Data Structures and Algorithms -- CSci 230
Chapter 9 -- Graphs and Graph Algorithms
- We will cover up through section 9.6, skipping Section 9.4.
- Graphs are used to model and solve problems in a variety of
domains, including networking and routing, scheduling, optimization.
- A graph G = (V,E) consists of a set of vertices, V, and a
set of edges, E. Each edge in
is a pair, e = (u,v),
(or, more succinctly,
- In practice, the vertices and edges will have
attributes and meanings associated with them. These would be stored
in a class object defined for vertices and a class object defined
for edges.
- We will define a variety of terms in class:
- Directed and undirected graphs.
- Subgraphs.
- Edge weights.
- Paths, simple paths, and path lengths.
- Cycles.
- Acyclic graphs and directed acyclic graphs.
- Connected graphs.
- Strongly and weakly connected (directed) graphs.
- Complete graphs.
- Trees.
- Notions to remember and conventions we will use in drawing and
discussing graphs:
- Vertices will be ``labeled'' from 1 to |V| (or from 0 to
|V|-1), and drawn as circles with numbers inside them.
- Weighted edges will be drawn with numbers on them indicating
their weights. Directed edges will be drawn with arrows, undirected
edges without arrows.
- Except in special situations, there is no spatial information
associated with a graph, and the numbering of vertices is arbitrary.
Therefore, the same graph can be drawn and labeled in many different
ways. (In some applications there will be x,y coordinates associated
with graph vertices.)
Graph representations
- Adjacency lists.
- Adjacency matrices.
- 1.
- For each graph shown,
- (a)
- give the adjacency list representation,
- (b)
- give the adjacency matrix representation,
- (c)
- tell if the graph is connected, and
- (d)
- find the longest cycle.
Shortest Path Problems -- Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Problem: Given a directed graph G=(V,E), such that
there is a positive weight associated with each edge, and given a
, for each
, find the path with the least
weight (the ``shortest path'') from v0 to v.
- This problem has many applications.
- Here is a graph we will use to study the problem:
- Dijkstra's algorithm is an example of a Greedy algorithm.
To help make the algorithm more understandable, here is a substantial
revision of the author's code. Assume that in the graph, V is an
array of vertices (type Vertex
). Each vertex will store a list
of its edges, and each edge will represented by a vertex index and a
weight in the following structure
struct AdjVertex
int W; // index of the neighboring vertex
float Weight; // edge weight
Next, as discussed in outlining the algorithm, a certain amount of
additional information for each vertex, specific to Dijkstra's
algorithm rather than to a general graph, must be stored in an
auxiliary PathTable
. Here is a structure to store this
struct PathTableEntry
bool PathKnown; // has the shortest path been found?
float Distance; // length of current shortest path
int PathPred; // predecessor on the shortest path
Now, here is a function to initialize the PathTable
for a given
InitTable( int StartVertex, const Graph& G,
PathTableEntry T[] ) // assumes the table is pre-allocated
for ( int i=0; i<G.NumVertices(); i++ ) {
T[i].PathKnown = false;
T[i].Distance = Infinity; // assume this is defined
T[i].PathPred = -1;
T[StartVertex].Distance = 0;
Finally, here is the algorithm
Dijkstra( int StartVertex, const Graph& G,
PathTableEntry T[] )
InitTable( StartVertex, G, T );
int V;
AdjVertex Nbr;
for( ; ; )
V = MinimumUnknown( G, T );
if( V == -1 ) break;
T[V].PathKnown = true;
for each Nbr in V.Edges() {
if( !T[Nbr.W].PathKnown &&
T[V].Distance + Nbr.Weight < T[Nbr.W].Distance )
// Update TableEntry for Nbr.W
DecreaseWeight( Nbr.W, V, T[V].Distance + Nbr.Weight );
T[Nbr.W].PathPred = V;
- The functions
and DecreaseWeight
and the method for extracting an actual path once the algorithm is
completed will be discussed in class.
- After working through the exercises, we will prove that the
algorithm is correct.
- 1.
- Simulate Dijkstra's algorithm on the following graph. (Assume 2 is
the start vertex.) Each edge is specified by two numbers in the
adjacency list: the adjacent vertex
, and the Weight
(distance or cost) of the edge. These are the two member variables in
struct AdjVertex
. Thus,
for example, vertex 3 has two outgoing edges: (1,4)
goes to
vertex 1 with a weight of 4, and (4,8)
goes to vertex 4 with
a weight of 8.
1: (2,2), (3,2), (4,1), (5,7)
2: (1,3), (3,1), (4,5)
3: (1,4), (4,8)
4: (5,2)
5: (3,9)
- 2.
