left_article Deborah L. McGuinness


Tetherless World Senior Constellation Chair
Professor of Computer Science and Cognitive Science
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute  

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Selected Current and/or Related Grants 

1 - D. McGuinness, J. Hendler. Knowledge-directed Artificial Intelligence Reasoning over Schemas. 7/01/2019 - 12/31/2023. $1,349,998.00 Subcontract to IBM. Under DARPA KAIROS. Our work includes deep understanding of interoperability of languages used by the semantic web, other schema and knowledge representation languages, knowledge graphs, and large-scale ontologies and reasoning over them. Award number CW3016789

2 - D. McGuinness. Multi-modal Open World Grounded Learning and Inference (MOWGLI) . Subaward under USC/ISI. From DARPA Machine Common Sense Program. 9/27/2019 - 5/31/2023 $1,299,993.00. MOWGLI has broad goals to answer open world questions about a broad range of topics while leveraging background knowledge that is obtained from a wide variety of techniques and sources. McGuinness leads the ontology/vocabulary component of the award. Award number: N660011924033.

3 - D. McGuinness. Human Health Exposure Analysis Resource (HHEAR). Data Science Resource Core. Subaward to S. Teitelbaum, C. Gennings, P. Kovatch, D. McGuinness. Human Health Exposure Analysis Repository Data Center. From National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIH/NIEHS). Award 2U2CES026555-02 2,503,957. The goal of the project is to design and implement an analysis center for exposure studies. McGuinness leads the Data Science core, which builds on the Data Science Core for our previous CHEAR Child Health Exposure Analysis Resource award. RPI portion 5U2CES026555-03 330,554. 9/5/2019-5/31/2024. Award: 0255-C751-4909

4 - J. McCusker, D. McGuinness. CodeGraph. AIRC IBM Award 8/15/2019 – 12/31/20. A18-9945. 150,000. This project designs and implements a code knowledge graph for planning data science experiments and is joint work with IBM Research.

5 - D. McGuinness. Collaborative Research: Framework: Data: HDR: Nanocomposites to Metamaterials: A Knowledge Graph Framework. (In combination with Duke University, Northwestern, Caltech). $1,448,223.00. 11/01/2018 - 10/31/2023. National Science Foundation. A19-0075-001 (A12980) OAC-1835648. The project develops an open source Materials Knowledge Graph (MKG) framework. The framework for materials includes extensible semantic infrastructure, customizable user templates, semi-automatic curation tools, ontology-enabled design tools and custom user dashboards. The work generalizes a prototype data resource (NanoMine) previously developed by the researchers, and demonstrates the extensibility of this framework to metamaterials. https://nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1835648&HistoricalAwards=false . Intellectual Merit: The open source Materials Knowledge Graph framework, and the modules NanoMine and MetaMine, will enables new scientific discovery and materials design by providing access to large, organized data sets that are FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). Broader Impacts: This project significantly expands the engagement of all stakeholders, in particular the nanocomposite and metamaterials communities, in curated data resources enabling unprecedented collaboration in materials discovery and design across both fields Research Products: 8 Peer reviewed articles, open access research portal with material science content.

6 - E. Hummel, A. Berlinsky, D. McGuinness (in combination with Samsung, University of Kansas, Virginia Tech, and Capraro Technologies). Dynamic Spectrum Allocation Policy Development. $ 1.77 million. 9/27/17-9/20/20. J71852. LGS Innovations. RPI proposal number 9597. The US has recently expanded access to radio spectrum, which must now be managed. The overall project provides support for managing radio spectrum. The purpose of the RPI project is to develop a policy framework for the development and exploration of dynamic spectrum allocation providing knowledge representation, data organization and reasoning. McGuinness leads the knowledge representation team Deborah Louise McGuinness is an American computer scientist and Professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute where she holds an endowed chair in the Tetherless World Research Constellation. She is working in the field of artificial intelligence, specifically in knowledge representation and reasoning, description logics, the semantic web, explanation, and trust.