recitation 10: symbols
* what's the difference between a string & a symbol?
- strings can have spaces
- symbols must be legal names (can't start with a number,
can't have spaces or some special characters)
- strings are used & printed inside of double quotes
- symbols print without quotes
* why do we need both?
- by using symbols we can make things that print out like
valid scheme expressions
Evaluation - give printed value (or unspecified, error, or
procedure where appropriate). Assume x is bound to 5.
'3 => 3
'x => 3
''x => (quote x)
(quote (3 4)) => (3 4)
('+ 3 4) => ERROR, the symbol + is not applicable
(if '(= x 0) 7 8) => 7
(eq? 'x 'X) => #t
(eq? (list 1 2) (list 1 2)) => #f
(equal? (list 1 2) (list 1 2)) => #t
(quote 1 2 3) => ERROR, incorrect number of subexpressions to quote
(quote (list (list 1 2))) => (list (list 1 2))
(list (quote (list 1 2))) => ((list 1 2))
(car (quote (list))) => list
(cadr '(+ (* 1 2) (/ 8 4))) => (* 1 2)
(map car (list '(3) '(4) '(5))) => (3 4 5)
(filter pair? '(a (b c d) e (f) (g h))) => ((b c d) (f) (g h))
(cons 'a '(b c d)) => (a b c d)
(append 'a '(b c d)) => ERROR, both args to append should be lists
(quote '(b c d)) => (b c d)
(cons 'a '(b)) => (a b)
(cons '(a) '(b)) => ((a) b)
(list 'a 'b) => (a b)
(list '(a) '(b)) => ((a) (b))
(append '(a) '(b)) => (a b)
(car ''a) => quote
eq? returns true if the two things _are_ the same
(don't use with strings or numbers)
equal? returns true if the two things print out the same
Write (member elt lst) that returns #f if elt is not in the list and
returns the tail of the list starting with the first occurence of the
element otherwise. elt might be a list!
(member '(apple pear) '(x (apple sauce) y apple pear))
=> #f
(member '(apple sauce) '(x (apple sauce) y apple pear))
=> ((apple sauce) y apple pear)
(define (member elt lst)
(cond ((null? lst) #f)
((equal? elt (car lst)) lst)
(else (member elt (cdr lst)))))
Write (occurrences elt lst) that returns the number of times elt
appears in the list. elt might be a list!
(define (occurrences elt lst)
(let ((tmp (member elt lst)))
(if (null? tmp)
(+ 1 (occurrences elt (cdr tmp))))))
(occurrences 'b '(a b c d a b c d)) => 2
(occurrences 'e '(a b c d a b c d)) => 0
A tree is a list of lists. Write (tree-occurrences sym tree) that
returns the number of times the symbol sym appears in the tree.
(define (tree-occurrences sym tree)
(cond ((null? tree) 0)
((pair? tree) (+ (tree-occurrences sym (car tree))
(tree-occurrences sym (cdr tree))))
((eq? sym tree) 1)
(else 0)))
(tree-occurrences 'a '((a b c) (d e f) (a b a))) => 3
(tree-occurrences 'a '((a b c))) => 1
(tree-occurrences 'd '((a b c))) => 0
Using eq? write the function tree-equal? that takes two trees of
symbols and returns true if the same symbols are arranged in the same
(tree-equal? '(this is a list) '(this is a list))
;Value: #t
(tree-equal? '(this (is a) list) '(this (is a) list))
;Value: #t
(tree-equal? '(this is a list) '(this (is a) list))
;Value: #f
(define (tree-equal? tree1 tree2)
(cond ((and (null? tree1) (null? tree2)) #t)
((and (symbol? tree1) (symbol? tree2)) (eq? tree1 tree2))
((and (pair? tree1) (pair? tree2))
(and (tree-equal? (car tree1) (car tree2))
(tree-equal? (cdr tree1) (cdr tree2))))
(else #f)))