Homework Assignments
There will be 8 homework assignments, which will be posted on
the Calendar. These assignments will be a
combination of 1) written problems of algorithm design and analysis
and proofs of computational complexity, and 2) programming assigments
exploring implementation and data processing challenges.
Collaboration Policy
We encourage you to discuss the assignments with other students in the
class. Please acknowledge your collaborators in your README.txt file.
However each student is responsible for writing up the assignment /
implementing the assignment on his/her own. You may assist each other
in debugging, but this should absolutely not involve sharing files or
"cutting and pasting" code. Likewise, consulting the assignment
solutions posted online or from other students is not allowed. You
may certainly use the internet as a resource for learning the
material, but you may not submit or "borrow from" solutions or code
found online. Please read
the Academic Integrity policy for
this course and speak with the instructor if you have any questions.
Homework Late Policy
Homework assignments are due on Thursday nights at 11:59pm on
Submitty. Submission times will be judged from the timestamp on the
web server. You may submit the assignment multiple times; we will
only grade your last submission. Each student will be given five
days (whole or partial) of grace for late homework assignments.
These grace days should be used carefully. At most three days may be used on a single homework. Once the late days have
been exhausted, late assignments will not be accepted without a
formal written excuse from the Dean of Students or Health Center.