Data Structures and Algorithms -- CSci 230
Chapter 6 -- Priority Queues
- We will cover up through section 6.7.
- The focus of the discussion will be the implementation of a priority
queue as a binary heap or as a leftist heap .
- Priority queues are used in prioritizing operations. Examples
include jobs on a shop floor, packet routing in a network, scheduling
in an operating system, or events in a simulation.
- Each item is stored in a priority queue using an associated
- The main operations are insert and
delete_min (or delete_max , depending on the
organization of the priority queue).
- Binary heaps , which can be implemented in an array and
without pointers(!), allow these operations to be completed in
worst-case time, with constant average time for insert , and
O(n) time for construction.
- Exercise: How do these times compare
to those of ordinary queues, balanced binary search trees, and hash
- Leftist heaps require
worst-case and
average-case time for insert and delete. Two leftist heaps can be
merged in
time, whereas merging two binary heaps requires O(n)
Binary Heaps
- Definition: A binary heap is a complete binary tree
such that at each internal node, p, the value stored is less than the
value stored at either of p's children.
- Binary heaps will be drawn as binary trees, but implemented in
arrays !
- Alternatively, the heap could be organized such that the value
stored at each internal node is greater than the value at its
- The delete_min operation, which will be discussed in
detail in class, depends heavily on the
function. This function is written here in terms of tree nodes with
child pointers, but later it will be written in terms of array
Percolate_Down( node * T )
while ( T->Left != NULL ) {
if ( T->Right != NULL
&& T->Right->Element < T->Left->Element )
child = T->Right;
child = T->Left;
if ( child->Element < T->Element ) {
swap(child->Element, T->Element);
T = child;
- The insert operation, which will be discussed in detail
in class, depends heavily on the
function. It assumes each node has a pointer to its parent.
Percolate_Up( node * T )
while ( T->Parent != NULL ) {
if ( T->Element < T->Parent->Element ) {
swap(T->Parent->Element, T->Element);
T = T->Parent;
- Both delete_min and insert are
the worst-case, but insert is O(1) in the average case.
- 1.
- Suppose the following operations are applied to an initially
empty binary heap of integers. Show the resulting heap after each
operation. (Remember, the tree must be
insert 5, insert 3, insert 8, insert 10, insert 1, insert 6,
insert 14, insert 2, insert 4, insert 7,
Array implementation
- Number the nodes in the tree top to bottom and left to right,
starting with 1. Place the values in an array, starting with
subscript 1.
- For each subscript, i,
- The parent, if it exists, is at location
. - The left child, if it exists, is at location 2i.
- The right child, if it exists, is at location 2i+1.
- We will go over the author's code, in detail, in class. We will
fix a number of problems and limitations in lab.
- The standard library (STL)
is implemented
as a binary heap.
- 1.
- What are some of the limitations of the author's code? What
might you do differently? We will investigate these issues thoroughly
in lab.
- 2.
- Suppose we used locations 0 through n-1 as the heap locations
instead of 1 through n. For a value at location i, what are the
array locations of its parent, its left child and its right child?
Build Heap
- 1.
- Consider the following list of values stored in locations 1 through 10
of an array.
10, 6, 12, 18, 5, 9, 7, 2, 4, 3
Show the contents of the array after Build_Heap
Leftist Heaps
- Goal is to be able to merge two heaps in
time, where
n is the number of values stored in the larger of the two heaps.
- Definition: The null path length (NPL) of a tree
node is the length of the shortest path to a node with 0 children or 1
child. The NPL of a leaf is 0. The NPL of a NULL pointer is -1.
- Definition: A leftist tree is a binary tree
where at each node the null path length of the left child is greater
than or equal to the null path length of the right child.
- Definition: The right path of a node (e.g. the
root) is obtained by following right children until a NULL child is
- In a leftist tree, the right path of a node is at least as
short as any other path to a NULL child.
- Theorem: A leftist tree with r>0 nodes on its right
path has at least 2r-1 nodes.
- We will prove this in class by induction on r.
