Homework 4: Make Something Interactive
In this assignment you will familiarize yourself
with a tool for creating interactive visual artifacts.
D3: Data-Driven Documents is an open-source JavaScript library
for manipulating
documents based on data. The website contains a huge and varied
collection of eye-catching and compelling examples.
First, explore some of the
on the D3 website. Download the
files, modify them, test out your changes, and start to read the
Brainstorm ideas for an interactive visual artifact. It doesn't
necessarily have to be a "visualization" in our strict definition. In
fact, you're welcome to be silly & possibly exemplify some of the "bad
visualization" traits we identified in class and in Homework #1,
such as pie charts, chart junk, etc.
Even if it's a silly example, you should still have a story or
purpose and a target audience for this visualization. Why is a
dynamic interaction beneficial for this task/data?
There are a variety of different types of "interaction" you may
include. For example, pop up text messages, data
hide/reveal/emphasize/restructure, font/size/color/transparency
change, etc.
On paper, draft a simple storyboard and/or wizard-of-oz this
interaction. Don't get too complicated, since this is a short
assignment. Scan or take photos of these drawings and include and
include them with your submission. Note: it's ok if you deviate from
or change your plan once you tackle implementation.
Implement that visualization artifact in D3. If your design was
overly-ambitious, focus on one or two features or interaction mechanisms
that are most interesting to you. You should do some coding for this
assignment, but you are encouraged to borrow from examples. Cite the
original D3 examples and source code for your work and give credit to the author(s).
Explain what work you have done to extend and/or combine work from
these sources.
Write a short review of the tool. How quick was the installation and
learning to use the tool? What resources were most useful? What
sorts of applications/datasets are most appropriate for this tool?
What are the limitations of this tool? What are some
suggestions/cautions to others who consider using this tool?
How to Submit
We will attempt to run your D3 artifact when grading the assignment.
So make sure you include all of the necessary files.
Include a .pdf report with instructions to use/demo the artifact.
You may include screenshots of the results in the .pdf.
Make sure the code you wrote is clearly labeled. And that code you
borrowed from others (with or without modification) is appropriately
labeled and cited.
Include your early storyboard/wizard-of-oz sketches in the .pdf.
Document how your design ideas changed as you progressed in the