- The most important part of the algorithm left unspecified is the
MinimumUnknown( G, T )
in the line
V = MinimumUnknown( G, T );
As discussed in class, this function should find the vertex having the
smallest distance among the vertices with !PathKnown
There are several ways to implement MinimumUnknown( G, T )
- (a)
- As simply a linear search through
to find the vertex with the
smallest distance having PathKnown == false
. What is the overall
worst case complexity of the algorithm in this case?
- (b)
- Using a priority queue (or a binary heap) to store the
of the vertices with PathKnown == false
- i.
- What crucial operations are needed on the binary heap data
structure to implement this?
- ii.
- Which should occur in
and which occur in
- iii.
- What is the overall worst case complexity of the algorithm when
using a priority queue?
- 3.
- Dijkstra's algorithm can be made more efficient in two special cases:
when the edge distances are all the same, and when the graph is
acyclic. Outline modifications to the algorithm for each of these
cases and find the worst-case complexity of the resulting algorithm in
each case.
- 4.
- In a C++ implementation, Dijkstra's algorithm could be a class
object. This object would accept a graph and a start vertex as input
to its constructor, it should run the actual algorithm, and then it
should answer questions about the results, such as the shortest path
to a particular vertex and the length of certain paths.
- (a)
- Outline the private structures and member variables this class
should define.
- (b)
- Outline the public and private member functions this class
should define.
Minimum Spanning Trees -- Prim's Algorithm
- Definition: Given an undirected graph, G=(V,E), a
spanning tree T=(VT,ET) is a subgraph of G such that VT=V and
T is a tree.
- Definition: If there are costs (weights or distances)
associated with the edges in G, a minimim spanning tree (MST)
is a spanning tree where the sum of the weights in ET is minimal.
- In the following, the left shows a graph and the right shows
one of its minimum spanning trees.
- Minimum spanning trees are not necessarily unique.
- There are two algorithms in the text, one is Prim's and the
other is Kruskal's. You are only responsible for Prim's algorithm.
- Here is an outline of Prim's algorithm:
- 1.
- Starting from an empty tree, T, pick a vertex, v0, at random and
. - 2.
- Find a vertex,
, such that v has the smallest weight
edge (u,v) joining it to a vertex
. In other words, of
all edges (u',v') such that
, none
has a smaller weight than (u,v).
- 3.
- Add v to VT and (u,v) to ET.
- 4.
- Repeat until VT = V.
- 1.
- Use the outline of Prim's algorithm to find a MST in the
following graph. Just mark the vertices and edges that will be in
your MST.
- 2.
- Prim's algorithm can be implemented by making a few minor
modifications to Dijkstra's. What are these modifications?
- 3.
- What is the complexity of Prim's algorithm? What is the
complexity in the special case that all edges have the same weight?
Topological Sort
- Definition: A topological sort of the nodes of a
directed graph, G=(V,E), is an ordering of the vertices in V such
that for any pair of distinct vertices, vi and vj, if there is a
path in G from vi to vj then vi must occur before vj in
the ordering.
- The algorithm is based on the notion of the ``indegree'' of a
vertex. We will go over the idea with an example in class.
Here is a modified version of the author's pseudo-code for the
algorithm. The code assumes there is a Vertex
class object for
each vertex which stores the InDegree
and TopNum
. The
code also assumes the InDegree
has been precomputed for each
Topsort( Graph& G )
unsigned int counter = 0;
Vertex v, w;
queue<Vertex> Q;
for each vertex v in G {
if( v.InDegree == 0 )
Q.push( v );
while( !Q.empty( ) ) {
v = Q.front( );
v.TopNum = ++counter;
for each Vertex w adjacent to v {
if( --w.InDegree == 0 )
Q.push( w );
if( counter < G.Num_Vertex() )
Error( "Graph has a cycle" );
- 1.
- Give the
value assigned to the vertices in
the following graphs. Each graph is represented by an adjacency list,
where numbers appearing after a ``:'' indicate directed edges in the digraph.
For example, 3: 2, 8
means there is a directed edge from vertex
3 to vertex 2 and a directed edge from vertex 3 to vertex 8.
Graph 1
2: 1
3: 2, 8
4: 5, 6
5: 3, 6, 7
6: 3
7: 2, 1
8: 1
Graph 2
1: 5
2: 1
3: 1, 2
4: 1
5: 2, 7
6: 1, 3, 4
- 2.
- Suppose
was a stack instead of a queue in Topsort
Would the algorithm still work? Do you prefer this solution?
- 3.
- What is the time complexity of
? Justify your answer.
- 4.
- This exercise explores some implementation details.
- (a)
- Provide a declaration for the class
- (b)
and TopNum
shouldn't be public member
variables of class Vertex
, yet the pseudo-code makes them
appear to be. How should this apparent conflict be resolved?