- Corollary: A leftist tree with n nodes has a right
path length of at most
- Definition: A leftist heap is a leftist tree
where the value stored at any node is less than or equal to the value
stored at either of its children.
Leftist Heap Operations
- The
and delete_min
operations will depend
on the merge
- Fundamental idea of merge: given two leftist heaps, with
and h2
pointers to their root nodes, and with
h1->Element <= h2->Element
, recursively merge h1->Right
with h2
, making the resulting heap h1->Right
- A simple trick is required to preserve the leftist property.
time, where m and
n are the numbers of nodes stored in the two heaps, because it
works on the right path at all times.
- We will examine the author's code for
in class.
// Here are the two functions used to implement leftist
// heap merge operations. Class "Left_Node" is a
// normal tree node augmented with a member variable
// "Npl" to record the minimum null path length from a
// node.
// Function Merge is the driver. Function Merge1 does
// most of the work. These functions call each other
// recursively.
template <class Etype>
Left_Node<Etype> *
Merge( Left_Node<Etype> *H1, Left_Node<Etype> *H2 )
if( H1 == NULL )
return H2;
if( H2 == NULL )
return H1;
if( H2->Element > H1->Element )
return Merge1( H1, H2 );
return( Merge1( H2, H1 ) );
template <class Etype>
Left_Node<Etype> *
Merge1( Left_Node<Etype> *H1, Left_Node<Etype> *H2 )
if( H1->Left == NULL ) // Single node.
H1->Left = H2;
H1->Right = Merge( H1->Right, H2 );
if( H1->Left->Npl < H1->Right->Npl )
Swap( H1->Left, H1->Right );
H1->Npl = H1->Right->Npl + 1;
return H1;
- 1.
- How can
be used to implement insert
? Write pseudo-code to solve implement these.
- 2.
- Show the state of a leftist heap at the end of
insert 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
insert 7, 8
Review Problems
- 1.
- Consider a binary heap, implemented, of course, as an array.
Write a function to delete the element stored at location
the heap. Assume that functions Percolate_Down
exist, with prototypes
void Percolate_Down( ElementType * heap, int size, int i);
void Percolate_Up( ElementType * heap, int size, int i);
where heap
is the array of elements, and size
is the
current number of elements. Assume that i
is correctly given
to you, i.e., assume 1 <= i <= size
Start from the following prototype
void Delete( ElementType * heap, int & size, int i);
- 2.
- Consider a priority queue implemented as a
heap. The heap is implemented using a vector, and it contains n values
stored in subscript locations 1 through n. Assume it is a
``max heap'', so that the largest value is stored in subscript
location 1.
- (a)
- What are the possible subscript locations for the third largest
value in the heap (assuming all values are distinct)?
- (b)
- What is the range of possible subscript locations for the
smallest value in the heap (again assuming all values are distinct)?
- (c)
- What is the worst-case time complexity required to find the
minimum value in the heap?
- 3.
- Given an empty binary heap of integers, show the structure of
the binary heap after the values 5, 2, 4, 6, 7, 1, 8 are
inserted into it. (Note, you are not being asked to simulate the
function.) Then show the heap after the minimum
value is removed. You may show the heap as a tree rather
than as an array. The heap is ordered so that the minimum value is at
the root.
- 4.
- Suppose you are given a pointer,
, to the root of a
leftist heap of floating point values. Suppose you are also given a
pointer, P
, to a particular node in the leftist heap. Assume
each Leftist
node has the structure
struct Leftist {
float Value;
Leftist *Parent, *Left, *Right;
int Npl; // the null path length
You may assume the existence of a merge function with the following
Leftist* Merge( Leftist* t1_root, Leftist* t2_root )
which merges two leftist heaps, updates the null path lengths as
necessary, and returns a pointer to the root of the resulting leftist
- (a)
- Write a function to remove the node pointed to by
. The
function should be as efficient as possible.
Here is the prototype:
void LeftistRemove( Leftist* & Root, Leftist* & P )
- (b)
- What is the worst-case time required by the function? Assume
N is the number of nodes in the entire tree. Explain briefly, but
Charles Stewart