recitation 4: recursive & iterative processes, order of growth

How to identify recursive & iterative processes:           recursive   |iterative process
                                                            process    | (tail recursive)
by staring at code:                                    ---------------------------------
  * is there a RECURSIVE CALL?                         |     yes       |     yes       |
    (it may be indirect)                               |               |               |
  * is there something "wrapped" around                |     yes       |     no        |
    the recursive call? (deferred operations)          |               |               |
  * is there a variable that stores                    |     no        |     often     |
    the INTERMEDIATE RESULT?                           |               |               |
  * is there a COUNTER variable?                       |     yes       |     yes       |
                                                       |               |               |
  * are there helper functions (often needed           |     no        |     often     |
    to keep track of these other variables)            |               |               |
by putting an example through the                      ---------------------------------
substitution model:                                    |     wide      |    narrow     |
  * what is the "shape" of the rewrites?               |     long      |     long      |
by analysis of space and time (order of growth):       ---------------------------------
  * space -- width of the substitution model           |   not O(1)    |     O(1)      |
    (characters have to be stored somewhere... )       |               |               |
  * time -- length of substitutions                    |   anything    |   anything    |
    (each simplification/rewrite takes 1 unit of time) |               | (same as rec) |
why do we care more about orders of growth than absolute running time?
  * scalability:  sure it works for a small test case, but what about real inputs?

                      n      foo-a           foo-b        foo-c
                     10      10 u-sec        5 u-sec      1 u-sec
                     20      13 u-sec        10 u-sec     8 u-sec
                     30      15 u-sec        15 u-sec     27 u-sec
                    100      20 u-sec        50 u-sec     1000 u-sec
                   1000      30 u-sec        500 u-sec    1,000,000 u-sec

exact formula:     f(n)      10*(log_10 n)   0.5*n        0.01*n^3

asymptotic bounds: R(n)      Theta(log n)    Theta(n)     Theta(n^k)

  we can find constants k1 & k2 such that  k1*f(n) <= R(n) <= k2*f(n)

Common Orders of Growth:                                give an example for each

O(1):  CONSTANT            [e.g., compute quadratic root ]
  not recursive/iterative  

O(log n):  LOGARYTHMIC  
  new x  =  x / k          [e.g., dictionary lookup, binary search ]

O(n):  LINEAR  
  new x  =  x - k          [e.g., sum up a list ]   

O(n log n):                [e.g., sorting ]
  for each element,  do log(n) work 

O(n^2)/O(n^k):  POLYNOMIAL [e.g., n x n matrix/image, distance between cities ]
  for each element, look at every other element

O(k^n):  EXPONENTIAL       [e.g., fibonacci, playing chess ]
  branching trace

Write a procedure (divisible? n x) which returns #t if n is divisible
by x, that runs in O(n) time and O(1) space.

; assumes n & x are non-negative integers
(define (divisible? n x)
  (cond ((= n 0) #t)
	((< n x) #f)
	(else (divisible? (- n x) x))))

Write a procedure (prime? n) which returns #t if n is prime and #f
otherwise.  What's the order of growth in space & time?

; assumes n is an integer > 1
(define (prime? n)
  (define (prime-helper n x)
    (cond ((= x 1) #t)
	  ((divisible? n x) #f)
	  (else (prime-helper n (- x 1)))))
  (prime-helper n (- n 1)))

what's the order of growth in space & time?  recursive or iterative?  write the other!  

(define (bar a b)
  (bar-helper 0 a b))
(define (bar-helper c a b)
  (if (> a b)
      (bar-helper (+ c a) (+ a 1) b)))

it's iterative,  O(1) space,  O(n) space

the recursive version:
(define (bar-rec a b)
  (if (< a b) 0
      (+ a (bar-rec (+ a 1) b))))

(define (foo x)
  (if (< x 1) 0
      ((if (even? x) * +) x (foo (- x 1)))))

(foo 5)
(+ 5 (foo 4))
(+ 5 (* 4 (foo 3)))
(+ 5 (* 4 (+ 3 (foo 2))))
(+ 5 (* 4 (+ 3 (* 2 (foo 1)))))
(+ 5 (* 4 (+ 3 (* 2 (+ 1 (foo 0))))))
(+ 5 (* 4 (+ 3 (* 2 (+ 1 0)))))
(+ 5 (* 4 (+ 3 (* 2 1))))
(+ 5 (* 4 (+ 3 2)))
(+ 5 (* 4 5))
(+ 5 20)

it's recursive,  O(n) space,  O(n) space

the iterative version:
(define (foo-iter x)
  (define (foo-iter-helper orig-x x answer)
    (if (> x orig-x) answer
	(foo-iter-helper orig-x 
			 (+ x 1) 
			 ((if (even? x) * +) x answer))))
  (foo-iter-helper x 1 0))

(foo-iter 5)
(foo-iter-helper 5 1 0)
(foo-iter-helper 5 2 (+ 1 0))
(foo-iter-helper 5 2 1)
(foo-iter-helper 5 3 (* 2 1))
(foo-iter-helper 5 3 2)
(foo-iter-helper 5 4 (+ 3 2))
(foo-iter-helper 5 4 5)
(foo-iter-helper 5 5 (* 4 5))
(foo-iter-helper 5 5 20)
(foo-iter-helper 5 6 (+ 5 20))
(foo-iter-helper 5 6 25)

(define (find-e n) 
  (if (= n 0) 1 
      (+ (/ (fact n)) (find-e (- n 1)))))