Data Structures and Algorithms -- CSci 230
Chapter 7 -- Sorting
- We will cover Sections 7.1-7.3 and 7.5-7.7.
- The focus of the discussion will be Quick Sort in
Section 7.7
- All of the algorithms will be described as sorting an array with
values in locations to n-1 into ascending order .
Sorting algorithms already covered
- Insertion Sort , covered in the Chapter 2 notes, is an
O(n2) worst-case time sort. What happens, however, when the list
is nearly sorted?
- Merge sort , covered in the Chapter 1 notes and review
problems, is an
worst-case time sort. It incurs a
substantial overhead due to recopying the array after the merge step.
When applying (a modified) Merge Sort to sorting a linked list,
recopying is not necessary.
Heap Sort
- We developed the basic algorithm using Build_Heap and
Delete_Min in Lab 8.
- It is easy to see that this is an
- Several implementation details differ from the implementation in
the lab:
- Heap ordering places the maximum value at the root
(location 0 of the array).
- The first ``deleted'' item is placed in sorted position at the
end of the array by swapping the value in location n-1 with the
value at the root (which is at location ) and then running
Percolate_Down assuming there are n-1 values in the heap.
- This is repeated n-1 times: at iteration i the root value
is swapped with the value at location n-i-1 prior to running
Percolate_Down assuming there are n-i-1 values in the heap.
Hand simulate several iterations of Insertion Sort ,
Merge Sort and Heap Sort on the following array
1c0 |
1c1 |
1c2 |
1c3 |
1c4 |
1c5 |
1c6 |
1c7 |
1c8 |
1c9 |
9.5 |
3.5 |
9.1 |
14.4 |
8.7 |
17.8 |
6.4 |
9.3 |
7.5 |
1.9 |
Quick Sort -- basic version
- Quick Sort is the fastest known sorting algorithm on average for
arbitrary data.
- We will examine several versions.
- In the basic version, an element of the array is chosen as a
pivot , and the remaining elements are partitioned into
those less than the pivot and those greater. These two partitions are
then sorted recursively.
- This idea is realized in the attached C++ code.
- 1.
- Hand simulate B_Q_Sort on the array
1c0 |
1c1 |
1c2 |
1c3 |
1c4 |
1c5 |
1c6 |
1c7 |
1c8 |
1c9 |
9.5 |
3.5 |
9.1 |
14.4 |
8.7 |
17.8 |
6.4 |
9.3 |
7.5 |
1.9 |
up until the first recursive calls are made. What are these recursive
- 2.
- In the function B_Q_Sort, suppose we replaced the
inner two
loops with the statements
while( A[ i ] < Pivot ) i++;
while( A[ j ] > Pivot ) j--;
Would the function still work properly? As a hint, suppose all values
from A[Left]
to A[Right]
are equal.
Analysis of Quick Sort
Analyze the worst-case for T(n). First try to do this based on
intuition and then more carefully. What condition of array A
causes this?
Median-of-Three Quick Sort
- The worst-case behavior of Quick Sort can be made extremely
rare, but not entirely eliminated, by different strategies for
selecting the pivot:
- choosing the pivot location randomly,
- choosing the median of the left, middle and right values in
the interval to be sorted.
We will discuss the second in detail.
- Further speed enhancements may be obtained by stopping Quick
Sort when the size of the interval is too small and then running
Insertion Sort to bring array into final sorted order.
- These improvements are realized in the
function attached to the notes.
- 1.
- Hand simulate
with Left=0
on the following array. What are the recursive calls?
Stop your simulation after identifying the recursive calls.
1c0 |
1c1 |
1c2 |
1c3 |
1c4 |
1c5 |
1c6 |
1c7 |
1c8 |
1c9 |
1c10 |
1c11 |
1c12 |
1c13 |
1c14 |
90.1 |
16.2 |
50.5 |
40.7 |
15.0 |
89.7 |
36.8 |
3.0 |
14.2 |
30.9 |
28.6 |
50.1 |
32.3 |
21.1 |
27.5 |
- 2.
- Why does
use i
to swap at the end (with
) whereas B_Q_Sort
uses j
to swap at the
end (with Left
- 3.
- How would you modify
to make it non-recursive?
Quick Select
- Some problems in statistics require finding the median or the
kth ordered element of an array.
- The simplest thing to do would be to sort the array and just
take the kth.
- Improved speed may be obtained by modifying Quick Sort to
concentrate only on the partition that must contain the kth
element. This results in an algorithm called ``Quick Select'', which
runs in average case time O(n).
- After looking at the code for Quick Select we will compare
various algorithms experimentally.
Review Problems
- 1.
- The second version quick sort discussed in class uses the
median-of-three technique to find the pivot and does not continue
sorting when the length of the sublist (the difference between
and Left
is less than Cutoff
). After this
algorithm completes, insertion sort is run over the resulting array to
bring the values into their final sorted position. What
is the worst-case time required by insertion sort in this case?
Justify your answer.
- 2.
- Here is a slightly different version of the Quick Select
algorithm, which is much closer to the original version of Quick
Sort. At the end of the function (including all recursive calls), the
desired value will be in the kth location of the array.
Q_Select_One ( int A[ ], const int k, const int Left, const int Right )
if( Left < Right ) {
int Pivot = A [Left];
unsigned int i = Left, j = Right + 1;
for( ; ; ) {
while( A[ ++i ] < Pivot && i<Right );
while( A[ --j ] > Pivot );
if( i < j )
Swap( A[ i ], A[ j ] );
Swap( A[ j ], A[ Left ] ); // Move pivot to sorted position.
if( k < j ) Q_Select_One( A, k, Left, j-1 );
else if( k > j ) Q_Select_One( A, k, j+1, Right );
- (a)
- Assume the original call is made to this function with
Q_Select_One( A, 3, 0, 8)
with the following contents of A
1c0 |
1c1 |
1c2 |
1c3 |
1c4 |
1c5 |
1c6 |
1c7 |
1c8 |
14 |
24 |
8 |
16 |
32 |
71 |
26 |
25 |
12 |
Show the contents of A
near the end of the code, just
before entering the conditional to check if a recursive call should be
made. What recursive call, if any, is made?
- (b)
- What is the worst-case number of comparisons in
as a function of both n and k, where n is
the value of Right-Left+1
in the first call? When does this
- 3.
- Solve the Quick Sort recursive function
T(n) = T(k) + T(n-k-1) + n-1
to yield a non-recursive form when k=1. Assume that T(0) = T(1)=0
and T(2)=2. You may assume that n is even.
Charles Stewart