- (c)
- In what type of data structure should these vertices be stored?
- (d)
- Write an efficient algorithm to compute
for each
- (e)
- Does the
need to store Vertex
class objects?
What is the cost of doing so? What else might it store?
Depth-First Search and Breadth-First Search
- Many graph algorithms depend on Depth-First Search (DFS) or
Breadth-First Search (BFS) as a major step to compute graph properties
and organize graph vertices for further computation.
- Here is the basic DFS algorithm, defined recursively. It just
marks a vertex as ``visited'' by setting the value of a boolean class
member variable. (An initialization step before the call to DFS sets
for each vertex.) Algorithms built on DFS
enhance the step of marking a vertex as visited with more substantial
DFS( Vertex& V )
V.Visited = true;
for each W adjacent to V
if ( ! W.Visited ) DFS(W);
This algorithm requires O( |V| + |E| ) time.
- Here is the basic BFS algorithm. It is non-recursive.
BFS( Vertex& V )
V.Visited = true;
queue<Vertex> q;
q.push( V );
while ( !q.empty() ) {
W = q.front(); q.pop();
for each U adjacent to W
if ( ! U.Visited ) {
U.Visited = true;
q.push( U );
This algorithm also requires O( |V| + |E| ) time.
- 1.
- In BFS, why are
and U
marked as visited before
pushing them onto the queue instead of afterwards?
- 2.
- How can BFS be turned into a non-recursive version of DFS?
- 3.
- How can BFS or DFS be used to determine if an undirected graph,
G, is connected and to find its connected components? In
particular, write a DFS algorithm to label the connected components in
G. Each vertex in a given connected component should have the same
label (e.g. a positive integer), which is different from the labels of
the vertices in other connected components. You will need to modify
DFS and write an outer function that repeatedly calls DFS.
Finding Articulation Points
- Definition: An articulation point of a
connected, undirected graph, G, is a vertex whose removal makes G
- Designing the algorithm will require
- defining tree edges and back edges
- defining
and v.Low
, which can be implemented as
member variables in the Vertex
class or in a subclass of
specific for use in the articulation point algorithm.
- Here is a graph numbered according to a depth-first traversal
(left) and its edges redrawn (right) to distinguish tree edges and back
edges. It will be used in class to describe the articulation points
- Here is the pseudo-code for the recursive version of the
algorithm. It is assumed that the original graph is connected
(checking is trivial) and that the algorithm returns a list of
articulation points:
// Counter is global and initialized to 1.
// Parent is the parent of a vertex in the DFS tree
Find_Art( Vertex & V, list<Vertex> & art_points )
V.Visited = true;
V.Low = V.Num = Count++; // Rule 1.
for each vertex W adjacent to V
if( ! W.Visited ) // Forward edge.
W.Parent = V;
Find_Art( W, art_points );
if( W.Low >= V.Num ) art_points.push(V);
V.Low = Min( V.Low, W.Low ); // Rule 3.
else if( V.Parent != W ) // Back edge.
V.Low = Min( V.Low, W.Num ); // Rule 2.
- 1.
- What is the output of the
for the following graph?
Assume A
is the first node visited. Also, show the values of
and Low
for each node of the graph. Note that
letters are used as vertex labels instead of numbers to help avoid
confusion in hand-simulating the algorithm.
A: B, C
B: A, D
C: A, D, E, F
D: B, C
E: C, I
F: C, G, H
G: F, H
H: F, G
I: E
- 2.
- Actually, the
algorithm is not completely correct, as
you might have discovered: it does not handle the root of the DFS
tree properly. Augment the code to correctly decide if the root is an
articulation point.
Review Problems:
This is a short set of problems which is not comprehensive. Rework
the problems in the notes for more complete review.
- 1.
- Dijsktra's algorithm computes the shortest length (minimum cost)
path from a starting vertex to each of the other vertices in a graph.
There may, however, be more than one shortest path. Explain in words,
not in pseudocode, how to modify Dijkstra's algorithm to produce a
count of the number of shortest length paths from the start vertex to
each of the other vertices.
- 2.
- Dijsktra's algorithm computes the shortest length (minimum cost)
path from a starting vertex to each of the other vertices in a graph.
There may be, however, more than one shortest path. Suppose that
among these equal distance shortest paths, you wanted the algorithm to
pick the path having the fewest edges. Explain carefully in words,
not in pseudocode, how to modify Dijkstra's algorithm to do this.
- 3.
- (a)
- Find a topological sort of the following directed acyclic graph.
You need only list the vertices in order, although showing your work
will help earn partial credit if you make a mistake.
- (b)
- This graph has more than one topological sort. Briefly describe
the general structure of directed acyclic graphs that have exactly one
topological sort.
Charles Stewart