <         lt        True if $l is less than $r
Greater than  >         gt        True if $l is greater than $r
Less than                         True if $l is not greater
or equal      <=        le          than $r
Gr. than                          True if $l is not less
or equal      >=        ge          than $r
Comparison    <=>       cmp       0 if equal, 1 if $l greater, 
                                  -1 if $r greater

                 Logical Operators

Note : Result value assumes $l <op> $r is evaluated
       (or <op> $a for unary operator)

Name   High-prec   Low-prec   Result
----   ---------   --------   ------
And       &&          and     $l if $l is false; $r otherwise
Or        ||          or      $l if $l is true; $r otherwise
Not       !           not     True if $a is not true

               Precedence Revisited

	Assoc         Operator
	-----         --------
	Right         **       (2 ** 2 ** 3  # 2 ** (2 ** 3))
	Right         ! + - (unary)
	Left          * / % x (multiplication)
	Left          + - . (addition)
	Nonassoc      Named unary ops (like chomp)
	Nonassoc      < <= > >= lt le gt ge
	Nonassoc      == != <=> eq ne cmp
	Left          &&
	Left          ||
	Nonassoc      .. (range)
	Right         = += -= (etc.) (assignment)
	Right         not
	Left          and
	Left          or

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# By Louis Ziantz

# Description: This program is a demonstration a nested
#              if structure in Perl.
# Procedure:   A grade is read, and an appropriate
#             grade counter is incremented based on
#             the grade.
# Input:       A letter grade.
# Output:      None.

$a_count = $b_count = 0;
$c_count = $d_count = 0;
$f_count = 0;

$grade = <STDIN>;
if (($grade eq 'a') || ($grade eq 'A')) {
} elsif (($grade eq 'b') || ($grade eq 'B')) {
} elsif (($grade eq 'c') || ($grade eq 'C')) {
} elsif (($grade eq 'd') || ($grade eq 'D')) {
} elsif (($grade eq 'f') || ($grade eq 'F')) {
} else {
    print("Invalid grade $grade entered\n.");

Another way to specify the conditions...

$grade = <STDIN>;
if ("\U$grade" eq 'A') {
} elsif ("\U$grade" eq 'B') {
} elsif ("\U$grade" eq 'C') {
} elsif ("\U$grade" eq 'D') {
} elsif ("\U$grade" eq 'F') {
} else {
    print("Invalid grade $grade entered\n.");

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# By Louis Ziantz

# Description: This program is a demonstration of assigning
#              to hash values, building hashes from lists,
#              reversing hashes, and iterating through hashes.
# Procedure:   Simple value assignments are first shown.
#              Assignment of a list to a hash is shown.
#              The reverse of a hash being treated as a list
#              is carried out.  Two methods of iterating
#              through hashes are then illustrated.
# Input:       None.
# Output:      A hash is printed using two different methods
#              of iterating over it.

$a{"aaa"} = "bbb"; # creates value "bbb" with key "aaa"
$a{ccc} = "bBB"; # creates value "bBB" with key "ccc"
$a{345.2} = 456.5; # creates value 456.5 with key "345.2"

%building = (
	     "CS",   "Bahamas",
	     "CS",   "Amos Eaton",
	     "Math", "Amos Eaton",
	     "ECSE", "CII",
	     "Arch", "Greene"

%building = (
	     CS   => "Amos Eaton",   
	     Math => "Amos Eaton",
	     ECSE => "CII",
	     Arch => "Greene"

@building = %building;
# ("ECSE", "CII", "Math", "Amos Eaton", "Arch", "Greene", 
#  "CS", "Amos Eaton")
@dept = reverse(@building);
# ("Amos Eaton", "CS", "Greene", "Arch", "Amos Eaton", 
#  "Math", "CII", "ECSE")
%dept = @dept;
@dept = %dept;
# ("CII", "ECSE", "Greene", "Arch", "Amos Eaton", "Math")

foreach $key (keys (%building)) { # for each key of %building
    print("Key $key contains $building{$key}.\n");

while (($key,$value) = each(%building)) { # as above
    print("Key $key contains $value.\n");


Louis Ziantz